Very first grow log!

You check the ph and run off on the yellowing plants mite just be hungry,had 2 plants like that my last grow,had to give them extra nutes

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Good idea!!
I have been bottom watering them, but I will give them a blast from the top and see what comes out :+1:


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Today I gave them a drink from the top and measured the runoff. Not sure what the acceptable range is…but i got 1490 on my ppm tester. My gut tells me that is high…
Also I am learning a lot more about lights and realized my little led light was waaaay too small for what I am trying to do. I switched back to my t5 for more even coverage.
One of my yellow leaves shows a bunch of little brown spots. Is this possibly damaged caused by the little moisture gnats?
I know I am struggling a bit here, but I feel this is the “cost of tuition” and I am learning so much by doing this and from all you helpful friends!
Thank you so much!! :+1:

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That is high. Now we know what’s going on. 6.5 the water . Is the best. If you have some kind of flushing agent works. Personal I stopped using it. A few dead leaves isn’t a bad thing. They help you understand what’s going on. I don’t trim my bottom of my plants. They are stressed some. But nice looking. You will be ok.