Vietnam Black, Snowhigh/Kiona

That was my experience with the first run of the Kiona VB, too.
Made some hash with it, and for lack of better words, it had some strong sensory altering qualities. I can definitely understand why people call it trippy.


And how about the intensity? does your stash do the trick, or how would you describe the intnesity?


That’s very intriguing, more so than anything else you have tried?
I’ve heard about it periodically my self for being so good but no so little about it specifically.


I can only provide Fingerabsorptionreports.

Vietblack is more of Feeling, you know this Feeling of Landrace Sativas. Luckily from one of the strongest. Its like your in Water, the Air feels like water. some Peaks or sparks where you feel like in the tropics, and your Vision like focusses on something, an it starts to look very popular kitchy .

At best you get hallucinatory distortions, wich is cool , and its very very longlasting constant feeling like in a spiritual Process. but also kitchy. But its also bit cold melancholic from the Hemp. So, if you cant stand negative Sideeffects wich some there are (i have to tell it clear), then well, the Hemp will provide some. Ever smoked Hemp? Sensitive to sideffects like melancholy, anxiety? Then you might not find it a keeper, but it will provide you insight in real deep Feelings.


Yeah, I wouldn’t compare it to psychedelics; but on the level of, colors being a bit brighter. Body a little bit lighter — Things like that. I could understand a teenager with a low tolerance describing it along the lines of true hallucinogens.


I’d really be interested in trying a few of those if youd be willing to do a trade or something.


a copanion on Icmag has a better Selection than the Snowy and Magicspiritseeds.

He said acoustic Hallucinations. Also i couldnt get him to stop praising it, he said its THE Favorite weed he ever smoked in his Live. (He grew alot, Pure Landraces such as oltimers Haze, GypsysNirvanas Cambodian, NHaze, tutti)


Awesome grow journal! These VB look very different to the VB I have… I am not making any claims about heritage it’s just interesting…

I got my beans ages ago from a Vietnam vet, though he was also a raging alcoholic so…

The VB I have always had some purple/black on it… the leaf stems are purple, the male flowers as well as the female flowers go purple even in the tropics.

They start with big shade leaves and btt they finish the leaflets are super dark and only about 4mm wide sometimes with a purple central vein…

Anyway I have some going atm for seed making so here are some pics…

Unfortunately I don’t have any good finished pics, only one of last year’s winter breeders.


Keep me in mind if you’ve got extra seeds please.


If it’s some really good genetics I would definitely understand. Most of the seeds going around these days aren’t worth growing potency wise. Cheaper to grow an expensive seed once and be happy than to try out hundreds of cheap seeds and end up with mid grade weed. Course you never know what you will get when ordering seeds.

That brings up another great point. These purebred lines are not up to 2021 standards — they almost all need significant work. The genetics in that link are no exception.

There’s a lot of people making money off of misconceptions and false pretenses.


Those do not look like a pure south-east Asian. Super short and wide leaves. Who was the breeder?


I don’t know how many there’ll be, but a few dozen absolute minimum I would guess. I might do something like, ask people to pitch a project, and the people with the best ideas win a pack.

I’ve also got a ton of these little Azad Kashmir x Vietnam Black femme seeds. It’s a play on a hybrid Bodhi called Pleiadian Love Nest. He only released ~75 packs, with the proceeds going to fixing the roof of a monastery that was damaged by monsoons.
If there’s enough people interest, was thinking of hosting a competition with them. Everyone runs the same seeds, no males to worry about. Just a race to the finish line, with the bonus of both parents being super stinky, frosty, completely unrelated, inbred lines. So this is a true F1, with all the hybrid vigor that comes along with it. The growth rate should be astonishing, and yields should be stupendous.


They only start like that, the photos distort them also… no ‘breeder’, just an old time vet…

Some more pics…

Black stems…


Looking good like their structure.


Very cool thread. I’m experimenting with silver spray also and had the same luck when spraying until pollen flew
The only plant to actually produce pollen was one accidentally sprayed late one night. It had only been sprayed once
This was placed on a couple of plants but they didn’t seem to have seeds either
I’m trying another go around this time only spraying silver thiosulfate once a week during veg before fkip then colloidal silver several times a day for a week after flipping to twelve twelve


Yeah. That’s funny, we both made the exact same mistake. I’m so ashamed of myself. I’ve been told before to stop spraying before the flowers open, and yet here we are. I haven’t gone through the buds to see how many there are, but it could very well be enough to cover the FBSC. Man, that would be a nice surprise.


Did you keep clones of these to try again?



This thread has me wanting to pop my viet\Romulan seeds from @Instg8ter
Unfortunately most of the pollen I got from him was in the freezer and when it defrosted they got wet
I had one pack in the fridge that didn’t get wet.


I guess this is an interesting point when it comes to most landrace cultivars… If it’s true ‘preservation’ then the seeds ought to be collected randomly from fields of open pollinates plants. Problem is that even when harvesting from such a field, it’s only human to only pick the best looking flowers, and at that point you have a ‘selection’ of a landrace. At what stage do landrace varieties cultivated somewhere else cease to be true representations of the original? As soon as they are selected for and grown in a different environment imho.
Like most growers I start selecting the best plants from the get go. So anything landrace is only that of a generation or two right?

The vast bulk of wild types are lacking in the attributes most punters have come to expect from today’s off the shelf weed.

Imho wild types make great breeding tools, but it’s rare to find one as is that would appeal to the average joe.