Vernal's Basement Part 2: Electric Boogaloo

So you think cardboard is the best way to dry the hash? Not a plate or something? I’d read that you can set the hash on a plate and then, after 24 hours, flip the hash and then let it dry some more. That was the method I was considering using, anyway. But cardboard’s better? Makes sense, now that I think about it…


Pizza boxes, they keep dust and other shit from getting on it




Yeah you’ll see it working actively pulling water away from the hash by capillary action. Still needs a good 24-48 hrs to dry depending on humidity. Plate works too just slower. Freeze dryer would be nice but they are $$$ and it’ll never pay for itself lol.


No lie, we actually have a shitload of cardboard sitting in our garage, just because my girl orders huge things online all the time. Drives me nuts. But there’s so much cardboard that we can only fit so much into the recycling bin every week, so we’ve got reserves of it sitting there, waiting to be recycled. I’ve actually had to tell her,”Quit. Fucking. Ordering. Shit. Online.” haha!

So we’re good on the cardboard haha.

I think I’ll make some hash this weekend. Thanks for the inspiration, @vernal! Looking forward to it. All that trim just sitting in my closet was actually kinda making me depressed haha…


Meme King!!


Old School Rules!



Just outta curiosity, do you think I should freeze the trim before I make hash out of it? Right now, I’ve got all of the trim sitting in jars with Bovedas in them at basically room temp, been like that for maybe almost three months. If I was gonna turn it into hash on Saturday, would it be best to throw it in the freezer for a day or two?


I generally don’t. Some people are fanatical about keeping everything as absolutely cold as possible but 5 gallons of ice and water has so much thermal mass cold or room temp 8-9oz of material at a time ain’t gonna make a difference, can always add more ice.


I’ve never made the ice water hash but I do enjoy dry ice hash. Is it similar?



Very similar process, works on same principles. I’ve never made it myself, from my understanding it yields better than icewater with less effort, but is slightly lower quality.


Ahhh. I do the dry ice with my smalls and trim. I bought all the equipment to make wax about a year or so ago. Made a few batches. Too much trouble and I never mastered it. Wasted a lot of trim.



I need to try it one of these days. Grocery store by me sells the dry ice and @lefthandseeds is really fond of dry ice and talks it up. Might even be cheaper than buying two 20lb bags of ice every time haha. Hard to change when something is working well but I also hate any sort of extra labor with growing and dry seems easier. Plus faster, no drying period.


It gets even harder the older you get! I wanted to build a rack LED light like everyone is using these days. After lots of conversations and research, I bought another hps 600! Peace



I hear that! My old CMH unit just crapped out on me and now they’re only $150 for a new one vs probably $400 worth of LED to replace. Plug in, hang over plants. I’d love to make my little grow more like a “laboratory” but man…I like easy.

Wisdom from vernal’s grandfather you’ve undoubtedly heard before:

“If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it”
“If it’s stupid but it works, it ain’t stupid now is it?”


It won’t be as melty as yours, but otherwise it’s super easy. I mostly use the hash for edibles or pressing to rosin, so my usage might be a little different than yours. That said, turn as much as you want into hash inside of an hour…


You’re another one I will have to hit up for a few tips. I need to make all of this old pot disappear.


My old bugaboo with it was I don’t have a big flat square of glass anywhere in the house to do it on, but then you said to do it in a clean 5 gallon bucket and now I have zero excuses. What micron bag do you use? I feel like a lotta dry ice guys I’ve seen videos on use 220 or 190 but if I used a 160 I think that would keep it a bit cleaner no?


160 is my go-to. I’d think 190 might be ok as well, but I wouldn’t use 220. Yields for me have been really good at 160, so I don’t see any reason to go higher.


I just did This with 90 micron bag


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