Using stills to make RSO and brewing alcohol to make EverClear from scratch

@OleReynard I’m not sure I didn’t bite off more than I should have being I’m a first timer. It was not an easy thing grinding up all those big buds…i questioned myself several times but I think it will pay off.@Shadey seems to have a pretty simple process and I am trying to follow it as close as I can. I doubt I will get the return he did because I’m probably not working with as good of product. If this works I am going to come up with some good cbd seeds. From what I’m reading Sebrings Revenge and Ringos Gift are probably 2 of the best but there are others that would be just about as good. I really think from my research hi doses of cbd should help with the pain and symptoms from my spinal cord injury. That is my whole purpose of this.


I was nervous on my first run, and I watched Trippy Hippy do it once with his still. Just take it slow and easy, the messy bit of straining the weed out is the hardest bit, have you got coffee filters or are you using kitchen roll and a funnel to filter out all the fine dust and old trichom heads?


That is the only tweak I’m putting in the process. I bought some cheese cloth and I thought I would run it through 3-4 layer of it and then use the coffee filters. I have an old antique persimmon pulp press (the green thing w/ handles in my pic) that I think I can squeeze everything with and get most of the alcohol out. Do you think I’m on the right track?


@Shadey I was hoping the cheese cloth might help speed up my filtering, removing a lot of the larger stuff first so my coffee filters don’t plug as fast


Yep definitely, I wish I had one of those, it looks perfect for the job. I just use a fine mesh steel kitchen sieve for the big stuff you will lose alcohol and resin using the cheese cloth. I wish I could find a really fine mesh metal filter to get rid of the very fine stuff it would create less waste rhat using the coffee filters.


I use my “still” to get the alcohol out of the filters and wet weed.


@ReikoX could you please fill me in on how you go about that?

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I usually put my filters, etc in an air tight jar until it is full. Then I stuff the paper into the still (I use a Source Turbo) with a little bit of water and run a cycle. The alcohol is reclaimed and the water remains.

Wet weed is the same deal, just usually wrap it in a coffee filter, add a but of water and run a cycle. I’ve even used it to make 95% ethanol from a cheaper 40% ethanol.


Any up-dates on how well it all worked? Did you recover any of the everclear yet?


@anon32470837 I came down with the flu the day I was running it. Everything went well and at the end I had a big ol batch of rso. I made a huge mistake tho. After I ran it I put it in a jar because at this point I couldn’t hardly lift my head. It was 4 days before I was able to do anything with it. Well it had separated and I had quite a bit of what looked and smelled like water and a large, glob of thc that has the consistency of a thick honey. I think I had a good product if I would have put it in syringes right when it finished I was just to sick. I ran right at 12 ounces and before the separation I would guess I had over 40 grams of rso. I’m not sure what I ended up with. I will weigh it later. I do know it works great for dabs. I can do 2 hits of it and 15 minutes later I’m out. I will post a pic and get a weight on it later today so you can see it. It’s a beautiful golden-brown color and has the consistency of a thick honey


@Bullskinner - Sounds like you did ok.

I was mainly wondering how well the still worked? How much alcohol did you manage to recover vrs how much you used to wash the bud?

Im close to ordering one of these but need to justify it with saved/recovered alcohol :wink:


Yeah forgot all about this, glad to see it turned out.


@anon32470837 I will have to measure it to be exact because I put it in different containers but I am sure I got 90% plus. I think most of the loss is from not getting it all out of the product after the soak. My persimmon press worked great. I have some sugar shine working right now and will be making my own alcohol with the still. I haven’t researched what kind of returns I will get with it. My first batch is about ready to run, 3-4 more days until ready. I just made a small batch for my first run. 2 gallons of water, 4 pounds of sugar, 1/2 lb of raisins and yeast. I plan on eventually making all my own alcohol for the process and that will help with the cost of the RSO. I am using a slow champagne yeast but you could start your mash now, a 5 or 10 gallon batch with a faster yeast that would be ready quicker and be able to make your own alcohol.
And last week I received a call from the Morphorn people asking if I would go online to Amazon and leave a review on the distiller they would send me a $50.00 gift card. I received it 2 days ago so I only have $70.00 in my distiller alc


Wow! That all sounds awesome! I will be ordering one in a few weeks when this grow ends.

Making your own alcohol sounds like an interesting thing to do. Im going to look into that too. EverClear costs me about $65 a bottle around here and that process sounds a lot cheaper.


Wow you lucked out there bud with the gift card, are you making alcohol to drink or make RSO with?


@Shadey right now I am just making it for the RSO but i will probably have to sample it. I did buy a bottle of cherry flavoring so I might drop a few cherries and a few drops of it and see if it’s any good. The simple sugar shine recipe they say is not that good but is exactly what I need for the RSO. I do plan on researching recipes and making some good stuff eventually.


OK, just wondering why you have raisens in your mash for making RSO.

You can get a turbo yeast for 20% alcohol in a week at 75F in a six gal bucke, just using sugar. It tastes crap even with the flavouring you can add, but I never used the charcoal filters in the still.


Cherries not grapes…
Most likely for flavoring


Honestly I’m not sure. It was what the recipe called for…lol. It said it gives the yeast something to feed on. The guy at the brew shop recommended the Champaign yeast, said I would like it. It’s my first batch and I’ve got a lot to learn. It said it wasn’t the best to drink but my main purpose was for the RSO so I really wasn’t chasing flavor…thought I might sample some tho.
So when you say you are getting 20% alcohol in a week, are you saying your return off of that 6 gallons would be 5 guarts of pure alcohol? I assume you would have to run it 2 or 3 times to get a 180 proof


I do realize that yeast feeds on the sugar. I guess I really didn’t think about it. I just followed the recipe I found…