Vernal's Basement Part 2: Electric Boogaloo

I think it’s a great idea, and I’m almost surprised nobody has done it yet. It’s wild to me that these clones go on for several decades and are called “elite”, yet nobody seems to put in a few grows to solidify it as a cultivar… Did you think about starting from Irie’s BX and continuing?


Already had the Garland (Golden Goat x Scott’s OG) made a few years ago just started cracking into them. His uses a Chem D x Joseph OG male from GGG as a starting point so not dissimilar to mine, which uses a Scott’s OG. Would have saved some time using his as a jumping off point, for sure, but this feels more like mine.

Not a huuuge fan of chemdog either, chem D especially. Those rank gross smells just don’t appeal to me no matter how much I want to like them lol. He also charges like $80-100 for his gear, which I can easily undercut by a sigificant margin.

All 4 females I’ve grown so far have been excellent, which tells me the males from the line are good to go. Always gotta go with a line that consistently puts out high quality ladies, I have come to realize.

I was kinda inspired by Mycotek and Tony Green’s work with GG4.


One thing I’ve followed is trying to use similar lines as the outcross partner. In some cases, you’re constantly fighting against the outcrosser due to an abundance of dominant traits. Makes it a lot harder to recover the traits of the original strain. To me, if I’m spending time doing several backcrosses, I’m not trying to improve the line, I’m trying to represent it.




How much delicious ice-cold McDonald’s coke are baby goats supposed to have? A lot?

Kid-sized…well…baby goats are called kids so…12oz?


Large are $1 so…


Go big or go home super size it

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Damn, you guys are sounding so smart and all… @oleskool830 you know what they’re talking about? heh… i only sort of do. I better get the book so I can at least sound smart.

You guys have a good breeding book to use as an easy to understand “bible” to keep close for reference and planning? Some are pretty dry.

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Oh hell no! I’m too focused on goat memes. :joy:


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Wow. That’s heavy man. 🥲🤣


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Lmao! My young friends in the mountains had a pet pigmy goat… I guess. I think it was a small breed… they came into town with it all of the time and took it around like a pet dog. It disappeared in the mountains one day. Mountain lion likely.

Cute little buggers but damn they get into everything… EVERYTHING


They are nasty as hell when they grow up. I had a friend named Lightnin’ that had a pet Billy Goat. That nasty bastard would piss in his own mouth. If you weren’t looking when you went to your car he would come out of nowhere and knock you to the ground. Nasty fucker! My friend fed him weed and whisky for a laugh.



Yeah, that’s pretty much what I was talking about. Spiteful bitches. Leave your truck door open and you’ll have two inside the cab fucking things up.

They make great cheese and sometimes I like the milk. I hear they are the BBQ shit. I keep missing out. I have a line on some farmers that sell it.


I told you about the Annual Brady Goat Cookoff I think. Come on down and eat some goat cooked over mesquite wood. Mmm mmm good!




What time do they start serving? I better ask which day, too.

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It’ll be here before you know it! Come on down. I’ll meet you in Brady. You can meet some of my more “cultured” relatives. My moms side of the family has a reunion every year at this event.







Couple shot of the Garland #3 and #8. #3 smells like a sweet chemdog, #8 smells like a sweet mothball OGK. Plenty loud, just looking for the Golden Goat dominant plants.

Overall, the line seems to skew a bit toward OGK dominance, but that’s OK, I have a 50/50 winner plant I’d be happy to pollinate for F2 and 6 more ladies to run through. 4 females have been flowered so far and over 40 seeds germed.

Love this line, nothing but at or near keeper quality plants.


Whether it’s not what you were hoping to find definitely nothing to complain about. Looking pretty potent from here.
Outta likes


Beautiful Bro. You’re a bad ass cat my friend. That Garland is impressive!


