Vegetable Garden - 2022

Awesome thread ! Really enjoyed the read and definitely got to find some of those purple Cherokee tomatoes ,I have scored some black beauties and Kelloggs breakfast tomatoes , also have been focusing on learning how to grow for our self and produce our own seeds , building soil and dealing with pests and that potato fungus that kills them off late in the season, ,planted a bunch of garlic cloves last fall and fingerling potatoes as well ! Would love to do the ground work for a sunken greenhouse structure of some kind this summer ! Anything to extend our painfully short season , learning what I can about KNF and leaf mold ! raked a huge pile of leaves last fall ,tarped them in ,and filled about 6 (big)garbage cans(basement thru the winter) of worm bait hehe ,and picked up some some red wigglers to do the work ! Also use aquarium water to keep things moving forward,
So most of everything that I grew last year went back into the garden ,in one form or another, trying hard to build that soil with all natural inputs , tilling as little as possible,and what I do is with a shovel (mostly leveling)a ton of chop and drop ,and tarped it off before the snow fell , so stoked that for the first time I feel that I have a little tiny bit of experience going into this next season! with some direction and prep ! I’ve got a bunch of herbs and a couple tomatoes and tobacco started,but it’s way to early as my last frost isn’t usually before June 1st !
I wish everyone the best and a beautiful time in the sun !


Look what came in the mail yesterday!


I quit tilling after the squirrels ate the gas tank and wiring on our tiller :frowning: I got one of these to make some new beds.
It’s a workout, but it’s easy to start, quiet, no exhaust fumes, not as destructive, and easy to park :slight_smile:


Yes I’ve been looking at those and they seem to be great ! I do plan on making one this summer as well as a forge and what ever else that I can craft
When I start my gardening,I had a fresh head injury and had way more time than money,(I’m still pretty broke just don’t have nearly as much time ! Hehe) I remember 30 some years ago I was roofing at the time,I watched an old-timer hand dig a garden out of solid clay ! So I thought there is no reason why I couldn’t do the same he’d break a little ground go sit in the shade ,have a couple sips of wine and rest up ,then continue, sometimes only one or two shovel fulls ,then rest again
Well that’s pretty much all I could do,one or two shovel fulls and rest ,half the time the shovel was the only reason I was upright, first year it was only ten by 12 ! The next year it doubled,and doubled almost every year including last year and I feel like I’m almost there ! Just need something to extend the season a few weeks to a month and a pit or something to catch and keep rain water ! As it’s packed with nitrogen ! Haha it was Bodhi who hit the nail on the head when he said"cannabis is a gateway drug ! A gateway to gardening ! " Gotta love that dude ! And probably the only reason why I’m alive, cause had I laid down back then I would have never got up,I probably wouldn’t even be a memory by now ! Love and Respect all !
Best Regards !


Are you gonna open a stand? Do some truck farming?

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Anyone can eat an elephant… one bite at a time, lol!

…and I am that old timer :slight_smile:

Gotta love Bodhi’s sensibility… weed is definitely what got me into gardening.

I’d love to see your forge progress, hope you post it. No forging on that broadfork, all welding. EZ peasy is what one of my kids said when he saw it. I said, well then why didn’t you make me one?


Haha absolutely ! Might not be for a while tho ,I’ve got 4 feet of snow outside yet haha,and will be using material I can source from outdoors , including clay for the forge although I have heard of them being built outta satillite dishes and ,still have to think on that for a bit, and see what metal I can find , I’m sure rebar wouldn’t be to hard to find ,but does it bend to easily? Yeah I’ll take pictures,and yes MIG welding would be the easy way ! And I’ve got one ,(I am a journey man welder) but you can’t forge a high end knife with a mig welder ! without it being just a stock removal project,not forging ! And I suppose I could be looking for projects ! Haha
Peace and Love !


Haha no, just gonna make sure my greenhouse is exploding with greenery this year


If you are talking about for a broadfork, I’m not sure that would be the best choice… well unless you ground it all smooth. Easy in, easy out, lol! Not even sure it would have enough hardness.

I’ve watched enough Forged in Fires to know grinding is not the way make even a low end knife!

The fancy broad forks do have forged tines. Mine’s utilitarian, it pokes instead of slices, lol!


If you’re keeping all those maters in there, I’m sure the panels are going to blow off, lol!


Tomatoes, eggplant, peppers, peas, corn, beans, autoflowers and white rhino seed project. Getting a wonderful garden established :wink: herbs and salad greens coming up next


Well 2 weeks later and u can clearly see the explosive growth I have under my green thumb :slight_smile:

Got my first cherry tomato coming in, only about 2 months from seed, these popped up beginning of January


I’m just waiting around to see how good you are with a whip and a chair!

It was 82° here in NC today. I want to put stuff out, but our last frost is usually at the end of April :frowning:


Today was 83 for us in az, had the swamp cooler going on the greenhouse today and got most my soil mixed and into the catch crate to cook


Hey all!

This season will be my first season attempting to grow veggies on my deck, in containers. :grin:
It should prove to be an interesting project.

I wanted to post this link for those gardeners new to the whole thing. Like myself! :blush:
This website has been an absolute Godsend!
It makes planning out what seeds to start indoors and transfer outdoors a cinch, if that’s how you’re planning things.
Alternately by pumping in your Zip/Postal code you can find out (approx) when the last frost will be that season, in your Gardening “Zone”.

Anyhow, I thought it might help someone else as much as it has helped me.

Happy Gardening and Growing! :potted_plant:


Thank you for that,the last two weeks I’ve been searching for when to start what times ,in relation to my last frost date ,I’m definitely going to go check that out ! Thank you
I’ve got a bunch started already and the wifey is going to love a greenhouse that I plan to build this summer,our kitchen/dining room table is half full of starts ! From tobacco to you name it,and a lot was just germination tests that I refused to let go and just kept ! Can’t bring myself to waste a good start !


Garlic is popping up :smiley:


Awesome! I put about a hundred in last fall ,still a ton of snow right now,but I also tried potatoes last fall to, hoping everything will come up when it thaws ,I went real deep almost a foot below the soil !


Here’s a nice update of my jungle, things are florishing and got matos everywhere!


So I’m in zone 5 and can’t put anything in ground till roughly May 27, I have however decided to start some of my veggies this year…indoors as I’m going to attempt a container garden on my deck! :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

First one up:
Brussels Sprouts