Virginia Is For Lovers

This is the way. I’m struggling big time right now inside. Just trying to get this last photo to the finish line and I may retire my tent till cooler less humid weather.

Which way does your porch face? We get good morning sun then it’s shaded from noon on, my tomatos do great. The hottest part of the day is brutal and they appreciate the shade.

These are right up against the house to get the earliest shade

That’s one plant in a kitty litter bucket.


My deck faces east. Unfortunately there’s a big tree and that makes it so there’s only a handful of direct sun hrs. We shall see. Hardening them now. Cukes tomatoes jalapeños and cookies.Heck of a tomato you got there.


Yo lets wish @breadwinner a happy birthday from the VA crew :+1:


Happy birthday! @breadwinner :balloon:


@breadwinner HAPPY BIRTHDAY! :partying_face: :beers: :birthday:


Happy bday @breadwinner


Thanks dudes. It was a good one


I’m dying of humidity.
I’m struggling with my tent and this too tall plant. I removed my exhaust fan to re-route it outside the tent to save headspace and need to buy ducting. I’m sitting with the door open a lot but this morning it was 96% humidity in there and I think I see mold on the bottom half.
Also, it’s going to rain all.week.long. :unamused:


If I didn’t have a fairly large dehumidifier I’d be in the same boat. I pull a couple gallons a day out of it in the fall. Focus on lot’s of air movement if you can’t get it down. I’d be bringing my temps up too to prevent hitting the dew point and having droplets forming all over. Hope you get it settled soon.


Figuring out ducting and air flow is on my to-do list tomorrow. Since it’s going to rain all day anyway.
I’m going to borrow a PC fan from my husband to force air in, and the normal inline fan and filter to exhaust. I did finally get an oscillating fan for inside, too.
I’ve thought about one of those bags, drysit? Might work alright in a 3x3 for these exceptionally humid weeks.

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We’re in the same boat. We bought a dehumidifier like @FirstCavApache64 and it made all the difference in the world. When the tent temp gets too high, I turn down the light to balance it out. I don’t see a noticeable difference in bud density at all. I’d rather have all good bud with a little less yield, than a lot of molded bud. Your mileage may vary. With this week’s rain, I’ll empty the dehumidifier around once every 14 to 16 hours.

Good luck.

Edit for clarity: The dehumidifier raises the room temp which raises the tent temp. That’s why I turn the light down.


Right there with you got 2 dehumidifier going in the lung room. This is the best I can do right now in my flowering tent.



Doesn’t your humidity go up when your temp goes down though? I would prefer to have 85F in the tent and < 55% Humidity than 75F and 70% humidity. When the lights click off for 12 hours my humidity jumps through the roof as shown above.



The dehumidifier keeps the humidity at the level you select. The more it runs, the hotter the room gets. The hotter the room gets, the hotter the tent gets. I’ve had my tent temps go over 90F with the dehumidifier running on a very humid day (rain). Rather than increase the humidity in the room/tent by adjusting the dehumidifier, I turn the lights down. Especially late in flower.


Not trying to beat a dead horse, but what you’re describing is relative humidity. The amount of available water in the air vs. temperature. The dehumidifier is what controls the amount of water available in my room. If it were just humidity vs. temperature, it would never be dry in the winter and unbelievably humid in the summer (especially in Va.) :slight_smile:

My experience has been my plants don’t like temps over 90 in the tent. Your mileage may certainly vary.

Positive vibes.


I’m seeing news articles about “new” cannabis laws starting July 1. I’ve googled and visited NORMLs site but I’m still unsure on what’s changing.


Maryland goes legal on July 1st! WAHOO :partying_face::partying_face::partying_face::facepunch::+1::sunglasses::peace_symbol:


That’s good news! I heard they were going legal, but didn’t hear a date. My sister is in… Minnesota (? One of the flyover states, not south Dakota) and she’s mentioned with Wisconsin and Canada and everyone around legal, it’s only a matter of time. Feel like MD with DC and VA is in the same boat.


Rules are real sketchy rate now because the BOBBLE HEADS real don’t have a clue as to whats involved with the growing process, but yet they make the rules! :rofl::rofl::rofl::sunglasses::peace_symbol:

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pretty sure its just about the percentages of THC that retailers can sell in their hemp products.