Vernal's Basement Part 2: Electric Boogaloo

@GMan is a dear brother. The classiest OG Mate in the business. Nothing I wouldn’t do for that cat. As for you sir. Thank you for the opportunity to grow such fine herb. You’re a class act as well my friend. You have helped me advance my grows to new heights. I appreciate you.




I love you man! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :heart_eyes: :yum: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :crazy_face: :money_mouth_face:. I hope you only sent a few. I sure appreciate it. I’m still looking for the CL and other stuff. It’s here. I got plenty of something for you. :wink: and @vernal. peace


Good morning my man! I only have a few but this will be my 2nd grow of it so I need to pass it forward. If you’ve never had the Mandarin Sunset it is exceptional. Smells and tastes great and potent as hell. We are enjoying a cool spell this week. Doesn’t get out of the 80s all week. I been trying to install an exhaust gable fan in the shed. I used to build homes in my 20s and was an accomplished carpenter. Now I feel so clumsy with tools, get dizzy on a ladder, it sucks and is depressing and frustrating. Getting old is not for sissies! Well the kids are here time for Super Poppy to go into action. Breakfast for 5 then
Referee these 4 boys as they try to kill each other. If there’s no bloodshed, it’s a good day! Lol I’ll send you tracking info later. Have a great day!



Sorry about the thread jumping @vernal.


Ah don’t sweat it man what’s life without a little clutter? It’s a fun grow journal not a research paper!

(old men in labcoats stroke their beards and mutter amongst themselves)


You must get up before daylight to do your weed chores if you get 5 kids for breakfast. Good on you man! Thanks again.

Gotta search for your other beans now. I’m getting behind. We’re about 56º atm, but finally getting beyond the low 60’s today with a high of 73. I almost feel guilty with the Northwest in the oven. It’s even raining lightly again today but supposed to stop in a while.

My lawnmower is about to go an another two week work hustle. And, I have to reload the weedeater spool.

Thanks for making these available @vernal! I’ll make sure to get pics and I think I’m gonna start a thread to dump stuff. peace


I get up at 5 for coffee and wake & bake which consists of smoking as much weed as I can till they get here at 7. :laughing: Sometimes a half a Xanax for lunch.



Damn what state do you live in to get such nice temps?

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Southern Colorado, near Trinidad. I don’t even think the rest of this state is getting this weather. It’s been hot and dry west of here. Plus, I’m at 6400 ft elev. in the hills.

It was near 100 here for a week or two, so this has been nice. Still calling for only 80’s for highs next 7 days or close.


Those are some nice temperatures you got there. Especially with the elevation and increased UV from the sun

We better get off @vernal’s grow thread. We can take this to the Shitkicker Shed and let Mr. V own his space. At least I didn’t litter it with memes! Oh wait…




Aw hell I really don’t mind. More the merrier. You buncha ya-hoos ain’t imposing.



The goat made me do it! I do love me some Goat!



My mothers side of the family has a reunion at this event. The goat is deeelicious!



Everyone get on board the Goat Boat; she’s about to shove off.

That goat is magnificent by the way. As pretty as one of those things can be haha.


Where do I get my goat ticket? I need a couple goats in the veg room hope they don’t eat the other plants .


Head south to the goat cook off in Brady TX. I and the rest of my demented family will meet you there.




I sure wish I could. I’ve still ever had BBQ goat. I always hear how tasty it is. I bet it would be just right for washing a cold beer down.

Here’s that cross I did with Sam’s work. Wed cake/Gelato x dosi#9 crossed to Black Lime Reserve x OG. It’s just plain dank and potent. The flavor didn’t gel like I would have wanted but it’s a mouth full or terps competing for a spot. At least it smokes good and hits pretty good, too.

Back to you @vernal! If i could find the time I’ll start my own thread… peace all



Shiner Bock and Barbecued Billy!



that sounds like an amzing cross and looks phenommmm! hows the yeild structure and flower time ?

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It was a short structure and low yield and finished in 9 weeks. It has dense flowers but the taste didn’t develop like I had hoped. Good, but not exactly what I was hoping for.