Vortex by Subcool/TGA/The Dank preservation Co-Op run (closed)

Many thanks for the offering! :green_heart:

I use the cat litter for drying pollen and freshly chuked seeds. I put some in a tupper, and the pollen in petri dishes or open eppendorfs. Drops rh below 10% in little time.
And when it is moist, 10-30minutes in the oven… And ready to go again. Pretty economic.


@Dirt_Wizard I’ve been enjoying watching your grow and seed run.
I was wondering if you smoke any of the bud after you take the seeds out.
Or make hash with it ect…
If so what do you think of it?



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Processed another plant tonight, sifted better now that it’s crispy popping dry, this was five minutes with the percussion massager:


Beautiful kief!

That’s exactly what I did for my few branches of pollination. Dry to crispness in the shed, crumble into the trim bin, shake, take outside and blow the chaff away (now I can call it winnowing), pluck the seeds out and collect all the kief. I’m going to use mine for RSO and some candy batches :sunglasses:

That’s a ton of seeds jeez. Thanks for doing this :+1::+1:

PS nice eraser shield seems like a great scraper tool


Can’t tell you how much I appreciate this mentality. I remember in the beginning things were measured out with like an 1/8 teaspoon or something and it was normal to get 20+ seeds from the co-op leaving plenty to spread around to those who may have missed the repro.


Comment would have been much funnier if i made it five days ago. :rofl:


Looks awesome brother, great job.

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Dang! That’s a lot of kief!


I got you brother:


It works great for the curves of the bin and scrapes nice and tight, flashing would work too


If you put some parchment paper under the filter, it makes collection much easier.


I should probably do that!

Bro read the thread I am literally documenting step by step how I make hash from it and throw away (compost) the leftover plant matter after separating the trichomes first and then the seeds.


Yeah I saw the massive amounts of hash. Was gonna delete my post but didn’t.

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No worries man, I wouldn’t smoke this bud that’s way too many seed shells in it

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I realized that after I saw your harvesting and de-seeding technique. Looks like any leftover flower is useless.
Stoner mistake.
Anyway nice grow.


You know, I decided to check the bag to see what the vacuum was picking up, since I started with a new shop vac dust bag. So I sliced open the end, emptied it into here and Gorilla taped the bag back shut (paper vacuum bags are good for at least 2-3 uses, I usually reuse them at least once if I’ve just been picking up dust and schmutz around the house). There’s definitely some quality fallen soldiers seeds in here worth picking out at some point so I’m putting it all in a big jar for now before composting. And there was some kif left to be harvested, it’s definitely a lower, greener grade than the semi-blonde stuff I got earlier, but totally worth refining a little and using for edibles or tincture. Thanks for encouraging me to not be wasteful man:


That’s cool you got a little extra after you went back for edibles or tinctures. How cool.
I’m not always patient after 8 hours of trimming. Maybe next harvest for me. It’s cool how we can inspire each other.


I still need to estimate a count per jar by weighing out a tablespoonful and counting them, but I am expecting around around a thousand per pill bottle at a rough estimate, around 6k mature Vortex F2 seeds once I’m done? Exactly the numbers I was hoping to hit here, I wanted 5k or more from the tent.

150 signup slots x 24 seeds = 3.6k seeds

Add another 400 for server fund 50x per pack x 8 packs

Another 1k for me to keep and share/trade

And extras to donate back to the folks who gave seeds for this in big baggies