Virtual Reality OverGrow… Welcome to the Future

Hello OG’s, are you ready to step across the event horizon? I have chosen Frame to build the first OverGrow exclusive, Virtual world. You will be able to build your own character and travel around the rooms with a standard computer interface, no VR equipment required. The portal to enter will be here on OverGrow and access will be OG members only. There will be one room to start with up to 50 OG’s at a time, for the opener this will be a OverGrow party room to toke and talk with others. Once in place I will open the portal while under construction so OG’s will be able to give advice and ideas for how to best serve the community.

I had a dream a couple of years ago about OverGrow as it is now, with a virtual reality portal. When I stepped thru the door I saw buildings made of buds and shops in every directions where I looked at seeds and talked to a droid avatar about the strain and looked at time lapse of the growth and desired results from that plant. When I walked back onto the street there where all different form of flying transportation with OG’s in control of those craft, there were portals to other VR cannabis cultures and thousands of OG’s walking around with all personalized avatars. I joined a group listening to a seed breeder giving a VR hands on class for growing trichomes on a sheet of special ruby substrate glass lit with micro leds. I went from there into the smokers lounge and joined in a take a hit and throw a darts competition, it was really incredible… it was a dream. It is also my goal to make it a virtual reality.

The 7 year anniversary of the return of OverGrow from the ashes of the old is next month, Thank you to @LemonadeJoe and the Moderators.


Haha that’s too cool. So many inventive minds on OG, love it! :peace_symbol:


Sounds like a blast @Heliosphear , nice to see you around again brother


Pretty cool idea, got me curious about the implementatian.


@Heliosphear thanks for helping me stay present and part of the future :vulcan_salute:


Yes, I chose this service because it’s free for any OG to start and make their own room to connect together. Each OG can make their own portal to their room and have complete control over it, what is displayed and what can be done.

More later.




Dude, this is pretty cool to read. This would be fun. I really like all your great ideas and what not @Heliosphear . I loved being in the videos and all that other fun stuff you did!!!



@Dr.VitaminGreen Thank you for giving a buck and helping those in need. I built the first VR type room in 2003 on OverGrow, was to expensive to support. This one is free for all to set up their own rooms, and explore what can be done when linked together forming a community. There’s fun to be had, lets find it together.

@DougDawson It’s good to be back, Thank you. I’m working with the free account while I learn how to work the scene builder, if you build a VR room please let me know so we can link them. This won’t be a easy task and will require a lot of work of those who volunteer to build their own rooms.

@Canofbusjoe Good to see you, here in the future. :sunglasses:

@Dirtron Hello my friend…
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@Pawsfodocaws I’m planning on having fun, concerts (OG’s playing live), dance parties and karaoke, the list grows everyday of what can be accomplished. Looking forward to seeing you there.

Update of progress made tomorrow.


hello @Heliosphear :smiley:
this is such a cool idea (like lawn mower man ) damn ive got old reference points :upside_down_face:

tagging along man if thats cool?
one love :om:


@Limeflavouredheadbut consider yourself tagged. :sunglasses:

Spent most of my day doing continuous education exams, here’s a screen shot of a different vr space. There are over a dozen to choose from, shopping mall, movie theater and a resort, all of them chosen by user. My plan is to have a working model with portals for guests active by July 4th to try a virtual reality grow and see how it goes.


I am up to play when you are ready brother :slight_smile:


Have you ruled out using the Quake 2 engine? The quake 2 client will run on nearly any platform, the networking is rock solid, and the nailgun could be reskinned as a seed shooter.

5 Likes had not considered a full on game mode area, it sounds great. The Frame network ability to link grower vr rooms and have a main hall area for OG visitors to decided were they would like to go and see what they want. The addition of having a gaming area for us to shoot seeds at each other would be awesome. The main concern is money, Frame is free for anyone to make their own room and i have not seen VR options on other grow sites. Could you please point me in the direction to learn more about what i would take to add this to VROG. :sunglasses:

@DougDawson challenge accepted. :slightly_smiling_face:


I like this idea. I had a similar thought the other day. It would be neat to incorporate virtual strains and virtual grows. I know this might be a little beyond current tech but map the genetic profile and growth virtually of a desired strain before you ever do a cross.

I’ve been working on starting a breeders club, like kennel clubs. This would be a cool way to do a “magazine” ( interactive, virtual) type thing for the club. Go all out on it…make it awesome. Subscription service incorporated with membership…fun times :wink::grin::face_with_monocle:. In game coins add up so you can get seeds. Cool stuff.

This shit it better than WoW.



Today’s progress

Pictures, Video, linked videos, pdf’s, charts, graph’s, photo spheres 360, 3d models all can be added to the environment. My first four frames will be an art gallery containing the works from:

And a BOG dedicated Frame, a all buds Frame and a mix frame to show a seed to harvest grow. Each will be linked to make a room so OG’s get a feel for what can be done by setting up their own rooms.

Lunch is over, seeyah tonight.

10 Likes (2)



Awesomeness @Oldtimerunderground


Sooo where was we… oh yes, made some progress with the portal and linking. I can use a browser in the VR to log into OverGrow.

This is a link to my VR room

It is free. No account needed to be a guest.


Pretty cool bud, loving it.