⚠️ Warning! abusive company : GROWGREEN Mi

What are you trying to claim here?

FYI, I did read what was there before editing it out. I didn’t see anything that was said that would be considered abusive.

This is an odd customer interaction and really not coming off well.

Edit: Also,

is ridiculous in a number of ways.

Just to be clear, how you choose to message, as a company, on a public forum can tend to boomerang back onto oneself if it comes off negative.


Wow… I clicked on this cause I was interested.

700,000 customers more like 700,000 suckers

what a rude business. gosh

is he gonna call the pinkertons :rofl:


Which should never have happened if you’re a “good company”

Because he wanted what he paid for? Y’all are hilarious.

So now it’s wall streets fault? Wow… that’s a reach.

Professionalism goes out the window when you treat customers in this way.

13 years and it seems your company still has a bit to go.

Also, please stop flagging posts you think are attacks, theyre opinions by a customerthat paid for a service and got shafted by a third party distro…Nothing you’re going to say is gonna make you look very good right now, so best to just quit.

Let’s talk about running a business since you wanna keep bringing it up… I run a hog farm, 3500 head of stink nasty pigs that make everyone’s delicious bacon and ham and yum yum yummy…

We sell our finishing pigs to other farms (ran by us) to raise to sell for market. If a customer wants 1200 piglets and I send them 1000 and 1/3 of them are sick, have I completed my order? No. Is they customer happy, no. What do I do? I figure out why I’m 200 head short and what the Illness is and I fix it for the customer. You don’t continue to blame the person for their attitude over a promised service you didn’t fulfill and take your lumps and move on…

Stop blaming others because you sell outdated shit


You would be as fool to buy from them after reading all this ,absolutely shocking customer service , and to come on here and act as they have breaakin site rules and basic common edicaate , givin out personal info , thaat says it all , true colours have been shown


Jeez. Says a whole bunch about what kind of company GGMI is when they create an account on a forum site just to argue with a disgruntled customer. Like, honestly, are you that worried about your business suffering because of one person going on a growers forum and complaining about their rotten customer service experience with your company, AFTER purchasing a product that was YEARS past its date? Because it sure looks like you are, from where I’m sitting.

You can boo-hoo about being told to go suck a whole bunch of cocks, but at the end of the day, unless you’re actually being forced to suck a whole bunch of cocks, they’re just words. Words spoken verbally that nobody can see. But this? Oh brother believe me when I say people are going to see THIS. And they will likely say things over the phone that are much, MUCH worse.

You reap what you sow. You sow bad products, you reap bad reviews. I won’t tell someone how to run their business, but I’d think making ones customers happy should fall right in line with keeping the bank account in the black, since they’re so closely related.

Edited for spelling corrections


They are disgrace to the grow community


Really I think it goes beyond that. This is straight up predatory business tactics. Since when is it common practice to behave in the way GGMI has? Honestly, it makes me wonder who is even behind the account that was made here on OG. Personally, I’d reach out to GGMI ownership and see if they’re aware of my personal issue with the company, if it were me, and then I’d link this thread to them, followed immediately with a link to their 55% 1-star customer rating.

This just blows my mind. I’ve literally never seen a company act so petty IRL. Truly, being as objective and unbiased as I can be, this thread speaks volumes about GrowGreenMI as a company, and their culture amongst the employees :man_facepalming:

Edited for spelling corrections, again


Oh wow, I understand people get heated and shit gets disorganized but reporting an online customer to Amazon security(amazons cloud hosts most us intelligence and LE data) in a country where cannabis is federally illegal is a a huge red flag. I’m telling all my friends not to shop with em. Fuck a security risk like that, getting mad and calling names is one thing whatever shit happens, but fucking with security nah bro ain’t having it.


Thanks all of you guys… this is what I was trying to expose… and it looks to be helping… it’s just shameful… and I’m proud to expose it… I’m here for our community… growers unite!! I think they’re trying to intimidate me… I’m a legal grower… in illinois… so… yeah :grin:


Plenty of reliable online shops anyways if you’re like me and got nothing local; Hydrobuilder, ledgrowlightsdepot, growershouse, pahydro etc and those are just the ones I’ve shopped with. Amazon is hit or miss with branded bottled nutrients, took me three orders of ff trio to figure that out :expressionless:


Thanks!!! Yeah I have a few local… happy hydro is 1… good people… ok prices … more importantly… good people!!

Thanks for all u guys support!!!

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We have a local called Happy Hydro also!!


Last time I went to mine the guy at register bought a bag from another guy that came in… all in front of my face… lol… we all talked… and then the guy who came in gave me a nug for free… it was insane!!! Good bud too!! Lol great place and even better people… happy is right!!!


Sounds like the same place!! Lol. Your’e not crossing the river into MO are you??!!


The tall dude w red hair… he’s the shit bro… what a small world!!


That was a wild ride :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


Yep. Good people.


Ha! We are gonna smoke out someday @Joker


Well that turned ugly. I enjoy when people capitalize full words. It really emphasizes the point.