Vernal's Basement Part 2: Electric Boogaloo

Pall Mall Pomeranian parricide.

Forensic Files is familiar and oddly soothing. It was my before bedtime show until Netflix dropped it. I then stopped using Netflix.


Ever watch First 48 on A&E? That’s my current “who dun it?” crack.


Tasted rich smooth and mellow to be honest…same species as the Maria Sabina so IDK how much more or less nicotine would be in it. I didn’t get any citrus scent or flavor. Mostly just taste the weed, which I wasn’t expecting.

@Foreigner that may indeed be a brand new sentence, never before uttered, thought, or typed…spectacular.


Oh hell yeah brother I’m down with pretty much anything true crime or police procedural.

ID network is just so low budget/production values though, hard to get into.


Ah for sure. No worries then.

That Maria Sabina is supposed to be basically un-smoke-able, from the amount of nicotine in it.
Can definitely get a wide range in the species, not much different than THC in herb :yum:
My main goal was to have it for offerings, but if I can get the occasional blunt leaf or pipe tobacco out of it too, that’d be a big plus. Anyways, thanks for the info. I’ll see what I can hunt down here and send ya some if I find anything :+1:


Was it for telling someone not to feed dogs cigarettes in very impolite terms lol?

Or did you keep posting nude photos of yourself? I told ya not to do it.


thanks for sticking up for the puppy.


Update on the Golden Goat reversal:

So the pollination flip began a little over 6 weeks ago. Pollen donor plant looks like hell…but nanners everywhere. About 1/4 nanner 3/4 pistils…a few big hanging full male pods as well.

Chopped it down today to avoid contaminating the other flowering plants too bad and because I can see visible pollen flying when I shake it (though very little…but if you can see any at all it’s still thousands and thousands of grains). Plus, I have to wait another 6-7 weeks to harvest the other two seeded plants which is like a 13 week flower cycle. So…it was time.

Onto the seeded females:

Golden Goat looks the most pollinated. You know something’s happening when a whole cluster of buds gets brown hairs and new white clusters form underneath. Buds are staying small and frosty, not bulking much which also suggests energy is being focused on seed production. Bracts themselves get a sort of pointed look to them as well. The actual Golden Goat seed plant also threw a couple nanners on top buds early on so there was some pollination from that as well. Double insurance I guess lol.

Garland A doesn’t “look” as obviously seeded as the Golden Goat but it has plenty of brown hairs and isn’t bulking up as much as it normally would, so I’m assuming it got seeded decent enough. It wasn’t the primary objective of the pollination round, so no big deal either way, just thought a femmed Golden Goat backcross would be cool. It was just a little clone I tossed in a 2g nursery pot and let it rip in the corner of the little pollination tent.

Fingers crossed on hopefully not seeding the other plants in the main tent. Only 2 females are at the bloom stage where it would be a concern, others aren’t even at 2 weeks yet so not really any pistils to be pollinated. So if it does go bad, it’ll only go bad for half the crop…and if either of those 2 Garland plants are really awesome, then I have more femmed Golden Goat backcross seeds…and I can still make hash from the plants if they get seeded. No mistakes, just happy accidents. Don’t put all your eggs in one basket and be ready to squeeze some modicum of success from failure.


They took it down but I managed to save a screen grab if you’re interested.


It would be hella nice indeed! I’m all in on that shit!
Great post. Sounds like a party at Vern’s house!




How much? :joy:



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You’re siphoning business from his onlyfans account, think about others for once.

But also, yes.


How much to look at them or how much for me not to spread them around?

Blackmail gets more expensive.



Pics of my feet are my main source of income.


I knew a couple dudes wildly into feet. Foot dudes are like vegans…they’ll let YOU know.


That’s when I banned myself from IG.


I get more money for ground beef but eggs are hugely popular.


A super choice episode…lol “here’s where you can buy the flies”.

Turns out there’s a darker side of feet called “hard crush” and no I don’t mean balls…if you’re currently having a good day I suggest not looking it up lol.

I’m pretty nonjudgmental…but the depravity of humans never ceases to amaze.


It takes all kinds.

I figure as long as nobody gets hurt, unless you’re into that.

I dated a girl who wanted me to beat the crap out of her. 2 things:

I don’t really get down like that.
If I did I’d need some kind of legal document to shield me from potential liability.

KOTH is highly underrated.


I had seen a similar gal (less extreme than that though) a long time ago…could not do it. Not in me. If that makes me a wet blanket, so be it lol.

KOTH plays at my house almost on repeat. Growing up, I started watching it the very first time it premiered on Fox in 96.

Used to curse the NFL for running over time and not being able to watch the new epsiode. Watched it every day after school at 5 back to back with the Simpsons. Favorite episode is hard to choose, but I’d probably say the episode when Hank becomes a pimp. It’s weird but Hank is/was literally my male role model.