Vernal's Basement Part 2: Electric Boogaloo

I try to stay in my lane. But had to see what Vern was talking about.


Ahhhhh that gave me a SOLID laugh. :ok_hand: Good stuff.

Well, maybe we can just post up in this thread for a spell. Keep it warm for his return. Who can stand IG, really?


Fuck staying in your lane. I mean, we’re fucking WEED GROWERS. Ain’t no conformity about this!


You know what I meant!! I don’t normally look through new threads!


Ahhh, okay. I actually didn’t know what you meant haha! Thanks for clarifying. Seriously, I didn’t know that’s what you meant haha.

I’m just gonna say this, though, on the off-chance that @vernal is still logging on: don’t be a bitch. Do not let the fact that people are like (and all of the following should be read in a “whiny bitch” voice),”Hurumph… vernal’s saying something that I don’t agree with! And that hurts my feelings! He’s mean! I’m gonna complain about this!” keep you from hanging. Most of us are adults here. Any sorta dialogue and disagreements and conversation and whatever are just fodder for the genesis of new ideas. That’s how pretty much any good new idea, ever, in the history of mankind, has happened.

I mean, seriously, you’re gonna let some weird shit in some stupid thread make you bounce? Weak. Stick around and show some motherfuckers up.


Vernal drove a lot of interesting and entertaining conversation on the site. Hell of a grower too. Sad to see him go.

I do wonder though… why do a lot of weed forum people get so butthurt over a bit of moderation ?


We’ve butted heads but also sad to see him go. And all just for some crazy 5g nutjob. The mod team is really dropping the ball on this one.


Yeah, I don’t get that, either. I’m not sure it’s specific to weed forums; probably happens on a lot of different forums, but since I’m only ever on weed forums, that’s my only experience with it haha. Greenhighlander bounced a little while back, too, apparently over the same type of shit. Who knows?

Having said that, if somebody was going around saying I’m a fed, I’d be pretty fucking pissed, too.


Yeah same. I suppose the internet in general is just kind of like that but it’s not so obvious, most places aren’t so closely knit as OG. Lot of self medicating folks who don’t like authority here as well.

Agree @anon60559124 was a big loss too. I’m a huge fan of his work, had been following his Peakseedsbc grows for years before I even got on OG. The kind of thing where a guy aspires to maybe be half as good as that someday.

But that’s life, people come and go. New people with fresh ideas and attitudes joining up all the time.


I took a break from OG for a min. What happened with @anon60559124? Damn, loved his thread.


Check his profile => Acivity => Last posts, is what I normally do in this cases hoping they were not deleted, welcome back … beer3|nullxnull

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He didn’t mention what happened on his thread, just quit posting instead, which actually seems like the way to do it if you’re gonna really, truly bounce. Once I realized he hadn’t posted in like two weeks, after posting every day, I had to do what @George suggested to figure it out.

I really do not get this whole,”Okay, fuck it! I’m out then!” thing, though. It’s just the internet. People none of us are probably ever gonna meet. It’s not like they’re actual friends of ours, with in-person, meaningful day-to-day interactions or even once-a-month or whatever. If somebody says stupid shit, just ignore it and move on to another thread. Or whatever. It all seems very silly to me.


the mod team really didnt do much (as far as i know). LemonadeJoe just expressed dislike at the way he had responded on the thread, and that was it.

the thread itself is a shit show, and i think most of the funny shit got deleted as off topic. im also sad to see him go over that. i actually enjoyed his threads and replies.


Man, that account you reply to was deleted, another casualty :disappointed:, guess it’s him …



I’ll likely hit you up this summer, sometime. @oleskool830 sent me at least a few of your Golden Goat/Scott’s OG and I had planned on running them outside. I saved your email. Feel free to hit me up here via PM if you ever need anything. Gonna miss your kush side of life thread. peace


Damn, gonna miss Verns posts. Once I got his sense of humor I thought it was funnier than hell. Got a feeling that lots of piles of bullshit will be left stacked up without him around. You always need that one guy who’s willing to mock away the nonsense to keep everything reasonable in perspective. Something about satire being a tool to expose the absurd.


Yeah, I just located one of his strains that @oleskool830 sent me that I want to grow outside…Golden Goat x Scott’s OG.

Hope you get a good rest from this place @vernal, and then get your ass back over here. :smiley_cat: Maybe you could add a disclaimer to your profile to warn others, heh. Seriously, we have a lot of new members in the last two years, and they’ll get to know you, and appreciate your personality and involvement, but moreover your grow knowledge, in time maybe. Tell anyone who complains to put you on mute if it’s in your thread. I don’t always agree with people, but it doesn’t stop me from reading their posts. Debate is healthy.

I plan on doing the Golden Goat x Scott’s OG outside this summer. Thanks for making them, and thanks to @oleskool830 for the donation. Hope to see you soon brother. peace


@vernal where you at dude? You leaving us part timers to deal with conspiracy bullshit just isn’t working dammit


I’ll even chuck some free insults your way if you can haul your ass up out of that dungeon for some quality sparing :grin:


Yeah, @vernal! You’re already missing out on the newest science. Molybdenum has become the new boron since you were last here.

Don’t stay away too long. You could really get behind on things. Smoking one for you bro. peace