Useful seeds Chocolate diesel f3 to f4 co-op run (Closed)

It’s barely staying above 65º until today. It’s back up to 70’ish with no rain in the forecast so, if I hurry I can make it. Once going they grow fast here.

Still, I was gifted these by an anonymous member so I may wait to do them indoors to do them justice. I’ve already been working plants in and outside to flower them early. I’m harvesting one batch now, and have 3 other plants 3 weeks in. I take them outside, and back in for early lights out to flower.

It’s been so cool, that my current harvest got lots of colors in the plants. Really strange weather.


Well, you might have missed the last couple. Quite a few people lost money. The guy from Carter Creek or something like that, in Oklahoma, and the wife of the “sudden death” member, who she was gonna continue his seed sales (scam).

You’ll, well we’ll, be able to spot it if it goes south. Just a reminder. Some rippers are really sharp and successful. Sad, huh?

I think it’ll be great if he has a daughter that wants to continue the legacy. We’ll be behind her 100% here on Overgrow and hope she stops by sometime to make an account and meet some of the people who loved her dad. peace :v:


Nah I’ve been around for those, I’m just saying that the post referenced above was made by the official sponsor account that Useful Seeds has on Rollitup, so unlike the incidents you mentioned, we can reasonably say it was made by someone with access to that login information, whereas the ones we’ve been talking about were claims made by unverified accounts.


Closet exploding from the feedings

Got some genders figured out
Blue is boy
Green is lady
White is undetermined

Here’s the fighter that’s back in action after a slow start and a really shitty transplant into its 10 gallon a week ago, prob gonna be another week or two till it tells me what it is, the other mystery one I should know in the next few days :crossed_fingers:

Got a crazy variegated one in there, whole closet is same soil, same feed plan and side by side and thats the only one looking funky so not gonna stress or treat it like a sick plant cuz it’s keeping up with the others just fine

Prob gonna be shooting to flip these in about the next week. Next feeding is due Thursday and might switch to flower recipe for these bushes

That concludes this week’s update, thanks for stopping by


Man you’re gonna have such a sweet smelling grow room coming up. Thanks for doing a seed run with Useful’s seeds for the community. I bet he’s smiling down on your plants from a cloud of chocolate diesel smoke.


Ya looking at the leaves everything is showing indica dominant and expecting mostly chocolate trip phenos vs the sour diesel side so def expecting my room to smell like straight candy bars after the flip


Captain Useful is cruising down the Hershey Highway on his Harley that runs on Chocolate Diesel.


Fingers crossed for at least one more boy! :crossed_fingers::four_leaf_clover:






Time to flip, just set my digital timer to 7 am to 8pm starting out with 13 hours, I’ll be dropping 12 min off daylight hours every Sunday expected to finish out on 11/13 or 10.5/13.5 depending if it’s 9-12 weeks

Put a bigger fan on a yo yo to increase air flow

Fighter is a lil behind the rest so threw it in another closet and gonna have it late to the party about 2 weeks behind then I’ll move back in the flower closet. She is showing preflowers too and told me she’s a girl

Think that puts us at 5 females and 1 for sure male with a second suspect that’s being stubborn to show but what I can see is leaning male features and where I’m betting my money!

Gonna brew up a flower tea in the morning for em


Since flower lighting requirements double for flower, I squeezed in another power hog blurple(biggest blurple I got)BUT only running it on red/bloom channel to get some nice flowering reds in there

Light is a viparled 330 watt at the wall and since I’ll only be running one channel that should run me about 165 at the wall and maybe less since I only see 1 fan out of the 3 running

Total estimated at the wall wattage in there is now 560w plus fan and bug zapper


Is your slow drop in light done with a controller or do you have to do it manually? Looking very nice! :man_farmer: :v:


I just got a digital timer that I can program on off times to the minute so I’ll just add it to my Sunday chores to dial back each week

Lowes had it in their clearance pile, was 30 bucks and snagged for 8


Gotta love a nice consumer “steal” of a deal. :+1:


Damn that’s a steal !

I was just telling someone how to make a one minute interval timer out of the chepo ones you can buy at Wally world.

If you ever need another one let me know and I’ll send you some link in how to make your own.
It’s really easy. Basically just removing a few gears from the insides so it triggers faster.

Your grow is looking beautiful :raised_hands:
I look forward to seeing this all the way through :green_heart:


I bought 3 that day, should be set for a while haha


Good to see someone running and preserving this. Useful seeds choc d made a handful of solid crosses. I’ve run bb n chocolate jungle chocolate and running clones of his chem d x choc d now. Anyone know what happened? Why useful disappeared from all seed shops. Hope all is ok.


Beautiful plants @AzSeaindooin420


Useful passed in April, not sure of the details but this run was to carry on his work of his flagship strain