⚠️ Warning! abusive company : GROWGREEN Mi

Mainly because of the yellow warning sign and because it was on top.

But it doesn’t matter because a lot of people do some research for prices etc. and when they search for the company this hread will pop up. For me it would be warning sign to stay away from them and so is it to others I assume.

However, for me everything clear and to other members it is too I guess.


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Just trying to inform as many as possible on this …
It’s the least I can do for my fellow growers… like you bro… and everyone else… :green_heart:
The yellow warning sign is doing its job then hahaha!!

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OG gets crawled by Google for search results, so if anyone’s looking for growgreenmi reviews they should see this thread. If not, they weren’t looking hard enough.


Couldn’t care less about the rest of the world… I care about my fellow og members… also… I don’t want it to be hard to find… I don’t want anyone to have to look hard at all… the truth should always be this easy to find… yet … it isnt @SmackyMcSmackers

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Good lookin out! Stand up, stand out, get involved. :sunglasses:

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Brutal thread that makes me appreciate my local grow shops even more. Wow.

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None near us…I have to Google Lansing/Grand Rapids shops-- then see what they charge on shipping…HTG in Lansing used to be great on shipping…then got cheap about it.
A LOT of them In Taylor near Detroit!


The way I see it… is we… OG and other small growers especially… are on 1 side… and the commercial industry in most part along with the government are on the other side… we have alot against us and always have… it’s this togetherness and camaradery… that makes us win … stand together… or fall apart… we know what to do lol :facepunch: :fist:


one would think, but i just searched “growgreen abusive company” and didn’t find this thread in the first four pages, and nobody searches past four. there were many bad reviews, but a few sites had all five star reviews. some of them just take your money and promote those results, so i think it is worthwhile to bump this thread every couple of months. again, not to be spiteful, but to warn our fellow og’ers. you guys have hooked me up with free beans and more so i want to make sure you are all informed of a possible poor customer service experience. it may have improved, but the indeed reviews are pretty bad too. one said the owner was crazy and that would be one way to explain the posting of personal info here. i’m not making a judgement on it, just putting the info up for everyone to see and make up their own minds.


Well not sure about your search, but I just Googled growgreen abusive company and got this. The first 2 are OG.


google is evil, i refuse to use them. there are many search engines around, and the one i used, duck duck go, had nothing about this page on the first four pages of the search. and that one right under the og is trustpilot, one of the ones that had all five star reviews of them.

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Thanks for helping man… I agree it’s another spot for people to become aware of something to avoid

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You may not use Google but I would bet many do. Anyways just pointing out that this thread is easily found through one of the most popular online search engines.


i just used bing and went six pages in and didn’t see this thread. not trying any more.

oh yeah, it is the biggest one for sure, and i used to use start page that just stripped things from it and used it.

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The 5 star reviews are employee related usually… they attempted to bury my ratings for them early on… and looks like they still are in the business of misleading and burying the truth deep down. Nevertheless… I surely won’t let em do it here. I truly am here to learn… and to help educate. I love OG … and the people here

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Looks like they haven’t recently anyway. I just looked at Google maps. It’s still there on top…


I had a problem with the company a few years ago. The product I bought was for display. When I found this out, I want my money back. They would not return my money. Instead, I got the same nutrition that was no good to begin with. I don’t know why people try to rip us off. I have gotten a few products from them. I got to say they were not fresh.

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I’m glad you stood up for yourself. Even though it can be risky. I’m glad that @Northern_Loki and @toastyjakes looks out for us.


Oh man… let me just say… I’m always ready to stand up and fight over mistreatment or abuse of any kind, tolerance is subjective


This is just a refresher for those who haven’t seen this… also the main issue wasn’t the old products they were pedddling… it’s the fact that they doxed me online attempting to spread my personal info for everyone to see … attempting to silence me using some method of fear… I am a legal grower so it just didn’t matter… HAPPY NEW YEAR!!