⚠️ Warning! abusive company : GROWGREEN Mi

That’s not cool at all

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Have used them - no issues

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The problem isn’t that people can use them w no issues. The issue was and still is that they doxed me online… whether or not they do this to everyone… is neither here nor there in the scope of business practices… try having any simple complaint and see how they treat you @hawkman


It has been a few years since ordered from them --they must have changed for the “bad”

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I’ve seen their company a few times while searching for a few items. That shit was ultra-cheap so it hit me as a red flag. I’ve not used them, but thank you for the warning

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Then they posted your personal information? Is that what I see from up there?
If so, that is not cool at all.

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Keep your head up man I noticed you ain’t been around much

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Been having major issues ordering from Growgreen the past 6 months. Usually only get half of what i order and it takes weeks to receive now. I was getting my products in a few days so idk what the deal is there.

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Yikes thank you

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Yes my friend… they posted my entire name phone number amazon order info… in an attempt to silence me


Is that Legal ?

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An attorney told me it isn’t necessarily illegal… and it could end up a waste of time… so I left it at that… and exposed them for the predatory company they are… here… and at several other online places…

They even tried to have my Amazon account banned… to no success of course… but I did enable the company house and garden by Humboldt the details of growgreen MI. And their actions towards me… and they said they will be cutting all business ties with growgreen mi… surely is a done deal by now @hawkman


agree !- best to leave things as they are in relation to what could happen but if they continue to make “actions” toward you - maybe time to reconsider your approach Best Luck ! Peace

They’ve been as silent as a mouse ever since I proved them to be a bunch of lying dolts… I have zero worries about what could or may happen ever… because I am within all legal rights to post my experience with them, and any arguments against what I say are a simple waste of time for them because I have proof of what I say, and I am speaking from my experience with them. There will be zero reconsideration of my approach… I’ve already approached won the battle and went home lol… but at this point this is all to educate everyone I can about the truths of growgreen mi… and they’re insufferable denials … and predatory practices … does it seem reasonable to dox someone over an outdated by 4 years bottle of pH stabilizer costing less than a tank of gas? They should have just simply apologized and sent me a non outdated bottle of product… instead they did all of this… so come 1 come all… I won’t give a penny to such individuals @hawkman


Please don’t get me wrong - I’m with you !!! thanks for the heads-up about this company


Actually, I’ve had a bad experience with them, too. Send a bottle of nutes, Mills Start R, arrived leaking ridiculously…argued with me when I emailed about it with picture included and gave me an attitude even at the end about sending a new bottle.

So while I appreciate making it right, what I don’t appreciate is the attitude and treating me like crap when I do solid biz for expensive nutes with your company regularly. Sorry for whatever or whoever has your butthole so tied in knots, but don’t take it out on loyal customers.

All good, went organic a year ago anyway, money
goes elsewhere with better ethics and attitudes now.

Sorry they breached some pretty serious grow code with you, unforgivable IMO, good to know.


Sounds like you got the same person I did @Rippleseeds

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Sorry man I meant to say to you… i took no offense to anything you said… I too went to them and had no issue until that happened lol…


Time to refresh this thread folks… for the new guys coming in…

How ya been @Hemp


Been having health problems. I have a new grow this fall. Seems like I go to the doctor everyday. lol

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