We_Toke_Chronic’s organic outdoor grow 2021

MAC1 looking so fire🔥
Lavender Mac coming up!!!

Waiting Game starting to get some color too!
The Game is Thick going to be some straight fire!

Cherry Do-si-Dos fading hard!
I expect Lavender Dosidos to be a colorful plant!

Animal Mints bx1 (Wedding Cake x Animal Mints) x Lavender Frosting coming up!! :drooling_face:


Drooling :crazy_face:


Some helpful information :point_down:t2:


It works wonders. I had 🪰 so bad from getting bad dirt. I flushed my plants. To much hp. The plants boiled out of the container. I could stir my plants. The next day. They looked amazing. It was a bad strain anyway.


Today I fed the plants a mix of popcorn enzymes, coconut water, banana water, molasses, and SLF100!! :muscle:
:point_down:t2:Cherry Dosidos almost ready to pull! Fuel with some berries on the nose :heart: :fuelpump: :grapes::strawberry:

:point_down:t2:Waiting Game is up there with one of my favorite plants/strians ever! Marks all boxes for me it even gets a light purple finish! I’m loving it!

I wish I didn’t have to reveg this TaqHuitz :point_down:t2:because it’s some straight fire! Fat ass colas turning all purple towards finish and reeks of blue berries from the blue dream I’m guessing 🫐


Damn looking real good! That frost looks like seasoning!


I’m looking forward to your stuff. I’m wanting to grow your stuff. I do know the mail is funny right now. The lavender cross are amazing.

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Some new glass I picked up today lol :sushi:


sushi cone? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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Guess you don’t fuck with sushi :laughing: it’s called a hand roll

I mainly got it for my girl! She’s obsessed with hand rolls and makes them herself with unagi and everything!


i see. it should be on the ‘weapon of choice’ thread

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Still have to break it in lol
I’ll smoke a bowl out of it later tonight and add some Diamond sauce :drooling_face:


Some pics from harvesting the last few days! Saturday we had a huge storm hit Cali. 2-3 inches of rain with pretty high winds (snapped a few of my branches from blowing my plants over). Moved a few plants to safety and harvested the Animal Mints, Cherry Dosidos, and parts of the Tahquitz and Mac1.

The plants were soaked while I harvested in the rain but I blasted my fans on them and ran my dehumidifier the first 2 days. With it off I was hitting 65degrees and 65RH with wet buds.

The fan worked good enough but i ran my dehumidifier when I went to bed for 8-9 hours each night with the fan directly on most of them (some hanging and some in my drying rack)…Buds are looking and smelling great so far :peace_symbol:

Animal Mints bx1- Fuel with a blueberry nose :fire: 🫐

One broken branch of the Waiting Game

Cherry Dosidos :cherries:

Mac1 x Lavender Frosting seeds :ok_hand:t2: bb sized but nice markings

TaHquitz OG 🫐

Trainwreck x Lavender Frosting beans!! :ok_hand:t2:


Very nice. I love the colors.


Looking good bud! Those are some great outdoor crosses!

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Frosty and beautiful!!

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Does look nice.

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There was a handful of people who wanted seeds but I hadn’t harvested everything yet…
so if you’re one of those people PM me and I’ll take care of you!! I’m just about to go through the Jacks Lavender Frosting and then all the seeds will be ready to go!!

$15 per pack (10-15 seeds depending on strain)
2 for $25
Variety pack for $45 (9 strains 5 seeds of each strain)

And Freebies with every order!


Anyone want to play some catch? :football:. Go deep!!!