Vernal's Basement Part 2: Electric Boogaloo

General clone policy is LITFA and it got too much of that. I got this cut unrooted 6 weeks ago lol it was a very unhappy camper after it dried out too much lol. Crispified and just sat there pissed off. Dumpster the twice-rooted haha.


The 3 Shineapple plants. (VA Beach Afghani x Screaming Eagle) from Duke Diamond.

Decided not to keep any, but these are all pretty interesting old Afghanis. The frosty one is my favorite. Scents are aggressively green, bitter, acrid, vegetal. Folks into “nasty” smelling weed would really like these, just not my cup of tea.


Alrighty. Pollination round begins Jan 1.

This is the cast of characters:

Garland (Golden Goat x Scott’s OG) males (“W” and “L”) to:

Garland "A"
Garland "X"
Ohio Dumpster clone
Massachusetts Super Skunk x Appalachia
Mango Nigerian Cough F2

Nice mix of candidates. My own line, an old clone, a haze, and a broadleaf.

I am most interested in the Garland F2 obviously, but after that I wanna crack into the Mango Nigerian Cough x Garland first. MNC is a truly special plant, it just needs to be “fixed”.

I have two more Garland plants in the mini overflow tent, and they’ll likely get pollinated as well but not on purpose. I don’t think I can prevent it nor do I really care to. If one of them ends up incredible, I’ll keep those seeds too.

Updates to follow.


How does the Mango Nigerian Cough compare to the Band Aid Haze?


More similar than different, at least to some expressions. The shorter flowering frosty purple BAH plants are pretty close morphologically. Not a lot of leaf, neckbone style nugs.

Scent wise they’re both undeniably haze, but where BAH is more floral soapy church incense, MNC is loud incensey florally catpiss, no soap. MNC almost borders on cheesy it’s so strong.

Both will go purple, though MNC is more “red”. Both are lanky, MNC is vinier, and at least a week faster.

But BAH also has longer flowering, larger, bigger yielding green plants that are quite different.


Great info and thank you! What’s the “fixing” you alluded to in your post? Some strange expressions or potential herming, or something different?


It’s rock solid…sexually. Weirdly the BAH were too. You’d almost expect it not to be, but I was pleasantly surprised.

The structural issues are what I have with that plant. Stupendous vigor, incredible stretch, but it is a literal vine. Every branch needs a stake and there’s lots of them. It doesn’t even form discernable colas just little buds everywehere. Like trainwreck but far worse. It desperately needs a little structure. It starts looking like crap and fading hard around week 7 and there’s nothing to be done about it. And it yields like crap, to boot. I’m not selling it well…but it really is that interesting and dank, normally I’d scrap a plant with such undesirable traits, that should tell you how special it is.

It’s also one of those rare plants where the stem and the plant itself reeks exactly how it smells in finished bud…this should make things easy looking for MNC expressions in the progeny. I usually disregard stem rubs but this is an exception.


Dam your description sounds good.


Shineapple "1"by Duke Diamond at 58

Needs another week but it’s getting harvested anyway as the pollination round has officially begun.

Beautiful black leaf fade, ultra dense little nuggets, lots of frost. I just dislike the acrid bitter green earthy smell immensely. This one has also pushed a few nanners now which makes 2/3 plants. I bet I could find one on the third if I looked hard enough. Not bad at all given how old school the lineage is.


We’re a few days into pollination.

It’s packed in there but I’ll make it fit. If I gotta excise some branches it’s no big deal.

Some females went in around Christmas, and are just starting to stretch as of now.

2 males and 2 Garland females. And the others females. I’ve had males be sterile before (and the Bandaid Haze weren’t super fertile pollen producers). Point is, don’t put all your eggs in one basket. Pick at least 2 males and 2 females…sterility is more common than you think especially if the plant is super inbred or has other recessive traits.

Only plant I worry about fertility -wise is Mango Nigerian Cough F2…she’s weird as hell and reminds me of Haley Piff (which was sterile). We shall see. My friend intentionalmisuse has made an F3 line so I know it can be done.

It’s easy to make thousands of seeds, but it’s also easy to fail. So have redundancy figured in. Both males are among the most vigorous plants I’ve germed out of the Garland line, but I didn’t have that many to choose from, as the line is very strongly female dominant. I have only found 5 males from a couple dozen sexed plants and about 60 seeds germinated.



