Vortex by Subcool/TGA/The Dank preservation Co-Op run (closed)

I have a pack that looks like @ix3u I’m nearly certain I got them in the … :thinking: Spring box. Maybe.


I’ll disagree. I’ve been in depressions that have lasted years.

I’m not saying people should be absolved of responsibility when they claim depression. Just that seeds aren’t really that important when it comes down to it.


We’re at nearly 6 months from his promise to mail email.

Seeds may not be all that important but what about money? What about the hundreds of dollars contributing towards donar seeds that went in his hands… and nothing has came back?

You know what is important. Someone’s word. And I expect when someone gives me their word… I expect them to make good on it.


Were you waiting on more than went out in the spring box?

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@AppalachianBiscuits I didn’t get a spring box. This has nothing to do with the spring box.


People who helped we promised seeds, clones etc etc that never happened. I’m still curious where the small flat rate box of pucks went?


These def went out in the spring box

@MonsterDrank if you aren’t made right on what was promised you can have my pack. I know they mean more to you than they will to me.


I’m with you here. I took a pack of his vortex in the give seeds take seeds thread. I sent off my pack to whoever took it. He said he got my address when I sent it. Nothing for a month so I messaged him asking for clarification that he sent and got nothing. Then he went on a spree of liking my public posts. I’ve written him off as selfish… feel super sorry if he burned anyone for real.


Yep, looking through PM’s he did the same to me on the give and take thread as well. What a fucking cunt.

What’s funny is I have multiple PM’s with him and Tst… Kinda weird…


Your comment is double sided. You disagree with depression isn’t a valid excuse to avoid responsibility and next line say it does not absolve of responsibility??

You should have got a spring box, your name was on the payment list AND this list :thinking:


Yes. It’s a spectrum.
Sometimes people are liars and they aren’t depressed at all. Sometimes its so bad and seems like it’s getting worse and they take their own lives.


I appreciate that but I’m more interested in @Dirt_Wizard following through with his commitment.

This is the photo that he sent us… like they were ready to go… this all started from communication from a PM he sent back in early March…


I received the Vortex in the spring box and also happy to pass them along to anyone that feels slighted here.

I do however think peoples lives get priority over shared seeds online. It doesn’t excuse breaking one’s word; that inevitably breaks trust and erodes relationships, but it is also relevant. Look around, if you aren’t feeling the pressure of late stage capitalism rn, good for you my friend, but that’s called privilege.

Donating seeds is a kind thing to do, but if you’ve been involved in this culture for very long, you have to understand the reality that once you send something out, there are any number of things that could go wrong. It’s just an unpredictable game.

In addition, sharing reproductions online like this is no small feat, the Vortex got out to the community, that does count for something, right?

Also, not saying that people shouldn’t air their experiences out. That’s fair.

Basically I’m not seeing the comparison to TST though, I had that dude pegged as a scammer from early on. Is this not an isolated incident? I mean are their other complaints against DW?


If you are mentally healthy enough to set up trades and accept them, you’re good enough to keep your word as well.


@Hvacguy1 is this the same cat that didn’t send you seeds?

@Dirt_Wizard seems dishonest to me at best. A manipulator at worst… He participated in a trading thread. I held up my end. He didn’t. Now I don’t participate there anymore.


Personally i think its all bullshit. The anxiety, the panic attacks, etc unless you are unable to move/walk/talk there is no reason you shouldn’t follow through. If you are able enough to grow pot and play online then what the hell. Seriously shady shit going down idu why people want to repro and not spread. People are nuts


Mental health is a serious issue, but it’s being used as a shield for extremely shitty behavior that breaks the trust of the community. Wonder who the next one will be.


Sometimes it is used by people who will use any excuse that is convenient.


It is, and it sucks