Vernal's Basement Part 2: Electric Boogaloo

Somewhere between the oily lemon pine cleaner of chemdog and the rotten fruit funk of Cindy family. Only the big one has any real sweetness, other 3 are quite earthy and “dry”.


What I’m talking about. Nice man.

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The other Chem 4 x (Princess x Vortex) plants. Squatter and leafier than the other 2, very chemdoggy looking.


Well let’s start running these damn beans.

Sprouted 10 of the MNC x Garland beans. 7 came up. 70% isn’t the best germ rate for something so fresh, but the mother line also had issues with germ rates (~40%). Is what it is. I don’t lie about my gear. But, 70% I can live with.

The male side has near 100% germ even 5 years after making them…so that looks like an MNC trait. They are small little speckled beans. Momma made an awful lot of those.

My packs come with plenty of extras, sometimes 25+, so you should still all be set with enough plants haha.

They’re about a week old and they are LEGGY like mom. I start seedlings under strong light so they stay nice and solid but these are very tall. They all look identical as well…looks like MNC is going to be dominant in these.

In about 30 days they’ll go in flower. Trying to run a few small plants soon, and a couple more Garland F1 plants that are probably female (Garland is a very female dominant line).

Updates to follow.


Big gal from Chem 4 x (Princess x Vortex) via @GrowHard

Nearing the finish.

Other plants in main flower are nearing the point where they will take OK pictures, 5 weeks along now. 2 Garland “A”, another Garland F1 plant, and MSS x Appalachia.

There’s a dozen other things I’d like to germ but I have to run some Garland F2 next.


We wanna see all the plants!! Lol good job as always vernal


Mango Nigerian Cough F2.

Lil haze nugs that just fuckin reek.


I’m down with it. Looks nice. Cool name also

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Fire as always. Have you taste tested it yet?

It is:

“Ft Collins Cough” clone (an old NL5 x Haze from 90’s) x (CF’s “piffy” Mango Haze x JJ’s Nigerian)

It’s wonderful. Catpissy, church basement, musty, floral. Like a funeral home or an antique shop.

I saw similar plants in Bandaid Haze. Purple haze, small nugs, “churchy” smell.


I know Fort Collins very well. Kool stuff. I would go to Mishawaka. I slept at 14,000 feet for a few years.

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Oh yeah. It’s quite strong. Can’t say it really tastes like it smells like some stuff does. I don’t find this haze profile really translates to taste. Or maybe I don’t notice as much. Iunno.


Did you ever sample “the cough” as it is locally known?


We used to roll joints from the rice paper in cheap bibles


The paper is super thin.

It’s like God wants me to.


“Have you ever taken holy communion my son?”



Wouldn’t you know it, vernal whipping some stuff up in his house that’s better than 100% of street weed, 99% of legal weed, and 99% better than any name brand breeder can come up with. It’s almost like…he knows what he’s doing :thinking:


I don’t think so.

You got it inverted…I don’t know what I’m doing…but nobody else does either


You’ve been doing this for a while, I think you know a thing or two :wink:

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