Vernal's Basement Part 2: Electric Boogaloo

Here it is, @minitiger …half oz, first two pulls, mostly fresh frozen. Side that isn’t resting on parchment gets glossy exterior that is impossible to photograph had to flip it over. It’s awesome. Translucent if you put it up to strong light, won’t hold shape at room temp. FMCD. Fiya.

Other half ounce is last two pulls and is mostly dry trim and popcorn from mixed plants. Still very good, melty, definitely not clear dome though.


Nice. How’d you make that? I mean, I know it was fresh frozen flower, but the actual process? That’s not just from the ice water/screens method, is it?

Yeah just icewater bubble hash. All 73u screen.

Most people keep it in rubble format or use a microplaner, I opt to press into slabs after it dries.

You can make it like beach sand if you barely stir, microplane it to a powder, and only use fresh frozen material. Yields are godawful though, why they charge coke prices for grams of fresh frozen bubble. Like 5% is good from fresh top nugs. Gotta find a happy medium.


I micro plain mine, but would like to press it, what’s your method for pressing?


Put your hash in a folded piece of parchment paper, like 18" folded in two, then again around the sides forming a little square sachet of hash powder/rubble

Take a quart mason jar, fill it mostly full with hot water. I just microwave hot tapwater until it nearly boils. Put the lid on tight, using oven mitts, let the jar rest on the top of the folded parchment paper over the hash and let it sit a couple minutes. Roll the hot water the jar over the hash until it becomes a uniform slab. It doesn’t take long at all. Minute to sit and a minute to roll. Flip it over and repeat. Good hash adheres together rapidly, less good hash takes a little longer and a little pressure on the jar. The best hash can press with just the weight of the jar with water.

To see if it pressed together well I’ll pop it in the freezer a couple minutes to re-harden it, check the results, and re-press, if necessary.


That’s how you got that beautiful brown stained glass window looking slab?

Well…I guess we DO learn something new every day!


Ok, I’ve watched videos of ppl doing that, but it took them HOURS, so I thought there has got to be a better way…
But that makes alot of sense, they must have had crappy Hash… thanks man :v:


Big thumbs up for that tip . Guess what I’ll be doing ?


The beach sand is nice but I like hash to be tearable so I can cram in a bowl. I don’t dab so it doesn’t need to be “true connoisseur grade”. I like to cut squares off and give as gifts. I find most smokers find good bubble perplexing, most of the younger crowd doesn’t even know what it is.

Most good bubble is just a stepping stone to even more expensive hash rosin, it seems lately.

As far as the hot water jar thing goes, most people call it the Frenchy method after Frenchy Cannoli, though I didn’t learn it from him. He uses a wine bottle, but I don’t drink wine and the bottle isn’t square like a mason jar so it makes a valley when it rests. Jimmy Beam brown liquor bottle works well, as well.


Yea I don’t dab either, but I do like watching the squishes :grin::grin:


It is mesmerizing isn’t it lol? IG hashmakers are something else. I don’t even try to compete haha.

And some guys got that topshelf hash rosin by the gallon I can’t even imagine.


I’m outta likes for the day (? I really need to get a job haha), but I’m digging the hash thing. I’ve had a set of bags for years and never used them. Also have probably a pound-and-a-half of trim from previous grows sitting in the freezer that I always say,”I’m gonna make hash out of this…” and never do.

I bought a press last year, it’s definitely easy to use. The thing is, whenever I press more than what I’m gonna smoke immediately, like if I press eighty grams of trim or whatever and try to do a long-term storage thing, after a week or two it develops this white, plastic-y flaky shit on it that looks like something I definitely don’t wanna inhale. I don’t know what it is. But it sucks, just because I don’t really have a dedicated space for the press, so any time I wanna use it, I have to lug it out of the bathroom in my grow room and bring it into the kitchen, set it up, then lug it back into the bathroom… It’s a fucking hassle. I’ve actually been considering selling it, just because I barely ever use it anymore.

Anyway, my point is, making hash seems much better haha, at least for long-term storage purposes. I don’t know what that white flaky shit on my rosin is, but I’m not gonna smoke it.


Way easier to press hash than nugs. Unsure about white flakes but possibly wax from the paper? Maybe plant waxes? THC crystallization? Unsure, not a ton of experience with rosin.

You can process hash in a 5 gal size about 1/2lb of material at a time. You could process all that you have in like 2 hours of work. Probably get about 2-3oz of good hash no problem, less for top quality. And that would probably equal 1-2oz of awesome rosin. Less you stir the better it is, so even less work. IDK how many bags you use but I really only use 3.


I believe it’s plant wax I’ve noticed the same white substance , definitely not off the parchment paper .could be moisture still in the product .


Hey @vernal, I may hit you up soon for a few tips. I haven’t tried bags yet but bought a 3 pack of full mesh bags by Bubble Magic for my b-day on 4/20.

That slab looks like baked apples in a casserole dish. I have an insane amount of older material, but it hasn’t been frozen. Any shelf life on flower that’s only been in zip lock bags or jars?

If so, I can go backwards with my freshest first.


I’ve never, ever used the bags haha. Not once. They’ve just been sitting in the closet of my grow room for years. But I like this “no stirring” method you’re talking about. That’s always been my biggest thing, just the whole,”Do I really wanna sit there and stir a bucket of ice water and weed for ten minutes…?” If I actually make hash, I wouldn’t even press it. The hash oughta be good enough. And I really don’t even like the whole rosin/dabs thing. I smoke it out of a pen that needs to be charged and shit, it’s kind of a pain on the ass. Call me old school, but I’d rather just crumble a little hash into a bowl or joint and call it a day.

Yeah, I think it might be from the paper. Tried two different kinds and the first one I tried, that didn’t happen. So I tossed the second paper and bought more of the first. I’ve been pressing around 210, that may have something to do with it, as well. I’m thinking the next time I do it, whenever that is, I may lower temps to like 170 or so. I dunno. But I’ve got a shitload of trim and larf from the last harvest just sitting in my closet, waiting to get processed into something haha! I think I’ll make hash out of it. Fuck the press.


It doesn’t have to be fresh frozen or even really frozen. The fresh-frozen hash tends to have less contaminants and blonder color since dry pieces of plant material don’t break off and get in the hash as with wet material, but yields are lower

I do let dry trim and popcorn buds rehydrate for about 10 minutes in the ice/water mix. Not really a shelf life once material dries, probably a couple years.

The longer and more vigorously you mix, the better yields are. More gently and shorter you stir the quality goes down but you’re getting way more of the trichomes off the material. Faster the hash dries the less it oxidizes, retains that blond color. I dry mine in rubble form on strips of cardboard. Wish I had a freeze dryer but it’s way too expensive. Shit’s like white. I kind of prefer the semi-oxidized brown over the microplaned beach sand stuff, gets that nice rich hashy flavor.

Hit me up if you got any questions.


I can’t wait to try my own someday. I still have to purchase the equipment


I mean, the bags are pretty cheap. Can’t remember what I paid for mine, but it wasn’t much. And then a five-gallon bucket is like three dollars. You probably already have a few of those, anyway. Couple bags of ice is two or three bucks. Doesn’t cost much. I’m just suuuuper-lazy, otherwise I’d have been making hash for years haha!


He’s right it’s super cheap. Set of bags on amazon is like less than $40 delivered and you can use them many many times. 40lb of ice is $10.

Strips of carboard to dry, parchement paper, a stirring instrument, buckets, a spoon to scrape the hash out of the bags. Very inexpensive.