Very first grow log!

It’s my 2 Holy Surfers that are struggling. Hopefully re-potting them will help with the excess moisture. The Lavender Frosting (3 in the back) are about a week younger, but growing nice and vigorous!
Will check tomorrow morning and see how everyone is doing.


Does look like nitro def. to me. Yellowing from bottom up usually a good indicator for nitrogen.

You are dealing with the soil guessing game. I think your right in your guess. I played that game for a few months then switched to coco and Jacks 321. Doesn’t sound like that path meshes with your organic goals…but it’s damn easy and pretty much noob proof. My plants were never so healthy and happy in dirt.


Hello. Welcome

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Hey friends!
So, I was on vacation for a week and had my son water my plants for me.
Before I left, I had 2 that were going downhill a bit…seemed a lirrle overwatered or nitrogen deficient.
I transplanted them from solo cups into 1 gallon pots.
Other 3 plants were looking great in their solo cups, so they stayed.
When I got home…total switch! Solo cup plants totally wilty, gallon pots looling good!
So, transplant time again… My solo cup plants were showing a bit of rootbound-ness.
Will see if they perk up.


Sweet gotta love a first grow log


I am enjoying the heck out of this!
Learning so much and you guys are such an awesome community. I love seeing the changes in these plants and trying to understand them.
It’s like reading a really good book and seeing what comes next.


Well I have them all in 1 gallon pots and they all seem to be thriving! Growing well and good color…just planning out my next steps.

So, we have hit storm season here and I had my first power outage today…right before I left for work. I am left to wonder how badly a long power outage might affect my plants??


As far as the lights, it shouldn’t matter… they can survive an overcast day, they’ll survive a few extra hours with the lights off. Any idea how the temperature was with the power out? That might cause some trouble, if it got to freezing or near it. Otherwise, they’re probably fine.


It was 75 in the space when I left. Outside temp is currently 45, so it’s probably not too bad in there now.


Ok here is an update!
Power is back on…nothing appears harmed :+1:

All my babiea are growing good…a couple are a little stunted from some previous over or under watering, but they bounced back and I learned from it!
I still have them under the t5 and giving them plain water about every 3rd day. I have intermixed some superthrive and Alaska fish fert for a couple waterings, but didn’t want to get carried away.
Not sure if or when I should change my light (cup at spectra led) or nutrients.
They look pretty good right now, so I am just staying the course.



Hey everyone!
So, things are going decently with my little garden. I decided to change a few things up…
Went from 24 hr light cycle to 18/6. I felt like this would ultimately be healthier for the plants.
One of my tubes burned out in the t5 so this seemed like a good point to switch out to the vipar spectra led light, as the plants seem hearty and we are past the seedling stage.
I have been alternating AFF with regular water, still, and that seems to be doing ok.
With 5 plants I feel like my 2x4 tent is getting a little crowded, so I am considering moving 2 plants to a smaller tent to use as mothers.
But!! What would a grow be without a couple problems, right??
Currently I am having an issue with moisture gnats. I have done a little reading about remedies and I think I am going to try bottom watering to see if that takes care of them.
Also, I have one plant that is particularly droopy. I hand water them all the same, but I notice the water sits on top of the soil quite a bit longer on this one. Not sure what to make of it…
Would love to hear your guys’s suggestions!
Thanks :+1:


Ok…i have a couple plants that are getting significantly yellow in the bottom leaves.
I am trying to not overfeed or over water…but clearly I am not doing enough.
I think I am at the 10 week point. They are about 12-14 inches tall. So far I have only fed them with superthrive and AFF.
Guessing they are at the point where they need some phosphorous. I picked up some florabloom today (0-10-10) and gave that a go.
Any suggestions???



A picture would help. You can step up on the last number a bit. The middle can come up also. I see your pictures. Yes 10-10 will help. You need some N also. Thrive alive be careful with.

Awesome looking grow Brochacho.Rock on with your bad self my dude.

Hello I can help you if you need it. You asked a question. You went ten days without help. Jack 321 is cheap. I don’t use it. But it is easy.

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I will post up some pics when I get home. I was limited to the food/ferts at my local garden shop, so the florabloom seemed like the best option…

Thanks :+1:

Yes I will help. I’m sorry I didn’t see you asking. I’ll be around. Neptune makes a great organic line. Advanced has one also. Fish stuff stinks but is very effective. Alaskan fish fertilizer they sell it at Home Depot. Harris is great also. It cold pressed I believe. Epson salt I’ve only used it a few times. Fox farm has a simple one. Sledgehammer has kelp it actually will hold your organics. My faults. Molasses will help with your bugs in your soil mix a little bit with some water it will crust the dirt. And trap them. A little neem oil with dawn will kill them. Just top your soil with it. They will love it. And you don’t have to spray your whole plant just do the top of your soil.

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Bud dirt 101: (1977- 2002) Add seeds and stand back, add molasses and water for life of plant.

  • OR - FOOP and great soil to start, (2016- Present)
8 large bags of a high-quality organic potting soil with
    coco fiber and mycorrhizae (i.e., your base soil)
25 to 50 lbs of organic worm castings
5 lbs steamed bone meal
5 lbs Bloom bat guano
5 lbs blood meal
3 lbs rock phosphate
¾ cup Epson salts
½ cup sweet lime (dolomite)
½ cup azomite (trace elements)
2 tbsp powdered humic acid

Ok here is today’s pic. Not sure why 2 are more yellowy than the others…