Vernal's Basement Part 2: Electric Boogaloo

Yeah, I’m probably gonna plant some next round, but that won’t be until May 1. Those aphids fucked my schedule all up.


I find aphids hate being poisoned to death.


Be nice to have a row of those in the tin box 5 ft tall and waving in the wind.


This is definitely the type of plant people used to make a lot of money with haha.


Massachusetts Super Skunk x Appalachia at 44

Even bigger from this side…makes sense, that’s the side it gets light on lol.

Fuckin’ stinks.

Buds should be right at quart mason jar sized here in 3 weeks. Just perlite, vermiculite, and Dyna Gro in a 2g nursery pot. Might very well do 3oz in a 2g pot.

Ohio Dumpster cuts rooted. I let the cubes get way too dry and they look like crap…but they rooted. Nice calluses, haha. Definitely something to be said for keeping them drier than wetter.

Imma pollinate one with Garland pollen, assuming nothing goes wrong between now and then.


What did you think of Mass SS? Anything notable?

I found a jewel in my summer experiments. It was solid BandAid smells for two weeks before I chopped it. And, it was pollinated and making seeds the whole time.

It’s still curing but I’m smoking the crap out of it. Lots of seeds but the buds look and taste normal mostly. Lots of trichs and perfectly textured buds.

The parents were @ToddMcC’s (original haze x original Neville’s haze) x @lefthandseeds’ 4P haze (Panama Haze x PPP). I’m going to work this one s little. If it’s this good while filled with seeds I want to find that pheno again, cause I can’t imagine the taste of the sensi.

The seeds are in short supply but once I shuck the last of the Todd buds I’ll see what I have. I’d love for someone else to take a look. I sent a pack of them to @lefthandseeds but only a dozen I think. I’ll probably start a thread to post pics. It looks like it’ll be a hoot to grow for phenos. It colored up nicely at harvest, too.

Sorry for the rambling. This stuff is potent, too.

I’m loving those jar sized buds! Looking forward to seeing what a few weeks does. peace


How often do you have to water in this setup?

Looking good (as always) :+1:t2:


Once per day, could do every other day if I wanted, but it’s pretty dry by then…not quite to point of wilting but close.

Mix is about 70% chunky perlite 30% fine vermiculite. Plant itself is in a 4" rockwool cube surrounded by mix. I actually prefer fine perlite but I usually buy whatever bags that ripped open in shipping at the grow store…half price. I’m cheap.


I wish I could say…not a common cut a lot of folks have anymore…never grown it myself…hell…I’ve never seen any flower in person either. Buddy of mine says this looks like Appalachia crosses he ran…so it must take after the dad.

I am familiar with chemdog and green crack that make up Appalachia and I can definitely smell the chemdog in it. Not so much the green crack. It’s a very permeating “musty dank” smelling plant.

Bandaids huh? I love the hospital smell in hazes.


Maybe I missed the post… but are these the F1s? I had some S1s that were lackluster. Low smell throughout the grow — no funk, but had slight “sweet” tones after dry and cure. To be honest it didn’t look too bad.

But after however many weeks (maybe months) I went to check it’s jar and it somehow smells like hay now :sleepy: Not really sure how I fucked it up AFTER jarring. But eh, whatever. Truthfully I am glad to hear you’re having a better time with yours.


This is Bodhi’s F1…@advancedbuffalo was kind enough to send me 5 beans from his pack. Only ended up with one female.

The reports for this line are mixed. Seems people are just as likely to get something awesome as they are something not worth keeping around.

I must have gotten lucky somehow. And ya know…I don’t mind sharing cuttings once I start throwing away a dozen a week on a mother plant.


Garland “R”

Probably my 2nd favorite plant of the 8 I’ve ran so far. Wish it hadn’t thrown that petiole bud nanner, otherwise it’d be an F2 mother.

Stinks fiercely. Skunky, dank, kushy, tennis balls, rye bread. Slightly smellier than Garland A but much shorter, leafier, and less Golden Goat scent.

Garland “X” and “Y” are in flower now…X smells like Golden Goat in a florist shop, Y smells like peachy sweet kush. Both look nice but aren’t even at 30 days yet so we’ll see. As it stands now…leaning toward “X”.


Those look like some dense expertly trimmed buds! I’m jealous for sure!


Thanks! Not an easy plant to trim, pretty leafy but almost as dense as a collapsed star lol. Stuff is so much denser under CMH than HPS…30g in a quart mason jar is only half full. Just those 3 buds are 7g.


Phew that’s some top shelf medicine in my book! I gotta breakout the ole cmh myself!


MSS x Appalachia at 50. Still swelling but much more slowly. Some hairs beginning to turn peach (my favorite color form, purely cosmetic yes but it looks the best against the light green IMO).

It did throw a couple nanners up near the top (which I unfortunately expected given the lineage…chemdog is notorious for it) but nothing crazy. I’m probably keeping it anyway. Still reeking like musty dank chemdog…maybe wishful thinking but this plant is too loud for it to lose smell in jars


Super stank mystery beans are on their way. This should be right up your alley, pop em all and cull like crazy, only the strongest survive! Plant Darwinism is alive and well in your hands



Good to see you around GrowHard!


MSS x Appalachia at 57. Neat. Harvest in like 10 days.

Photos of Shineapple and Garland plants coming soon. Garland X and Y are nearing week 6.

Shineapple plant “1” already tossed a big hangin’ nanner cluster at 3 weeks out of a lower bract, culled the backup clone.


This looks ridiculously good. Loving the little bonsai look to it. Those are some chunky nugs!

:man_facepalming:t3: Hope you have better luck with the others. I’d like to see this strain reach the finish line.