Vortex by Subcool/TGA/The Dank preservation Co-Op run (closed)

What’s the black tray? How do you sift the seeds and weed/shake apart?

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Black tray is a TrimBin which has a kif screen in the bottom of the top layer, something like 120 micron. I’m just sifting the kif off then I’m taking it outside and winnowing the chaff off in the wind, though I might just use my mini shop vac, I saw people doing that just holding it high enough that the seeds don’t lift and then you stir them and the plant matter flies up




What I just did is threshing, next is winnowing in the seed or grain harvesting process. You use wind to separate the lighter dry plant matter from the heavier seeds or grains.

Winnowing - Wikipedia.


Thanks for dropping some knowledge man, greatly appreciated.

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That’s what I’m here for! Smoking that kif already mixed with Big Don since that’s both my regular daytime smoke and also related through the Romulan in the Space Queen. This is sativa! Wakey wakey, I’m vibrating now this is my Princess and Genius baby


Congrats on all the seeds @Dirt_Wizard

Looks great.


Thanks @MonsterDrank I knew you’d be watching this one, we share the Apollo love


I might know another person here who loves anything Apollo :sweat_smile:


Second sift after some drying and grinding up went well, broke out the percussion massager which is my secret weapon for this, it’s so easy and I get a lot more!


Apollo 11 and Apollo 13 definitely do it for me. I was actually talking to my buddy TRay last night as he’s an old TGA fan too for many years and we were talking about Apollo 13… he had a poor experience with an Apollo 13 cross called “Seti” that wasn’t very good… he said it was very Peppery… and I’ve also had poor experiences with Void by TGA… also very peppery and butante… no Bueno. So apparently Apollo 13 doesn’t mix well with certain strains… Apollo 11 x Appalachian by Bodhi aka Pagoda wasn’t great either IMHO.

But some of these Apollo crosses that have C99 and Spacequeen in them are so good. My number one favorite strain/cross of all time… the best of the best was called “Space Princess” which was made with Sputnik 1.0 (Apollo 13 x Black Russian) crossed to C99… and that pheno was heavenly. Mentholated berry mint candy. I’ve heard so many people rave about Vortex and go on and on about how amazing it is. I’ve had Apollo 13 x Vortex but not Vortex itself. Anyways lol… I love this stuff.


Well bud, get yourself ready for this spring Coop Box because it’s happening, Vortex is back and free!

That’s Mom #2 she was one of the big pair but still, I’m guessing 5-6 of these jars by the time I’m done. And these are almost all viable, I vacuumed up the lightest bits of leaf matter and then turned the mini vac around to use the exhaust (conveniently on this one, it’s a strip 1/4” x 4” perfect for the job) to blow the seeds around the bin while gently grinding them together with one hand and shed the dry calyx shells, and by the end all the sticks and underweight seeds go flying out too, I would guess 95% of these pass the crush test. Not taking any chances with this many seeds, everyone’s getting fatties.


As I missed this coop, will wait if someone do trades…

And a question, do you trash the kief that is in the vacuum?


I do trash what’s in the vacuum but it is just leaf matter, twigs and and immature seeds at this point, I have done a thorough dry sifting by now in two rounds with mechanical assistance so there is not much left there to salvage in a depletion batch of tincture. It honestly wouldn’t be worth the cost of alcohol or coconut oil, I’ve looked under magnification and there’s barely a single trichome left after five minutes of vibration and hand grinding.

All the kief is in my jar now :smiling_face::upside_down_face:


I’m sure someone will take care of you, I’ll be sending enough seeds to fill the coop Lacons with the two dozen that I had aimed for, it’s looking like. I wanted people to have a dozen to keep and a dozen to share or trade since the Coop structure has limits in terms of how many people we can practically ask a team of volunteers to deal with. I think the best way instead of asking for more coop spots is to just try and make big seed batches so that the boxes have enough to share onward without adding more work for the Coop Distributors


Oh well, then there will be some flying around.


Ordered a half gallon of silica desiccant beads from Dry & Dry for $18, should get them in a day or two and I can make some little mesh packets to put into each container of seeds to draw out any remaining moisture, though I might just set up my micro dehumidifier in a bin and leave the seeds in there for a while on plates first.


I have also that silica beads (the orange that turn green when moist)… a little more $ here in europe.
I use the beads with seeds stored in eppendorf, a couple of balls with each 0,5ml eppendorf to be safe.

For “bulk” drying, I use the cat litter… the one that are like crystals. That is silica too, not in balls, but a lot cheaper.


Good trick! I will remember that one


Indeed a good trick, thanks, didn’t think about that, but it sounds obvious now that you told it :smiley:

I’ll happily send you half of my pack if there’s 24 in there and you don’t get your hand on some.