Vernal's Basement Part 2: Electric Boogaloo

A little bit…I get it. But this was extreme and probably a result of prior trauma I didn’t want to feed.

KOTH is a special show for me. It reminds me of being in Texas. So many Texas-isms but the one that springs to mind is LuAnn Platter.

Incidentally Luby’s is shut down. Very sad.

And don’t get me started on my urethra.


Lol that episode where Cotton is bragging about his wide urethra and says “Mine’s so damn wide I could pass the baby myself if I had to!”


I enjoyed the one where khan’s country club needed a token white member to get accreditation.

“What and what accessories do I sell?”

A quality show with great characters and great writing.



Who was the OG bro from back in the day that had the revolting feet that seemed to show up in his grow pics? Uncle something. Was it uncle al? Anyway no one would let up about his feet and anytime a foot showed up in a picture Uncle Al was summoned. Was it Uncle Al or Uncle something else? Any old timers remember? @toastyjakes would remember! You probably remember.




Because I’m a pervert (and because I’m not having a good day, just had to put one of my dogs down), I googled “hard crush.” So what is it? Just chicks stepping on dicks? That actually seems preferable to somebody stepping on my balls. I didn’t watch any of the videos, though… Yet.


Lol you wish it was only that fucked up.

It’s girls crushing live animals to death with their feet or shoes. Yep. It’s actually illegal…but so is growing until recently and here we are lol. Betcha feel better about whatever weird shit you’re into now lol. I’ve seen a lot of weird gross shit in my life but I remember feeling VERY bothered by that haha. That and “jelly jar guy”. And that video of the woodpecker eating the brains from another live bird while it kicked and struggled still keeps me up at night sometimes.

“If you gaze into the abyss, the abyss also gazes back”

I remember seeing it back on r/spacedicks when reddit used to be cool and lawless like 10+ years ago.


“Battle not with monsters, lest ye become a monster, and if you gaze into the abyss, the abyss gazes also into you.” -Friedrich Nietzsche, Beyond Good and Evil


It’s a personal favorite quote.

Hope no one got offended by the “fucked up shit I seen on the internet” tangent lol.


“Why I am so clever”
“Why I write such good books”

Best chapter titles of all time.


Baldur’s Gate intro it blazes across the screen or some paraphrase of it at least. I think I still have a version of it through Steam :slight_smile:


It’s kind of a power move; I respect it lol


I try to explain to Mrs Foreigner that I am a destiny but she doesn’t believe me.


I respectfully apologize for my extremely insensitive post. I mean no disrespect. It was a JOKE but none the less offensive. I am from a different time. Sorry all. I suspend myself from the public forum for a week.




I sure didn’t flag you…I thought you meant “dicks” like “jerks” ya know…asshole dudes.

Don’t sweat it, glad to have you around.


When are they going to make a good Forgotten Realms RPG with a solid single player campaign again? NWN, Baldur’s, Icewind…everything is online and multiplayer now. I stopped playing computer games a long time ago but I’d get back into it for a good one. IDK…they’d rather get folks paying on a subscription rather than just get 'em once fair and square with a standalone game.


Just about everything is moving to a subscription model. Companies make a lot more money from having people ‘re-buy’ the same item/service/etc every month, instead of a one-time purchase. And of course everyone with their short-term goggles on only see that this is costing them less if they pay $10/month, but not that after a year, you’ve paid for that $60 item/service twice over already. And so many offerings are now only subscription only, there is no option to just buy outright. It’s the *AAS model (everything as a service). Same reason that this propaganda piece was produced.



while BG was solid as a stand alone I never played Icewind…but NWN stood out most of them all for online multiplayer and the player worlds.

Skyrim is a pretty good solo RPG if you missed it. “I used to be an adventurer myself…till I took an arrow in the knee” :smile:


I actually stopped playing games a bit after Skyrim was released. Put in my 100 hrs and done lol. Big Elder Scrolls fan but not interested in still playing it ten years later while they still add shit to it. Morrowind and Oblivion had a couple expansion packs and thats all I need.

NWN is great played the shit out of that and the expansions.

It’s a common sentiment I’m sure but I just really want a game I own that I don’t have to connect to the internet for, download shit, create an account…it’s too invasive. Trophies, friends, in game chat, in game purchases and skins, endless cutscreens, multiplayer…not my bag.

Big games will never go back to the way it was so guess I’ll just not play haha. I got a wife and kids now so it’s not like I can zone out and waste 8hrs gaming anymore either…but it is a little disappointing.

I feel like an old man saying this but I genuinely feel like there was a Golden Era of games and we are past it. RPGs now are graphically superior but that’s the only thing better about them. I knew shit was going south when the disc was just a key and you had to actually download the shit…no more letting your buddy play after you’re done playing it.


Man I miss the morrowind days when you got a random note in your bag telling you to walk past some trees and rocks to find a cave. And that was literally the only hint it gave you. Good times wandering in the forest.


I’ve never done Elder Scrolls…because it’s subscription :wink: But I never had the hardware till last year to play it or Skyrim. Then got to playing and wanted it to look better …so now it looks great! but I never played past level 15 yet :smirk: too busy researching beans and looking at pretty pictures. Nice job on the CQ and the GG looks awesome btw