Vbz’s outdoor log 2023

Thank you for the reply that means a lot. I was thinking the exact same… deeper into flower the more damage can be caused by this heavy rain. That’s what had happened last year and I ended up chopping a tad bit too early. That is true there isn’t much amber on anything… the hairs haven’t even turned fully orange and I do believe it can bulk more.

I just got done checking the forecast and it’s saying rains gonna stop tomorrow at about 10am then continue later on until Saturday… yikes! Im not going to risk letting them stick around outside until shit hits the fan… so I decided I’ll just bring them inside for the remainder of the week by the windows and turn my dehu to 50 % humidity and let them roll… if some of those days aren’t rainy at all I’ll just let them back out. But their times coming.

Thanks again @mota I was definitely close to just making an impulsive decision but I needed at least 1 opinion on this and you sir are a great candidate. I salute.

Happy to offer an opinion. I believe rapid changes in humidity, like going from outdoors to indoors, can bring on pm. At least that’s been my personal experience as a relatively new hobby grower. I’m not suggesting not to move them in and out, just to be even more vigilant than you might otherwise be.

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You’re right about the quick change of humidity … I’m gonna do some reading tonight and hopefully that will give me a better idea of what to do here. Besides that the rains pouring out there and it has me thinking deep haha. It’s Always around this time of year too.

A few days before I harvest these gorgeous plants. Rain might come down hard the next couple days so I’m debating if I should actually pull the plug on both. My thinner leaf pheno has kept about all of her leaves and is for sure finished while the broader leaf pheno lost most of her big fan leaves and still needs some time. Looks like the broader leaf hasn’t made much progress since about the last week I’ve checked on her ( unless I can’t notice) so we’ll see how things go possibly after tomorrow.

Smells on these are amazing. Smells like some kind of candy milk plus some kushy gas on both… very similar in a way. Yield on my thin leaf is looking very very low , small popcorn nugs and just about every pistil is orange and looks to have reached its final swelling. My other broad leaf hasn’t swelled too much from my perspective and the pistils haven’t all turned orange yet. Could’ve swelled much more but I believe the soil is lacking something.
After this run I will toss the old soil and mix some new stuff for next year. And possibly look into ways to keep it regenerative since this soil has went pretty hydrophobic.

Just harvested about 30 mins ago, just in time because storms are about to drop in an hour or so. As you can see I wasn’t lacking too much calcium like last harvest. I discovered the broad leaf had came down with stem rot … makes sense why she stopped finishing. The last storms must’ve been the main cause… at least my thin leafed pheno finished like a champ. She’s looking and smelling great but the yield is terrible lol. Pure headstash.

Update on the final product. Broad leafed came out smelling like milky valentine heart shaped candies. The ones with the messages on them lol. My thin leafed came out smelling on the hash / kush side. Very familiar profile that I’m used to. When I break both up the smells come out a lot but are currently smelling like mids when not broken up lol…

This is my thin leafed pheno trimmed and in the final cure jar. I used most of my broad leaf for butter and ended up smoking the rest ( about a quarter ) at a family gathering. Everyone seemed to enjoy it and most said it gets them super tired lol. Also found a couple seeds due to my broad leaf herming. I gave most of the seeds away to my friends step dad who is a grower as well and seemed stoked about them. Overgrow the World !

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First time attempting some dry sift here. Tips and ideas are welcome. I’m just using what I have here and I thought I could pull a decent little pile. I got about an ounce of trim from mine and a friends plant so it’s 2 different strains in this. I have 2 layers of cheese cloth overlapped and 1 container that i ghetto rigged into a pollen box lol. Going to set this in the freezer for a few hours and get to shaking. Let’s see what I can get from improvising.