Some Garland “A” nugs. Super dank. It’s currently being pollinated for a reason.

Balls beginning to form on the Golden Goat leaning male


:eyes::eyes::eyes::eyes::eyes::nauseated_face:you don’t say




Garden updates:

Male #2 has opened a couple sacs already. Noice.

Germed 10 of @GrowHard Chem 4 x (Princess x Vortex) at his request. All cracked but it’s chilly down in the basement and I had a couple slowpokes and stragglers so we’re down to 7 of the hardiest seedlings.

Killed the Dumpster flowering plant and the backups. It was growing sorta “funny” and after the last hplvd fiasco I’m not taking risks on outside cuts contaminating the stock. It was kept apart from other plants never touching, never shared runoff, never shared shears. It didn’t have brittle branches or deformed leaves but it wouldn’t “thrive” either. Poor apical dominance and branches were too lateral for comfort.

Maybe it’s just because it’s an old cut, maybe it just grows like that, dunno…not risking it. I told several people I’d share it with them and they’ll probably be disappointed but I’d feel worse if I gave someone a problem, so there it is.

This means no Dumpster x Garland seeds either, but that’s OK. I like having a limited pollination instead of X male crossed to everything strategy. Also, all my plants are from seeds, no outside clones in my garden. Everything I am making is 100% from plants I found.

Pollination lineup has adjusted:

Garland male x:

Garland “A” Garland F2 v1
Garland “X” Garland F2 v2
Garland 11 & 12 (Two Garland seed plants that are being unavoidably pollinated as I was running them in the mini tent concurrent with the pollination…if either is up to standard I’ll keep the seeds…one is possibly a winner super skinny leaves like Golden Goat)

Mango Nigerian Cough F2 “Pale Flesh”
Massachusetts Super Skunk x Appalachia “Frogspawn”




I was hoping someone would notice lol.

I remember gathering some as in grade school to keep in a terrarium, later I must have had 100 tadpoles haha. 2 became frogs. Seemed neat at the time but looking back, that’s a bad success rate haha.


Garland “X” all trimmed up.

Reeking of lemon lime soda and funky floor cleaner. The most Golden Goat of the plants I’ve ran thus far.


those buds look wonderful man! Job well done!



When you grow big males they start dropping a LOT of pollen quickly. Reached full pollination rather quickly, killed the 2 males already. A few shakes made the tent absolutely hazy with pollen, so much it made the plants next to it look yellow from being coated. Bracts swelling rapidly and all white hairs are shriveling. I can even see some seeds developing outside of bracts.

Feel like I got a good mix of both males. It is possible to overpollinate, seeds will end up kinda weird looking from being smushed together.

Should be done in about 6 weeks I imagine.

Next lineup for flower is 2 Garland “A” clones, another Garland F1 seed female (13th female), and the MSS x Appalachia clone.

Chem 4 x (Princess x Vortex) are down to 5 plants, thrown in to flower for a couple days now. Hopefully end up with 3 females.



No pictures…fully seeded plants look like trash lol. But all developing well. I’ve actually got a few fully formed viable seeds off the buds when checking development. Still needs about 2 weeks though.

Chem 4 x (Princess x Vortex) from @GrowHard was sexed, 4/5 females. He said the line was very female oriented, and he was right.

The last one could have been female, but it was the runt, and wasn’t showing yet, and I didn’t have the space anyway. Those are starting to stretch now, and have been semi-lollipopped. Pretty uniform appearance. Here in a couple weeks when they’re something to look at I’ll take some pictures. They went into flower as 2 week old seedlings on Jan 21 so they’re small but it’s a test run in the mini tent. 4 plants under a single 315.

Veg tent is wildly packed, can’t wait to germ some more beans. Here in about 2 weeks. Unsure what to run next. Haven’t grown a lot of haze lately, getting the bug. Kinda thinking about growing some of the Arco Iris (Acapulco Gold x Zipolite Oaxaca) x Bandaid Haze IX 3.0 or just more of the Bandaid Haze IX 3.0 F2 I made. Or cracking the Black Triangles, or cracking the last 15 Garland F1 seeds. Iunno.