Vernal's Basement Part 2: Electric Boogaloo

Thanks, dude! Looks good. Kinda surprised it hasn’t stretched much. Every Appalachia cross I’ve grown stretched pretty good, at least 100%. You vegged that one for a while, too, didn’t you? Like two months or so? Looks like she was a pretty slow vegger, huh?


Not the fastest vegger…I think she came up around September 4-5 so right around 4 weeks from germination she got tossed into flower. Topping really slowed it down like how most broadleaf stuff behaves, defoliated a few days ago. But the branches are very thick and woody, lotta total plant mass there. No trichs yet, but I’ll update you on smell in a couple weeks.


I wonder if that’s why people said they didn’t like it, because of the way she grows. I just assumed they said that because of the way she smoked. I can deal with a slow vegger if the smoke is good.


Might just be the seed plant. Clone is growing quickly with more internodal distance.

Yeah I don’t have high hopes considering it’s just one female and whatnot but who knows sometimes you get lucky.


Garland “R” at 48
(Golden Goat x Scott’s OG)

A fine plant, more Golden Goat on the structure, kushy backend lemon up front. Only 2/8 plants I’ve grown so far that have had the Golden Goat frame. Everything else was taller and more kushy.

Dank stuff, stinky, not quite chunky enough to keep, though. It also threw a nanner off one of those little petiole buds that sometimes pop up, so disqualified anyway.

Decided to reveg plant “U”…ended up liking it more towards the end. Those huge golf ball buds and musky spicy Golden Goat scent won me over.

Shineapple from Duke Diamond. The most vigorous 7 plants. Hoping for 3-4 females.


That golden goat looks excellent.


Garland “T” at 51

Decided not to keep it. Good looking plant but the scent profile isn’t much like either parent. Skunky and sweet, classic dank smell but it’s also got a metallic detergent dryer sheet thing going on I don’t love.

Garland “X” just hit flower, Garland “Y” entering in soon.


Garland “R” at 57. Run it to about 70.

Smells fantastic. Sweet naphtha kush, rye bread? Shame it tossed a nanner off a petiole bud.

Garland “X” and “Y” are in flower. These will be the 9th and 10th Garland plants I’ve flowered. After this run about to begin, pollination run begins.

Golden Goat STS project was a bust. Made pollen but it wasn’t viable. Seeds started to develop but stalled. Not a single seed close to ripe 7 weeks after male removed. Next time a stronger STS solution will be used. 1:5 instead of 1:7 folks.

It be like that.


My limited experience with plants that make petiole buds is similar. That’s too bad.


I too have noticed a tendency for those little petiole buds to be dangerous. It’s happened to me at least 2 times in recent memory. I should start plucking them off preemptively on the plants that like to throw them.


I was thinking about weed that smells like caraway seeds the other day.

Looking good.


Yeah! It’s a little like the sour bread smell with the caraway!

Wish I could keep her but the Golden Goat mother is nanner prone so I gotta be extra ruthless on stuff that can produce nanners.


Garland “T” at 62

A fine plant but not regretting deciding not to keep it. It doesn’t quite match “A” in yield or scent.

Harvesting this one soon, Garland “R” also finishing up. X & Y and a clone of “A” now in flower.

Shineapple getting big and burly. One plant showed male already should know the sex of the other 5 soon. Looking like 2-3 females. They’ll get potted up and tossed into flower within a week.


It’s a craptastic picture of a little plant, @minitiger but here’s that MSS x Appalachia at 30 days.

You can actually notice it getting bigger from day to day. Buds look like they’ll be massive in 4 more weeks.

Smell is dank. Not like any particular thing yet, just “dank”. Stinks. Getting reasonably frosty.

I didn’t expect it to be anything but mediocre and it’s still early obviously but I’m definitely liking what I see so far.


Looks like a hell of a thick stock on her buds are huge for a small pot.!


Yeah, for sure, that’s a really good-looking plant. Kinda sucks that it stayed so short, but that’s not a huge deal. Shit, man, you got me pretty stoked about that pack I have. I was thinking it’s gonna be a while, like years, before I pop any of them, but they’re moving up the list now. Maybe the next time I plant some seeds. It’s been a whiiiiile since I’ve grown any of Bodhi’s Appalachia crosses, I was thinking Mountain Temple, but now I’m thinking the Super Skunk…


Some Garland “A” neckbones from a little clone I tossed in during the Golden Goat reversal. The pollination failed but failure just yields sinsemilla. It went 85 days…too long…lost some oomph in the smell department.

Garland “Z”. Loud loud loud. Mostly kush but some Golden Goat shining through.

Massachusetts Super Skunk x Appalachia at 34 days


Massachusetts Super Skunk x Appalachia at 40

Only 16" tall but this plant will yield very well for a 2g pot. Super strong musty skunky dank smell…some chem, some fruit stripe in the background. Reeks. Reasonable amount of leaf, big yields, could be ran commercially. Low stretch but reasonably fast veg growth.

Gets bigger every time I look at it, can’t wait to see what it can do as a full size plant trained in a 5g hempy.

If this plant doesn’t herm out, it’s likely going to be pollinated next round.

Bit more polyhybrid than I usually go for but it’d still be a nice blend of old time pre-hype era USA dank. I’m very fond of the 90’s plants.

Ohio Dumpster cut arrived, let’s see if it roots. Could get pollinated as well for shits n’ gigs.


Looks great! I can’t get over how short she stayed. So, she’s at day 40 today, how much longer you think before you chop?


If I had to guess, it looks like a 9 weeker. Almost all white pistils still.

You should germ them if you got 'em.