The end of this cycle has arrived. It brought both good news and some unfortunate surprises… check them out.
Has a summer cycle, not the best growing parameters were possible. Given the chance, both TC4 and TC6 would require a bit more to reach their peak point of maturation. They were harvested on day 68 .
TC1 could be harvested by day 66, although ended up giving her a couple more days as I planned to harvest the whole tent by day 68, due to heat.
She’s all garlic and chives, pungent but not too reeking. Not quite the profile I fancy the most, but she could be a delight to some. Curious to test her on the mighty, never had such a defined onion/garlic type of aroma around.
It has a nice structure with stacked bracts of decent size, though overall in comparison with her sibs it’s nothing to rave too much about.
Thai Chi 4 … that was sad. It was the one I was looking forward to the most (the sour pineapple incense one, fuck!) but it went south during the last 4 days… throwing male flowers ubiquitously. This was after I switched down the the LED panel from 100% to 60% during the last few days, to allow them to mature a bit further without producing too much heat, as it was being detrimental. I sense there’s a connection here, but future cycles will be required to clear that out.
Since her profile really had me mesmerized I will give her future chances. with better growing conditions, but the susceptibility is there. (No other sibling responded the same)
She has a nice structure and could have gone a week or maybe even two longer. I think she would have swell up, in a similar way to that of #5. She switched her tones starting on day 40+ and turned out pretty dark. I predict that she would have become fully dark purple if allowed to mature properly as clearly she wasn’t done. We’ll see if I can finish her decently next time without both the presence of too much heat and the intersex trait expressing.
Thai Chi 5 . She’s has the looks. And she feels superior to her sibs on most traits: aroma, structure and yield.
Has a similar profile to #2 in terms of quality, that chieves/onion scent but now with more fruity and sweet juicy notes and a stronger woody base. In quantitative terms, her aroma is the most intense, and second to none in this cycle, so is her yield. The structural traits can be readily seen, though you’ll have to believe me when I tell you the aroma either matches or surpasses her looks.
Though she could have gone a couple days longer, I feel she’s pretty much ready by day 67.
Fat bracted girls, enough said.!
TC6 is the narrow leaf queen of the show. Lanky, super thin leaves, irregular and profuse branching with alternating internodes and lack of self support. She was starting to transition from that astringent sour and green smell to a more fruity, deep and also dark aroma (it reminded me a bit of TC4, hopefully). Not much to say, only that this wasn’t her time. She’ll have her show, soon…
As with them all, effect comes first and that’s what I’m most curious after all, despite knowing their full potential wasn’t nearly achieved this time and future growing cycles will be needed to sample them properly.
- Giving a general overview of what I learned about them with them until now (still haven’t sampled them yet):
1. Their harvest window started on day 60 for the earliest pheno (TC2) and the latest I assume it can go until the week 13-15 give or take (TC6). My favorite phenotypes (4,5) were around 10-11weeks, which is exactly what dubi wrote on ACE’s description.
2. Their aroma profiles are quite unique and special. I’ve experienced mostly an heavy incidence of garlic/onion/chives, with both sweet and sour notes present on them all, supported by a dark woody and slightly earthy base. It’s fresh with hints of lime/lemon too. I’m unsure if they will vibe with everyone, though the fruity types (pineapple/lichi with incense base) I’ve encountered would surely be neck breakers due to how addicting and complex they are. Again, it’s pretty on par with dubi’s description of them, so another point in favor of their work and knowledge of their stock.
3. Even under summer conditions I’ve experience anthocyanin development on all of them. I expect that both #4,5 and perhaps #6 would turn completely purple under a cycle that allows for cooler temperatures and a longer flowering to take place. They are hardy and strong plants, handling heat pretty well as well as high humidity, with only a few dried leaves and leaf tips. All of them had the need to be supported after mid flowering despite adequate lightning and movement of air.
4. I’ve noticed that during the 4th week of flowering, the lower and shaded branches developed intersex flowers that were removed. After removal and proper cleaning they no longer appeared, besides the unfortunate situation with TC4.
5. From the different traits I’ve seen present in this line, I’m sure plants with great floral architecture can be found, that are vigorous and that express traits that are both captivating to the eye and they are pleasing to the senses. There are expressions that enable the development of meaty buds that still have proper aeration, traits that are important for conferring altogether resistance to fungi and that facilitate a proper curing. The size of some of the bracts is immense.
Having saved clones from them all, upon sampling I’ll decide broadly which ones will be kept for future evaluation. Early to say but I feel TC2 is lacking and all others are worthy of a second run at least.
That is all I can comment for now, it’s has been a ride. Thanks for sharing this along with me and I’ll let you know soon how they smoke, or better said vape.