⚠️ Warning! abusive company : GROWGREEN Mi

We consider that neighbors!!!

Thanks for your awesome post here in a grower forum. As GrowGreenMI.com processes 5000 orders a week we appreciate good feedback and negative feedback.

Customer acted belligerent:

As a professional company we hope to speak with professional people that don’t swear or act belligerent. I mean we are professional and treat people as professional when you start acting unprofessional we ask you to STOP and when you don’t we choose to disconnect from the customer which we did from you.

xxx made statements like suck as many c.cks on the phone now is that a professional or is that someone that needs to learn how to be a professional grower.

Per Amazon policy they require all communication be in writing on Amazon which you choose not to follow that and called us and follow the return process through Amazon. Which you again choose not to do at some point there are processes in life that we follow and we asked you to follow them. I did include the amazon message log for those that want to read.

We order all our nutrients direct from our manufacture and rotate the stock in our building. We appreciate the fact that you have taken to the forum here and wrote what you took the time to write on google with your account and your friend Kelly account.

I think as a professional it important to NOT to LIE to the public so I have enclosed your communication with our Amazon rep:

Customer ordered on Amazon

House & Garden pH + Osmosis Stabilize 1 Liter $27.17 plus tax 2.04 = $29.21 (REFUNDED back to customer 9/8/2022) shipped

9/7/2022 xxx = Terpsnpurps stated:

-private conversation removed-

9/8/2022 GrowGreen response made by Shyanne


Could you send me a pic of that bottle?

I am not sure how we would have a bottle from 2018 as

we just moved into this building within the last year and a half.

Thank you,


9/8/2022 12:04 xxx = Terpsnpurps stated:

-private conversation removed-

9/8/2022 12:09 xxx = Terpsnpurps stated:

-private conversation removed-

9/8/2022 12:47 xxx = Terpsnpurps stated:

-private conversation removed-

9/8/2022 2:59 pm GrowGreenmi.com Amazon response from Shyanne


Our apologies for this inconvenience.

This invoice has been refunded to the card

used for the purchase.

Refunds generally take 3-5 business days

to reflect the credit.

We appreciate your business and patience greatly!

Thank you,


Wow you must be upset with us and we are sorry for your poor experience. As a grower we have KARMA and we have a responsibility to act professional? When you read what you wrote you are entitled to an opinion since GOD did give you a brain. As a customer you should understand the way products are moved from a manufacture to a supplier. So I have taken the time to educate the grower community to avoid issues like your and hopefully they act a professional not telling us to suck a bunch of cocks.

Number one House and Garden was recently purchased from Hydrofarm a wall street company that is focused on profits. When GrowGreenMI places it house and garden orders we get the products from Hydrofarm the owner of the BRAND House and Garden. Hydrofarm has several Distribution warehouse around the country and I can assure over the years at GrowGreenMI we have had issues with some times getting a product from them that could be old or out of date. As in this example the product could been from 2018 which we did REFUND you and will work at the warranty of your issue with Hydrofarm. Clearly the product you purchased is a one off product that Hydrofarm might of sent us old stock. We did have issues with Hydrofarm 3 months ago on sending us expired biobizz which we had to take off the shelf due to them shipping the product to us.

As you can imagine product sits in DC (Distirubtuion warehouse) and if that product is not properly disposed of or sits and ages like a fine wine situation like this can occur?. As you know the industry has slowed down do the prices per pound dropping so products are sitting in warehouse aging.

So is that GrowGreenMI fault and do we deserve this feedback? I guess you entitled to write anything you like or you can understand how the world works and how to act professional to a company.

We again are sorry for your expired product which came from Hydrofarm and we did REFUND you.

Hopefully you have a great crop and your garden rocks. I would make sure you check ANY retailer or any product you purchase batch codes and expiration dates. Most products have a long shelf life as brands will tell you 2-3 years before opened and after opened 1-2 years depending on the product.

As for customer service we did handle the matter refund you and solved your issue. Life is like a box a chocolates and sometimes bad things happen packages get damaged but we work hard to fix problems.

We wish you SAFE travels and hope you can act as a professional in the future.

