Useful seeds Chocolate diesel f3 to f4 co-op run (Closed)

Watching! Love all the love for useful!


Yeah, good idea to get a small N boost just before flip. My Roots dry nutes calls for one last Grow, 7-1-1, feed at week whatever, and then the next week upon flip, is full Bloom, 3-7-4 feed, so it’s two weeks in a row with N.

If you get a ton of pollen I’d appreciate some. I have some Useful CD seeds from an anonymous member and it would speed up a seed run for me. I’d take what I can get and I also have some pollen to swap if it’s still ok. I’ll know in a few days.
:man_farmer: :v:


I was just looking at Silica products but… they started selling great big Aloe leaves from MX ($1.50/lb) at Food Lion up the street. Buy one, blend it, add it to my waterings?


Hmmmm after pondering this since you posted it… I think I will raise my hand for some pollen as well. Only if it’s not too much trouble.
I have Useful’s Blue Dream x Chocolate Diesel S1 and some chocolate diesel pollen would be awesome to make some BX seeds with.
shoot me a DM if it’s possible :wink:


I would also be very interested in some CD pollen :pray:

I am in the middle of a few projects this year, I have been waiting to make a few crosses and would love to use some of Usefuls genetics to make some :green_heart:

I have a nice Sour I think some CD would make an amazing cross with.
A few other strains as well, but I’m not far enough along in the project to know what others I can use yet.
But if they end up female I will haha

And I’m gonna try to make that Fish tea you mentioned and use it this year :raised_hands:

Ive used a few other organic teas with great results like Kelp and alfalfa, but that one I have never tried.
Full blown jungle in 3-4 weeks you say :eyes: ?
Im sure I read your
“Going bananas” thread, but I must have missed that part

Excited to see how your girls come out brother :fire::fire_engine:
Doing an amazing job so far :metal:


That’s what I do

But I use a bunch, yesterday was 3 blender fulls for my 25 gallon batch of tea I’m brewing, prob about 20 good fat leaves


I read in passing diatomaceous earth is silica? I can’t use aloe, I’m allergic and I don’t think hydro would like it. Do people use DE? I’ve only ever used it for pests


The silica in DE is not readily available for the plant to uptake.


Thanks for those words on Nutes and the transition to Flower.
Your description @GMan fits my Timing perfectly; soil amendment is scheduled for the week b4 flip !


Well it was def a combination of everything great! Go fishing, bring the fish to bubble overnight and next day dispose of the fish and immediately make a tea to bubble another day and throw in aloe leaves slurry. I was also running my own worm bin last year too and curious if that’s gonna make a difference on what to expect in the next two weeks


I also use revs tea recipes as my backbone

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Here was 9 days apart after a feeding of that nature


Yup what tracker said and goes back to silica is unstable in most forms for plant uptake


Well I underestimated the demand for that magic pollen! Imma see if I can beat and abuse my males this week and see how much I can stash away for all y’all fine folks. If @DougDawson can pull a qp of pollen off his males then no reason I shouldnt be able to scrape together something!


You can buy AgSil 16 from a ton of places since it’s used in agriculture. I’ve been buying mine at Build A Soil for about $16 a pound and it’s water soluble, too.

It’s especially good if you use something like ProMix and worm castings plus your nutrients. That mix would be devoid of Silica.

Outdoors, silica is pretty much already in most soil.

Here’s the Google search for AgSil-16


Get to abusing them males, lol. Mine always take quite a beating by the time I am done. Been a great show bud.


I’m thinking bend their asses over a glass table and keep flicking em like a chalk line, the amount of pollen they are dropping is insane, I see why cd made a good daddy


That’s basically what I do except I do each branch individually and use a large metal bowl instead of glass. It’s amazing what males produce o er a couple weeks. Good luck with your collection.


Thank you for the link! I’m in DWC, and assuming the base nutes have appropriate silica, but I like to keep my ears open and learn.

I see the AgSil is potassium silic(ate?) Do you have to account for the added K?


Metal bowl u say? If the method works then I say roll with it, I’ll be digging out a metal bowl


Yup, the larger the better. When you bend each branch into the bowl you just flick or tap them gently and pollen settles into the bowl. Then scrape it all down into a pile and at that point I put the material through my pollen shaker.cleans the stuff up perfectly.





Awesome! Thanks for the tips bud! I’ll see what magic I can work!