VIVOSUN New AeroLight A100SE / GrowHub E25 Controller

What is the SE? It’s our compact, powerful version of our award-winning AeroLight.
This light features the same great programmability as the AeroLight along with the integrated fan that has made the AeroLight such an excellent way to grow.
We’re proud to share that the SE has all these features and still produces 100W at a more compact size and competitive price. It’s an extremely flexible light that addresses the major coverage needs of any grower,
Don’t miss it.


wait did i win ? lol jk


Is this an informational post or a lead to a contest?

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an informational post i think buddy i was high lastnite and could not post anymore in the Hmm meme thread . and the pic’s i was going to share in it lined up with vivosuns last line in this post lol ‘‘don’t miss it’’ lol

I repeatedly missed a shot at this light for free and have been bummed about it since!


Has anyone used these aerolights? Just curious how well the center fan works for air circulation?

Check out with 12% discount now!!!


Same as the ac infinity lamp? Almost identical. Haven’t had to much luck with the vivosun brand honestly. Got a water pump recently that sounds like there’s a sever defect in the motor and gets extremely hot, like my vivosun hps ballast. The ballast actually got so hot it melted the power input plastic. Before someone asks “was it in a cooled area or in the grow”, it was in a nice ac cooled area. The grow tents didn’t hold up a month without tearing or the zipper tearing and separating. Color me skeptical until I seen something worth a dang, I’ll keep saving and spending on a better quality product. Not meaning to sound like a hater but I’ve wasted a nice penny on vivosun

This is really disappointing to hear. I’ve usually heard neutral to good about them. Hope I have a better experience.

I have the two pack of these lights with the GrowHub controller and from a preliminary test setup I really like what I’m seeing. These will be used in my next 2x4 grow in March. About the only complaint I have going in is that I wish they were 120-130W a piece instead of 100w to hit that 240-260W sweet spot for a 2x4 tent but I still have high hopes. The “natural” cycle on the fans is a neat feature simulating breezes instead of just straight blowing (but the fans can be set however you want). I’ve yet to see if there’s a sunrise and sunset dimming feature yet but I’m hoping so cause those two nature simulations would pair great. If not maybe it’s something a firmware update could introduce?

Also I’m very glad to have gotten the pack with the controller because I had read, and then confirmed on my own, that without it the light was just set to max on the both the brightness and fan speed. Seems kind of messed up that you have to buy the controller when it should be more of a bonus that helps you automate your whole tent rather than an extra purchase just to get functionality out of a single light.

Speaking of the controller though it’s pretty badass! Seedling, veg, and flower settings if you want to turn it over to presets but also the ability to dial it in yourself is cool. One of the biggest things for me, and something I couldn’t find info on anywhere, was whether I could control another brand’s exhaust fan through it. I’m happy to report that my Cloudline started right up on plug in and the controller worked to change the speed. The light needed the controller could be dismissed as an oversight but if the other brand’s fan didn’t work it would have felt deliberate to me. I probably would have gone with the Aerozesh fan but I got the other one before I knew I’d end up with the Aerolight setup. I did just get a Vivosun clip on light I’m hoping will hook up to the GrowHub.

I’ve had Vivosun accessories but it will be my first grow under their lights and I’m excited for it.


Yes very much so, that’s what we do right lol


That looks like a very good concept that’s exactly where you need air movement. Personally the bags and heat mat I have from Vivosun perform as they should.

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I bought the system with an aerozesh fan from migro at a reduced price(review stock(bribe) because migro gave them a glowing review.First off the fan didn’t work because it was 120 v rather than 240v which could have caused fireworks! Migro sent me their UV light to make up for it. The fan looks cheaply made(plastic blades) I really liked the concept behind this light and have used it for a few months. I could control the light via wifi or manually but couldn’t get it to run my custom recipe or connect to my phone with either bluetooth or wifi. The temp probe now falls out of it’s socket and would have to be taped back on somehow. The wire did get stretched at one point but still. I brought the controller inside to monitor temp and humidity and the difference in readings between the inside probe and the outside monitor when in the same environment was enough to make me trust neither. I came back to find the light off. It no longer works at all in manual mode and only operates at full tilt or nothing. I no longer have wifi and it won’t pair to my phone. It’s back in it’s box now. This complete solution isn’t even a useable light now. A couple of buttons and knobs would have worked better. I should note I no loger have wifi to control it from my laptop but shouldn’t need it. I have data snd bluetooth on my phone.The light itself seems good but I’ll be looking for my money back. If wish made AC infinity. So many products promise so much but deliver very little. Don’t get me started on my shit gorilla grow tent


This is really disheartening to hear. I’ve been looking forward to my first grow with the Aerolight and controller (which will be soon) and this has me concerned. I will definitely report my experience and I will not be shy if it’s a negative one.

Hey sir, please feel free to let me know about problems with our AeroLight, hope we can help you.

