Vernal's Basement Part 2: Electric Boogaloo

Morrowind was cash. No fast travel…no mapmarkers…when you found something it was like you truly found it. Game did come with a paper map that had little caves and camps and shit marked on it but it was actually like a medieval map…you could only get you so close to what you were looking for…mostly had to go to the general area and just sort of find paths over mountains til you found it. And you could fly. And jump over the continent. And make any spell. Probably my favorite game of all time. A game that good didn’t need amazing graphics…still felt immersive. And Bloodmoon expansion was HARD. For as much as people talk about cliff racers it was the ricklings that were truly annoying.

I’ll probably still play ES6 when it comes out…IDK how I’m gonna be able to say no.


I really enjoyed Centipede. :flushed::scream:




@oleskool830 What about Space Invaders??!! :rofl::rofl:


pretty much went pool, pinball, pacman for decades there not a foozball fan There is a level of practice required for some games i just wasn’t willing to invest the time to learn to play well. and i hate losing.


It was an exciting day when we got our first table top
Pong game in the bar I was working at. Lol :rofl::joy:



Foosball was really popular in the early 70’s. All of us stoners hung out at an arcade and played every day. Some guys were beyond bad ass.

After I joined the Navy and was living in Bremerton, Wa, we even played foosball there. It was funny to me to be 3000 miles away and people were doing exactly what we did back in the south.


to be real good you needed to have a table you could play on whenever… we had a ping pong table and I might still have some game left there :slight_smile: but I doubt it lol


Bandaid Haze “Colin’s Cut”

Fluffy but a lot of it. Those buds are only like 1/4 oz each.

Woody, leathery, hospital, sharp green onion with a bit of body odor.

Very dry haze, no sweet, fruity, citrusy, or hoppy skunk.

Took it at 12 weeks. Coulda done 13 or even 14.





Gorgeous. How’s she smoke? Have you tried it yet?


Is that a cut of the monster he posted on IG? Let us know how she smokes.


Rolled a dooberino, fluffy spongy bud like this rolls the best imo.

Plenty strong, hit about as hard as anything. Haze flavor, and that hazy scent from the smoke.

A bit moist still, needs a few days. Been slow drying for nearly 3 weeks.

@Chiefer88 Yep. That big ol’ monster plant. He’s got a crazy setup and is a very talented and competent grower, but you can see that even without trying too hard it can deliver some crazy colas. Some were nearly 18".


Just got up to date on this thread.
Really great work @vernal some amazing flowers and great info.
Going to pull up a seat for a bit, if you don’t mind.


Garland “U” at 47. New camera phone takes crappy flash pics. 3 cameras and I liked my old cheap one better. This plant isn’t as photogenic as the others but it reminds me most of the mother. Big chunky golf ball buds, stink lingers on your hands for an hour. It’s like Golden Goat but not as sweet, it’s an earthy spiced funk behind the lemon-lime. I like this plant so far best of the 4 this round. It’s the shortest plant, maybe doubled in size. As it stands now, this could be an F2 mom along with Garland A.

This is Garland “Z” at 46 and this is about the purest OG expression I’ve seen so far. Small buds, tallest of the 8 females I’ve ran. Looks like it’ll be dank but the size of the buds and the fact it threw a single viable nanner out of a lower stem preflower pistil disqualified it.

Garland R and T aren’t pictured, they’re a couple weeks behind. T doesn’t look or smell like either parent and R also was disqualified since it threw a petiole leaf bud that grew a nanner.

3 nanners spread over 8 females isn’t bad at all, especially considering how prone Golden Goat is to it.

In other happenings I just tossed the lone plant from the 5 Mass Super Skunk x Appalachia beans into a 2 gallon pot and into flower. I think it’s a female. 1 seed didn’t come up, 2 were runty, and one was a male. The plant is very short and squat, been in flower a couple days, should know next week.

I also threw down 13 of Dominion’s Shineapple, which is:
Virginia Beach Afghani x [Airborne G13 x (Hashplant x Afghani)]

Figure I’ll whittle 'em down to the 8 best plants and select from there.


Bandaid Haze IX 3.0 “Colin’s Cut”

Musty, catpissy, incensey. Not floral or soapy like the other BAH I’ve grown.
Top buds were huge but the mid buds were denser since they didn’t foxtail from being close to the lights. Very good weed indeed.


I really like the way that plant looks; she’s plenty photogenic. Looks pretty frosty. Also looks like a super-easy trim.

Just planted six seeds of that a couple days ago. I’ll be stoked if they turn out like that “Colin’s Cut.”


Thanks! Some of the smaller colas are literally just green skunky balls on a stick. I very much look forward to this one. Definitely could have vegged it more, I was anticipating it to stretch like most of her sisters did.

As far as the BAH goes, good luck!


That’s some Afghan. :open_mouth:


Is that Dominion’s creation as well? I never had the Mass SS. I love the lore behind it all.