Vortex by Subcool/TGA/The Dank preservation Co-Op run (closed)

No risk of shortage here. Vortex the world! :laughing:


@funkyfunk no sir no shortage indeed, and I made sure to make a lot of chucks because this strain is pretty neat, but like a lot of Subcool work, pretty wild and unstabilized. I’m hoping the infusion of other better structured and heavier yielding hybrids into it will help that in the F1 or F2 selections:

Thanks @Tonygreen for the vigorous genetics I wanna put into some of these weirdo older strains just like you did with the Romulan x RIL for Big Don:


For drying seeds and pollen I picked up this half gallon of food grade silica beads for $19 shipped, highly recommend this company if you need any moisture absorbers:


Have you seen the app that counts? You put them on a sheet of paper and take a picture and the app gives you a count.


Interesting, I was just going to do the usual volume sample and count them

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It’s called “count things” I use it to teach kids to estimate and understand large numbers. We use plastic beads.


Put 100 seeds in a container, weight them on a kitchen scale. Then weight all the seeds and do some quick math to figure out how many seeds.

100 seeds = 1g x 200g = xxx seeds. Example


Game changer! I’m so into this, that’s the kind of app that’s really useful to me. I’d love to be able to look at a pile of stuff and know how many are there quicker. Gonna try it tonight and post results, thanks Teach!


Huh this is awesome, the real number is higher because I know there’s at least two layers in some places I’ll have to go check more accurately:


We used to do this with rolls of coins. Great idea!


Nice work amigo! :call_me_hand:t2::call_me_hand:t2::call_me_hand:t2:


Thanks @Tonygreen ! I’ll make sure some of these chucks with your stuff ends up heading up to Michigan for ya


Last plant got shucked and sifted today, awesome kif yield off this one, I think it was #1. I’ll be putting these into the fridge with the others for a week or two with silica beads in there to draw out the last moisture, and by the end of January I will have them off to the @coopactiongroup for the Spring 2024 Box. Thanks for bearing with me through the whole process everyone, it was a delayed but ultimately successful run, and I hope that the results bear nice fruit for everyone out there.


It was a great run to watch, thanks!


Congrats on a successful harvest bud, great job.


Thanks @DougDawson I’m breaking everything down right now for the big clean, going to set back up with a dedicated filtered tent for doing these in the future, I’ll let you coop folks know when I’m ready to propose another one, the schedule is getting jam packed! Got some good rarities to share from the vault though…


Thanks for the show @Dirt_Wizard congrats on the successful run.

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Beautiful, man! Beautiful!

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Found this thread and was wondering if anybody had any vortex seeds?
I was looking to try it out and maybe use it in a cross :thinking:


So @MNGrower it sounds like you need to go read some of the site FAQ and learn about the Coop system here if you’re asking that question. If seeds were easily available we wouldn’t be doing a preservation on them. And if you had read even the last few posts you’d know that I’m the only one with seeds so far because I haven’t sent them to the distributors and they haven’t sent out the spring boxes. Seems pretty greedy and rude to come here with your hand out and not even have the respect to know what’s happening in the room. Maybe you can win some from a charity auction in the future.