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@Collie check it out :point_up:t2:

I just sent a lengthy reply but not sure if it sent? First private message on here

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Sorry, we received a blank response

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Hi, as I said I bought the aerozesh fan controller and light from migroas ex dem stock. Didn’t turn out to be much of a saving after 20% V.A.T. added first off the fan was unresponsive. I checked the plug wiring and internal wiring but noted that there was a sticker on it stating it to be a 120v appliance. Both Ireland and the UK as I’m sure you know run at 230/240v I uploaded a picture for Stephen at migro. He advised to throw it away. I suggested their UV bulb as a suitable replacement as they don’t sell your products and as it was part of a reduced price bundle but with vat to add on I didn’t feel like arguing about how much if a refund I should get. Weirdly I discovered it would briefly work for a split second when withdrawing the plug slowly. As far as the light goes. I like it. I couldn’t get it to connect to my phone via wifi but it did show the settings. I managed to get it to set an on/off cycle sunrise/sunset and operate it manually through the computer and the controller but it would not accept my custom recipe. I must gave pulled something that made the temp/humidity sensor fall out but it looks like whatever it locked into has fallen into the controller. I’d expect wires in a tent to get pulled now and again. Seems like a weakness to me the connector isn’t bent or anything. I let my wifi lapse at this location but my light was running 24 hours on manual so it’s kinda concerning that it turned itself off. Wifi interruptions are not all that uncommon. I couldn’t get it to turn back on in manual mode. It would set the fan or light and then within a second or two it would go to default setting ie. Full on fan and light. I ran this way for a couple of nights with a manual timer but the fan is too noisy on that setting so I had to put up my old migro cob instead. I have since tried a reset and can get it running in manual but the instructions for the auto on/off settings on page 12 of the manual just don’t work. So my complete all singing all dancing solution is now just a light that requires a separate controller to work with much reduced functionality. A very very expensive light. I see that you can calibrate the “outside” temp /humidity sensor which is maybe why it was wildly different after the sensor would no longer sit in it’s hole. So atm I’d be better off with a light that had a couple of manual buttons. I can try hassling Shane to see if he’d be willing to give me some of my money back idk I really hate having to deal with thus kind of thing. I was responding to a question as I’d only just put the light back in it’s box. I did not know you are a sponsor on overgrow. I tend to just take the hit and act accordingly re future purchases Sorry to dound so moany but you asked and there you have it.
Hi, as I said I bought the aerozesh fan controller and light from migroas ex dem stock. Didn’t turn out to be much of a saving after 20% V.A.T. added first off the fan was unresponsive. I checked the plug wiring and internal wiring but noted that there was a sticker on it stating it to be a 120v appliance. Both Ireland and the UK as I’m sure you know run at 230/240v I uploaded a picture for Stephen at migro. He advised to throw it away. I suggested their UV bulb as a suitable replacement as they don’t sell your products and as it was part of a reduced price bundle but with vat to add on I didn’t feel like arguing about how much if a refund I should get. Weirdly I discovered it would briefly work for a split second when withdrawing the plug slowly. As far as the light goes. I like it. I couldn’t get it to connect to my phone via wifi but it did show the settings. I managed to get it to set an on/off cycle sunrise/sunset and operate it manually through the computer and the controller but it would not accept my custom recipe. I must gave pulled something that made the temp/humidity sensor fall out but it looks like whatever it locked into has fallen into the controller. I’d expect wires in a tent to get pulled now and again. Seems like a weakness to me the connector isn’t bent or anything. I let my wifi lapse at this location but my light was running 24 hours on manual so it’s kinda concerning that it turned itself off. Wifi interruptions are not all that uncommon. I couldn’t get it to turn back on in manual mode. It would set the fan or light and then within a second or two it would go to default setting ie. Full on fan and light. I ran this way for a couple of nights with a manual timer but the fan is too noisy on that setting so I had to put up my old migro cob instead. I have since tried a reset and can get it running in manual but the instructions for the auto on/off settings on page 12 of the manual just don’t work. So my complete all singing all dancing solution is now just a light that requires a separate controller to work with much reduced functionality. A very very expensive light. I see that you can calibrate the “outside” temp /humidity sensor which is maybe why it was wildly different after the sensor would no longer sit in it’s hole. So atm I’d be better off with a light that had a couple of manual buttons. I can try hassling Shane to see if he’d be willing to give me some of my money back idk I really hate having to deal with thus kind of thing. I was responding to a question as I’d only just put the light back in it’s box. I did not know you are a sponsor on overgrow. I tend to just take the hit and act accordingly re future purchases Sorry to dound so moany but you asked and there you have it.

Thankfully this “essay” was still there. I’m unfamiliar with how overgrows messaging works please excuse my moany tone


Thanks led, Thanks to you I found it in draft form and managed to copy n paste but the way messaging works here us atm unfamiliar to me. I think they’ve got my message now


Have replied in the DM~

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