Vernal's Basement Part 2: Electric Boogaloo

im sure you will make that special fire bean some time and then fine tune it even more! thanks for the reply


Garland (Golden Goat x Scott’s OG) at 63

The more Golden Goat dominant plant, “Garland A”. Smelled dead on goat when it was younger but has taken a more kushy dimension. Sharp lemon-lime floor cleaner with a bit of sweet coconut-naphtha. Deep and bright. Other Garland plants are just a couple weeks into flower and significantly larger than these 2. Line is quite stretchy.

Whittled the Garland seedlings down to 8 of the tallest, most vigorous individuals. From here males and females will be selected. Figure I’ll choose the most vigorous smelliest two males and go from there, and 4 more females to run next round.

Golden Goat clones are beginning to grow in earnest, a bit beat up in transit but will probably need a couple more weeks before they’re nice healthy specimens for the reversal project. It will just be the Golden Goat clone selfed, I am not making any feminized crosses (not my style).

Got some Topanga Canyon PK snips from a member here, I’ll root those on up soon and maybe flower one next run. I think that might make a nice pairing to the Garland, the father of which is an inbred kush line, so heavy lemon-lime kush nugs would be in the cards, a counterpart if you will to the Golden Goat BX.

End garden transmission.


That golden goat looks amazing you mention that you’ll be making seeds down the road . Going to have to watch for them


Yep. Golden Goat backcross and and selfed seed (if it works out never reversed plants before but how hard can it be?). Have them both available around Winter, the Selfed Golden Goat maybe by Fall.


This is super-interesting. I don’t think I’ve ever seen anybody use that Scott’s OG in any sorta breeding project before. I have a pack of those in the fridge, I dunno when I’ll actually grow them. I’ve been really, really impressed with the Rare Dankness “Sativa” crosses. Only grown one of their “kush” crosses, the Starkiller, and wasn’t too impressed with it a month or two after chopping it. But I’ve been smoking it every night for the past three or four nights and it’s great weed. Seems like it just needed a six month cure for it to get to where I wanted it.


I think the value of a lot of the heavily inbred kush lines they offer is more in the breeding side of things.

TK x (TK x Ghost bx2)…backcrossed bagseed crossed to a sister bagseed clone and backcrossed again to that clone.

I like very inbred males. It’s nice to just know what they’ll pass on. Structurally these are mostly OGK with beefed up stems/buds and interesting scents. Trying to steer the line more toward Golden Goat for the F2 but 50/50 is fine, too.

OG kush was the hype shit that could actually deliver on it haha.

EDIT: if you need someone to take the Scott’s off your hands I volunteer my services lol. If I were you I’d try to sell them on IG or something…even old RD gear sells fast for at the very least what you paid maybe more.


Beautiful as usual Vernal


Kushy Garland at 67 days. I’d like to run it to 75+ since it’s still going and I don’t need the space immediately but I’m getting concerned about mold. Other expression was harvested today at 67. It was a touch faster, hardly a white hair on the whole plant, even lowers. Stuff right by lights tends to keep pushing pistils indefinitely, as well.

Garland seedlings are getting big rapidly. Should be sexed within a couple weeks. It is a very fast growing, vigorous line. A few mutants, probably from the Scott’s OG father, but otherwise a breeze to grow. It just proves that even dicking around for fun you can make your own incredible plants just as good as the big guys, with nothing. Don’t buy the hype. Buy cheap seeds from homies. Share. It’s just a plant, just seeds. I dream of the day where $50 packs are derided as excessive. A pack of seeds should never exceed the price of a good bottle of booze.



And some more damn characters



Crown Royal

Crown Royal Fine Deluxe Blended Canadian Whisky, 1.75 L

Crown Royal

Walmart # 551931259


Fitty ain’ nuttin’ these days


Sheeeeit I’m on fifth prices wife yells at me if I buy handles.


You guys don’t make your own toilet wine? :confused:


< insert lack of pot to piss in joke here >


Yes the colas are really that big on the Garland, but yes I also got a bunch of botrytis on this plant (and the keeper plant to a lesser degree). Thought the upgraded AC would have prevented this but fuck summer in the Midwest in general. Need a dehuey going 4 months out of the year down there if I wanna grow anything but hazes lol.

Lost like 6-7oz of top shelf bud. Waddayagonnado that’s farming.

The botrytis was a little bit sorta everywhere, but when I went to assess damage there was very little actual budrot or mold so I trimmed off the affected parts and made an ounce of the finest bubble hash with the fresh frozen buds and the dry trim/popcorn from a couple others. Silver linings and all that.

However, at least the test run of the Garland was a resounding success. It’s fuckin’ great.

Speaking of which I’ve whittled the seedlings down to 7 of the best plants, a couple confirmed females and one male already. I’ll wait until they all show one way or another to decide which to keep or cull. 4 females and 2 males is ideal.

Golden Goat S1 project will begin within a couple weeks, once the cuttings look a hair better.


Fantastic looking bud, shitty about your humidity problems… :pensive::pensive::pensive:


That sucks. But that is a sweet-ass cola, for sure. I can’t remember, did you top these or not? If that’s a nug from a topped plant indoors… Impressive. I mean, it’s impressive either way, I’m just saying…

I was just thinking about this grow this morning. Wondering, like, maybe I should plant some of those Scott’s OG seeds on September 1… I kind of already have the next grow planned, the Scott’s aren’t in those plans, but I change my mind at the last second all the time.

Anyway, that blows about the botryits. How’d the hash smoke? High-type etc. I haven’t blazed Golden Goat in ages, but I really liked it back in the day.


Really wasn’t expecting the size and density, that’s not even a main cola, shit was topped twice lol.

That’s summer bummer for ya…my fault for thinking the new AC would handle the humidity. It was pulling 6+ gallons of condensate out of my air guess I needed 10+ haha. Live and learn. The hazes finished rot-free but way less dense buds, smaller too. One of the reasons I tend to harvest earlier than most.
Only had to toss maybe an ounce of affected material, other 85% was clean to run, not a total loss.


Oh yeah, that’s from a plant topped twice. There was like 8 branches like that and they all got bit by the budrot. That plant was the kushy one I decided not to keep. The other keeper plant had big buds too, just not so ridiculous, and I only had to toss a little bit of that plant.

The hash is killer. Tastes more kushier than like Golden Goat but hits you behind the eyes immediately. I’ll get some pics up soon.

PLANT THE SCOTTY KARATE BEANS lol. Shit take a cut of this when I finish sorting females this fall, make a backcross if you want.


Damn, you must have rainforest humidity in there to be pulling that much water


Midwest summer…whole house plus all the water the grow puts off every day…I water about 4-5 gallons a day…small grow but it’s gotta go somewhere. Nice in the winter though when it’s super dry.