Vortex by Subcool/TGA/The Dank preservation Co-Op run (closed)

Yup. Just wanna see for myself. Lol


Congratulations my friend. This is awsome.


pumped for this, thanks for the great journal so far. my .02 on drying/harvesting seed runs has been overdry it and underthink it.

let it dry a little too long, use a brush to “trim”, buck down over sieves to catch that sweet hash.

I know its a PITA to take pics when working with gloves especially if alone, but if you can take pics and walk us through your process I’d love to see it and read about it homie 🫡:metal::metal:


Thanks for the show! Was a fun grow to follow, with lots of good pics! And congrats for the first co-op run :slight_smile:


Congratulations @Dirt_Wizard , great job.


Congratulations on the finish!! :tada: @Dirt_Wizard

I’m so glad the seeds were viable and able to make it to completion!!

Now there’s more Vortex for all!


That is very awesome.

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@Dirt_Wizard I was just glad to be a small part of this adventure, my friends, you did a fabulous job :clap: :heart:
Can’t wait to see all the seeds rolling out ,) and everyone growing from sweet stuff…


Oh oh I forgot to thank:

@HeadyBearAdventures for his blessings on this run, I think we all know the bear oracle is never wrong


:bear::rofl::man_shrugging: when you’re right, you’re right!
Thanks homie, it was a fun one for sure, and you did amazing.


Sorry to tease with the photos y’all, I procrastinated yesterday and cut the plants just before I had to leave for the night. They’ve been chopped since 3pm yesterday and sitting in the tent with the lights off and fan on, the 4x4 upstream is regulated to 55% RH so they’ll be drying fast already with two circulating fans in there and the new exhaust booster can I just installed on an extra 4” exhaust to get more exchanges in there. I’ll be home in an hour or two and get down to untwisting them off the stakes and hanging them up to trim fans and give them a dunk in some H202 solution before hanging to dry in a clean space.


Kind of “tease” I enjoy, lol

Congratulations on a successful venture ! ! !


It is done:

Of the four ladies I immediately could tell on handling them that #2 is my likely keeper, she not only tied for vigor and bud size but she had lower light the whole time in flower and has the best, strongest odor of any. It’s an intense chemical lemon cleaner like people describe, not tasty or juicy at all, sharp and solventy with catpiss ammonia and musk smells in there too, what a stinker! Mom #1 was no slouch though, that’s worth a run again. #3 and #4 were the weird mutants without enough vigor, I think. Here’s the plants in order #1-4, they are tagged with blue tape:

And here’s the two #2 clones I have, one will get potted up and flipped to flower and the other bonsai’d as a mom.


I’m wondering if #2 has more smells precisely because it was “far” from the light. Like less heat, less terpene evaporation? We’ll see when you run it again. And you still need to taste the hash you’ll get to have an idea of the high they carry.

Those clones are gigantic for the size of their container :laughing: Are you growing them organically?

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Hell no that’s Jacks 20-20-20. I might go back to organics in flower but I’m pretty set on salts for veg and clones. I still consider my growing an hybrid organic method because I am in soil and it’s not dead, but I get that many folks wouldn’t. I’m pretty anti-purity so I got away from the “only organics ever ever” mindset after a year or two, and I’ve had pretty incredible results with the hybrid approach so far.


No one can grow huge trees in small pots organically anyway. I was just curious given you use and know quite a lot of organic. I’m with you, when room is tight, you have to be a bit realistic :laughing:


That’s cool to hear, as I’ve been on both sides of the table and have genuinely considered a bit more hybrid approach…

Cool to see it’s working for you so far, I’ll be watching your main thread to learn a few things before I try it myself, you have a good one brother and congratulations again on the Vortex run being so successful!!



I will take photos when I do the shucking soon, sure thing man. Maybe I’ll set up my phone with the camera looking at the tabletop where I’m working and do a time-lapse

They’ve got a few more days of hanging in the basement drying hard, I gotta not bump them or they just drop seed, might bin them today to keep those where I want them. For now here are a few pics of one plant and the seeds I pulled out to check on, looking pretty good, tiny seeds but so were the originals by my memory. Now that it’s mostly dry you can really see how thoroughly this plant put all its energy towards seeds other than the very topmost buds that got thicker


Hell yes! Love when the seeds just wanna pop out and find a new life, one if my favorite parts of homegrow


As requested here’s the beginning of the process. I cut the plants down into labeled bins and then ran the first one and took photos. They’re still a little moist for sifting so I’m going to wait another day or two before I do the rest. I used my silicone baking mitt to grind the bud against, the ridges on the palm work great and kif falls right off. I’m happy to report that the run was a success, it looks like there should be more than enough for the Coop and also for some charity auction donations along with my assorted chucks by the Vortex F1 dad: