Very first grow log!

Thanks Rogue I’ll remember that one, the tips and hacks on here are priceless :+1:


Another exciting day at my micro farm!
Seeds have popped and are now nestled in their organic soil in their own solo cups.


Hey, so quick question on my next steps…
I know my plants will need nitrogen during veg phase. When should I start feeding them?
Figures I would stick with plain water for the first little bit.
I have some Alaskan fish fertilizer and some superthrive. Any thoughts??
Thanks! :grin:


Roughly 2-3 weeks after they pop above the surface. Once they enter veg. I usually assume they’re in veg when the first 3 blade leaves start rapidly growing


Ok, I am keeping my soil damp, humidity about 45-50 and temp about 80-85. No green yet, but I am patient.

BUT…a very exciting package showed up today!
Bought a few beans from a fellow OG and I am absolutely over the moon!!! Many thanks @WeTokeChronic
I will have to sample my way thru the whole catalog! He was kind enough to throw in a few extras, too :+1::heart:
This is seriously better than Christmas and my birthday combined!! :tada:


Today’s update…we have leaves! :grin::+1:
Feel like I have my temp and humidity well controlled now. Currently sitting at 50% and 75 degrees.


I’d try to get the RH up a bit for early veg(maybe 65ish) You’ll be fine where you are tho,

The key is keeping drastic swings from happening with RH and Temp several times a day. Don’t go from 30% to 90% then back to 30%, try to keep temp and RH about 10-15 points from night temp/RH

Looks great so far!

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Ok, I can dial it up a bit. Currently my low/high is 47/55.
My temps are 62/82. Guessing that will be ok, but could do a few things to tighten that up if needed.
Things seem to be going well!
Just popped 4 more seeds and now waiting for them to sprout! :grin::+1:


keep your tent closed longer? but the bigger they get the more your temps and humidity rise, they will be good, by keeping the door zipped on the tent this helps make an artificial atmosphere.

I am doing good with that. Tent is closed all the time other than watering time.
My fluctuations occur mostly due to the heating schedule in my house. Thermostat set to 60 most of the time. I have a small space heater to keep my room warmer. I use an inkbird controller to run my fan to control humidity …and a dehumidifier standing by in case things get bad.
I figure I can hook up a temp controller for my heater if I need tighter control of my temps.

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I’m here, you are the captain now!

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Little update.
Had a few more seeds start sprouting. The first two seem to be doing ok. 2nd set of leaves starting to peek thru on those. My temps and humidity seem ok…


Looking good !!!

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Little update…
Everything seems to be growing fine.
Think I may have overwatered a little bit…a couple of my leaves have a weird twist.
Still just giving them room temp water. Figure I will start bumping up the nitrogen once they get a little bigger.


Another little update…
My first 2 seedlings are getting a little pale…looks like maybe nitrogen deficiency, based on the chart I am looking at.
Going to add some Alaskan fish fert to my watering bucket for my next watering.
Also, I had then on 18/6…thinking I will bump them up to 24hr light cycle and see if it makes a positive difference.
Will snap some pics tomorrow.

Ok, I think the 2 plants in the foreground have a nitrogen deficiency…


I may be screwed on these poor little guys, but I am learning…so it’s not completely for nothing.
The soil is pretty saturated and not drying out at the same rate as my other 3 plants.
I decided to transplant into 1 gallon pots in an effort to let that moisture spread out into the surrounding soil. Plus, it looked like the roots were reaching the bottom of the solo cup.
Once things dry out a bit, I will give them some Alaskan fish fertilizer.

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Good day and good fortune in your endeavor.
I have no experience with Ednas Blend, but it looks like it may be a bit “hot” for seedlings.
You don’t need to worry about food until they get bigger. The yellowing looks to like they are too wet or too fed.
The AFF is lambs bread, I would hold off; that soil should have everything a seedling needs.
When they are tiny I only give them rooting stuff like RapidStart and bio buddies like Great White to get biological stuff going in the dirt.
When they are small, they don’t use a whole lot of water.
Good Fortune grower


your getting close, if you were to feed N then do so in around a week but a pinch, a small amount, a baby feed so to say,
other wise your right on track. keep your soil moist not damp. and things should be fine. so far so good, cause they are still up, what ones are doing what, meanig names of the ones acting up and the others doing good, names of those too, like for instance. holy surfer #1 is doing this, #2 is doing that, ect

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Thanks for the tips!
Here is a link to the soil I am using

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