Vegetable Garden - 2022

New planter boxes for the Deck Garden I’ve been planning for months, in my head! :crazy_face:


Rosa gallica


Some of my veggi seed starts and medicinal herbals. White sage. Sweet grass. Pennyroyal Etc. and the medium I used. First time using it. But got to say I’m impressed with the



Read about to Tumbling Tom tomato plant I figured I’d give one to try shot on Amazon but I was buying seeds ended up being one small plant sent to the box very healthy and I even got a tomato on it as of a couple days ago

All the others are just baby plants as of yet


Deck Garden is growing along nicely and has given me some much needed indoor space, which is captured on my Grow diary with a few pic’s (6) of my quickly growing Autos. :hugs: Also, the stragglers…Lavender, Rosemary, 1 Basil plant and some Cat Grass I was gifted.
Ok shameless self plug done, onward to the deck…

Two varieties of Tomatoes and Basil

Above those (because the Cat has developed a taste for Chives, which looks like Grass :woman_facepalming:t3:)
Chives and Dill!


These are going to be strategically placed in the long white planters and pots later today and I’ll have follow up pic’s as things start to grow :pray:t2::seedling::crossed_fingers:t2:.

The Garden Guardians

Hoping everyone is/has had a wonderful weekend! :hugs::seedling:


Hi all OG’s

I Don’t have a lot of space so I use pots and fabric bags for my veggies

All veggies where from seed and flowers I purchased at the local market next year I’ll start all my flowers from seed maybe February indoors with my veggies

This year San Marzano plum tomatoes , beef steak tomatoes, peas, cucumbers & a few carrots
And of course Basil flat leaf parsley thyme and oregano

I’m getting some marigolds , impatiens the large New Guinea , and also some zinnias all from seed


Potatoes in a 10 gal pot they really went crazy this week and doubled their size.



Been making salsas and pico all day, still got all these left


Time to start sending extras to food banks! 🫶🏻 After handing out to Family and/or Neighbour’s and then making some Fried Green Towmaters!
In my humble opinion. :relaxed:

Mine have only just started growing outdoors.

Salsa and Pico is yummy too though fer sures….I’m stoned and have the munchies and just want to dive into that pile you have there, eat those like apples! :yum:

Happy giving and growing. :blush: :tomato:


Thought I’d post this here for all the outdoor growers, I found it enlightening and I grow my medicine indoors. :blush:

Enjoy and Happy gardening and growing! :potted_plant:


Hey everybody!

Inspirational pics in here! :raised_hands::raised_hands:

To supplement @KanehB ‘s cool link share…here’s another that’s pretty helpful

west coast seeds companion planting

Perro :wave:


Ended up with 7 gallons of scapes in the freezer and one gallon in the fridge for eating!


@willie those garlic scapes look fantastic

Also, idk if this is the place to post a what’s wrong with my plant, but I’ll post it. Tomatoes in the garden…phosphorus maybe??


Not entirely sure if your tomatoes had an event problem, like from watering in the sun or dirt splashing up on the leaves but I would prune off all the diseased/brown stuff and see what happens. You can also look up Bacterial Leaf Spot and see if that jives with what you have. If so, the plants have to go.


Awesome. Thanks for recommendations man. I’m going to go cut that mess off and see what happens. I’ll keep y’all updated!! :blush:


Can anyone tell me what the little green caterpillars are? :bug: They eat through leaves like they’ve :hushed: :frowning_face_with_open_mouth: :anguished: NEVER EATEN before! It’s quite horrifying to watch actually! 🫣
I know they’re not a good sign! :pleading_face:
Any advice would be helpful, thanks.

Edit: Pic posted on my grow journal. :slightly_smiling_face:
Link below :arrow_down:

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I went to your link to see the pic, but I’ll post it here for everyone to see:

I’m not sure if anyone identified it in the other thread, but it’s most definitely an “Imported Cabbage Worm” or cabbageworm. I know that BTK was suggested to control them, but if you were interested in going the natural route, here’s an article that you might find helpful:

No matter what, the first thing you need to do (if you haven’t already) is to pluck all of them off - and any eggs, too!


Use BT on them. They will eat everything if left unchecked.


I’ve seen wasps go to town on these buggers!!! They are awesome to have around

Fly in, pick one up, leave with it, another wasp comes in and they continue!!

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