Your friends at GrowGreenMI



Please be advised, you have violated a number of forum rules to include detailing personally identifiable information and verbatim contents of private message without receiving permission from all involved.

Your post has been edited to remove names, phone numbers, and the contents of the counter-party messages. This edited message is being allowed to encourage a dialog to clarify and correct any miscommunication/misunderstanding in the desire for an amicable resolution.

Being a business owner sometimes requires a thick skin and associated professionalism. Do not further escalate a conflict here. If you feel that you are unable to resolve this matter amicably, tag @moderators.


I think a edited with names out full conversation is relevant

Hopefully purps agrees to it

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There was nothing within the content of those removed messages which were insulting. Rather, appeared as normal attempt to resolve a problem, FWIW.


No I disagree… but I’ve nothing to hide or cover up… it’s clear to me that growgreen mi has attempted to defame my character by trying to make me look like an irate customer… this is not the case and after lengthy argument and being abruptly placed on hold I did say some rather tasteless things however… this did not happen until after I was treated like total crap… but … again I’m not the company pretending to be professional… when met with unprofessionalism like I was, trying to simply plea with a sales rep and be treated disrespectful for zero reason other than my original complaint, that was they did sell a 4 year old bottle to me and it turned into an issue… just not ok with me at all… and I urge anyone to avoid growgreen for that very reason… look at what they attempted anyway here… I can provide the reps phone number from house and garden to confirm with anyone if there’s question about my honesty and integrity… so please … anyone feel free message me… I’ll give the number to house and garden… the rep I talked to…


Sounds like my return experience with them. I had my credit card company handle it


Thank you!!! I mean we need to get the truth out about this abusive company… people don’t realize… but they will… @corgitron … it’s not enough to “fix” it with me… I get treated like this… best bet all of OG and other forums will know about it… it’s exposure to the truth… this company is treading on a defamation of character litigation… if they’re smart they’ll waddle away tail in hand :raised_hand:

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Not to mention they’ve been calling my phone until I had to block them… sound like harrassment??

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Always use a credit card. If you have an issue with anything they will take care of it. Discover ia great.


Eh… just going to support local shops despite the costs… they actually deserve the higher dollar from me… I just want to be treated with common decency… nothing more… nothing less

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That’s why they don’t take discover. They do take Amex though and they are good as well.

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Thanks for making the edits to follow the forum guidelines please share a LINK so I can review them and make sure we follow your process as a professional. At some point a representing a company is stating facts. Hiding person statements of how they are escalating abuse is what it is. Person has been reported to Amazon security. We just responded to the matrer as the person stated facts aren’t true and his character and tone is clear. Thanks for the adjustments and as a company been around for 13 years we have serviced 700,000 customers.

Grow Green

GrowGreenmi always tells customer to support their local store their just some things we can’t do a local store can do. How do you sell flood tables or pallet of soil to a customer affordable.

There a ton of local stores in your area hope you find one that meets your needs.

Regardless as a grower act as professional and understand how product moves any grower can have this problem with any retailer.

Saying suck a bunch of c??ks didn’t come out of our mouth it came out of the person started this post.

We called you one time as you requested in Amazon and you where excited to tell me to suck a bunch of cocks. We called to explain how you could get expired product and how the system works in case you didn’t know.

We wish you safe travels and hope you learn to act as a professional.

You have repeated this many times. Maybe it was said out of frustration? Your company obviously made a mistake. It’s called quality control. YOU shipped something that was WAY past it’s use by date. You automatically hid behind the “well Amazon’s rules are” shield.

Personally, I would have just poured it out and would never use your company again. Not worth my time to deal with this type of drama over $30!!


Yeah my pucharse was for substantially more. Credit card company got me a reversal i got a free light.


I am not entertaining this lying companies bullshit attempt to clear their hasty decline… it’s not my problem… their attempts here won’t fix Google maps… thcfarmer trustpilot…etc… I don’t just expose the bullshit here… I do it everywhere… and as far as denying calling me over and over… here ya go
It’s clear who’s the lying unprofessional here now @Growgreenmi