Vernal's Basement Part 2: Electric Boogaloo

Have you attempted a lower micron like 120 or 73?

As far as pressing the hash, what micron do you use for the bag? @GrowHard , if you remember that guy, left his rosin press at my house and I kinda wanna let it rip.


Whoa, CMH prices are that low now? That’ll be what I do if I grab another light, then.

My 3 bag Magic Bubble full mesh bag set is 25, 73, and 220. Seems like there wouldn’t such a gap between 73 and 220 micron, but I haven’t ever tried it yet.


I’ve done 120 and it worked fine. I haven’t really done any kind of scientific comparison between screen sizes. I think with dry ice, “time-grading” is more important. Like @Canofbusjoe showed, the first thing to happen is most of the hash falls through (with trich stems) and then eventually it becomes a mix of pulverized plant matter and hash to come through. So I’ll usually do a bit of grading and just try to catch it before it turns green. The green tinted stuff is still great for edibles though.

For pressing, I like 37um bags. Anything larger than ~45um I consider as being for flower only. Dry ice hash isn’t fancy enough for 25um bags IMO. :joy:


All I use are the 220/73/25 bag. My set came with two more but I don’t use them. Just another unnecessary step in a pull. Matt Rize only uses 3 as well, and he’s “the man”.

Yeah! I was pleasantly surprised when I went to replace it it was $170 and the grow store gives me the 20% account discount and $150 out the door. The bulbs are expensive, though, I only use the Philips, but I had an extra. Bulbs will almost outlast the actual unit. We have a shitty power supply here, old old coal plant, intermittent supply, lots of outages and power surges/ebbs so light equipment wears out really quick.


Good post, fair. Bubble is much the same, every pull after 2 the quality goes down, green bits increase. Once I notice a sharp decrease in quality and yield I stop, usually 4th or 5th pull.

What temp do you like to press at? Last time we used it I think it was 210 and it made a shatter like extract. I have very little hands on rosin experience, kind of out of the loop.


Since we’re talking about hash here’s the last two pulls of the last round, about 15 grams, mostly dry trim and popcorn, the fresh frozen was mostly spent. Fully melts but not clear dome. Too glossy to take a great picture, good shit like this will usually “wax up” to a degree over time as it oxidizes. Still good enough to take fingerprints at room temp, if you look closely:


If your hash is really dry, then 210 sounds about right. My rosin usually comes out on the hard side, but I also just have my trim bags sitting in paper bags for months on end… I really put in a pretty low effort. Temperature depends mostly on humidity, but sometimes it seems like specific cannabinoid content can also play a role. Any CBD content seems to change how it flows.

I use these bags and parchment (press club brand):

Typically I fill a bag most of the way with hash, between two of those extra slick parchment papers, with the fold side up and to the back. Start heating up the plates well ahead of time so the whole system can get to temperature and settle for a bit, maybe a little lower than you would normally try (eg 190). Then I start the press at the lowest pressure the pressure gauge reads. Wait for at least 30 seconds to a minute or so and check if any rosin has started to flow.

Usually this is where people go wrong. They don’t do this initial test, and they try to press it when no flow is happening. That’s the only real surefire way to fuck up your press. If you slam it down harder when you don’t see any flow, it won’t go well… ask me how I know. :joy:

If you don’t see anything happening, it means you need to turn up the temperature more. Lower is better, but only if you can do it. If you have dry hash, it’s better just to press at higher temperature. If your hash is too wet, you’ll squish out water and it’ll be runny.


time-grading” is more important. Like @Canofbusjoe showed, the first thing to happen is most of the hash falls through (with trich stems)

Yeah 1st pass is best. I make the first pass and separate that from the rest. I’ve got a glass coffee table on the patio. Bring it in the house and clean it up. Then shake shake shake. Nice with weed in the Mighty!




Out of curiosity, have you ever tested the effect dry ice has on the viability of seed? I would live to collect all the kief, then filter out the seeds from the chaff.


Can’t see them not still being viable it’s just cold on them , I’ve got a mind to see if butane blasted seeds still sprout?


I’ve tested it on some seeded buds. All of the seeds germinated. I posted it somewhere on here.


Fascinating. Makes sense, seeds don’t mind cold.


Garland “A” neckbones. Not bad considering I had to toss pretty much all the top colas.

Shit is loud loud loud. Pretty much perfect even mix of Golden Goat and OG Kush scent, works beautifully together.


I haven’t, out of concern for viability, but I really shout. It does such a great job breaking down the material.


Garland #3 at 35 days.

I am liking this plant more than #8 so far. A bit faster, looks like Golden Goat structurally, has an earthy kush scent but there’s a dirty rotten funk building in the background.

This line is really tall. As tall as any haze hybrid but not so lateral.


Looking nice for only 35 days.


Garland #3 and #8 at 44 days

Not keeping either. Good plants, sure, but scent on both leans kushier, #3 has bigger buds but #8 is a bit more sparse. Neither looks it’s gonna beat Garland A and there’s 4 new females to be ran behind these, and 2 more behind that, so I just don’t have space. This is about the point I make choices to keep something or not.

Golden Goat self pollination is underway, been in flower for 5 days and sprayed with STS for 15 days, 6 times in total. I’ll keep spraying until I see stamenate flowers or the plant starts looking like total crap. Decided to throw in a Garland A cut in the mix as well so if successful I’ll also have Golden Goat BX1 feminized seeds as well. Why not I had the space and it fits the theme. Reversed plant does look a bit haggard but we’ll see what happens.



Golden Goat selfed project appears (fingers crossed) to be doing something. I’ve seen what appears to be stamenate flowers building on the new growth, a few here and there (but I wasn’t expecting any for a couple weeks so this is good news). I did spray it 6 times thoroughly and followed the directions to a “t” so not sure what could go wrong (though life is always surprising).

At this rate, pollen should be flying in 3 weeks. Hopefully there isn’t too much pollen contamination on my other fowering plants, but in 3 weeks most of them will be near harvest so it doesn’t matter if they get pollinated or not, won’t be enough time to build seed. I should have waited a week longer but I was impatient, either way timing is close.

The Golden Goat to be selfed already has a mother clone clipped off and growing well, and she’s a big plant in a 5 gal bucket so assuming good fertility there should still be hundreds and hundreds of seeds. Couple thousand is pushing it I assume female-female crossings produce less seed but maybe I’ll be pleasantly surprised.

Narrowed down the non-feminized selections for next pollination round as well. Decided not to pollinate Bandaid Haze or Cherry Queen…need to keep scope narrow and focus on a couple things rather than a half dozen. I just don’t have time or space to grow everything.

Looking at:

Garland x:

Garland (ideally 2 females, both Golden Goat dominant or 50/50)
Golden Goat (Golden Goat backcross)
Mango Nigerian Cough F2

I’d sell more seeds if I pollinated more plants but gotta focus on a specific line. Goat BX and selfed seed also opens up possibility of incrosses down the line. 5-year plan type shit.


:clap: always tough to do. I’m always trying to do too much, and then I have to scale it back and think about doing one thing well. It’s tough to focus on one thing when you practically have a genetic library constantly at your disposal. There’s so much stuff I want to grow, but I’m leaving it all for exploratory grows now, rather than trying to economize it into a project.


I have more fun growing whatever I feel like…the vault overfloweth and there’s a million things I’d like to do.

But someone has to make a Golden Goat IBL. I feel the higher calling lol. It’s too good not to preserve for posterity. Only a couple people working with it, Irie Genetics (made a BX and selfed) and a few others, most whom have just made one cross and were done (Archive, Rare Dankness, Scapegoat).

Woefully underappreciated clone.