Weapon of choice ( no actual weapons. pipes, vapes, bongs, pinch hitters, etc lol.)

Is that filter’s on the end.


Yeah it fro a company called moose labs filters
They have them for bongs too


I seen some online the other day. I’ll have to check them out.

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Ok so i had to crop my address out :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:… My diy bong. Empty 2 liter soda. 1 hit-quitter​:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:.
I call it Mr Ripper


looks like it may have been an opium pipe. You would need to find some kind of bowl / slide that fits in order to use it. Those notches around the rim of the bowl are to hold a bowl of some kind. You could use a metal screen.

It probably had a solid piece of stone or glass that fit into those notches, and sat near the top of the bowl with an air gap around the edges for the user to draw from. The material and stone would be heated to burn / vaporize the opium.

The other possibility (unlikely I think) is that this was used as a chalice. the large round bowl could be packed with tobacco or other material, and a stone or screen sat on top with a piece of burning charcoal like a hookah. The user would inhale, drawing heat from the charcoal down into the bowl to burn and vape the material, like a hookah.


Hi all! Looking for some advice on a new bong. I’m mostly interested in smooth, tasty hits not ginormous rips. For that reason, I’m looking into a percolator bong or a recycler. This will mostly be for flower and occasionally bubble hash or bubble hash rosin. I’ve read it’s better to have certain rigs for flower and certain rigs for concentrates, is this true?

Can anyone offer any advice on what to buy? What are some of the pros and cons of each?

Thanks all!

Here are some options I’m looking at:

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What’s your price range and yes I feel different pieces are better I personally don’t like mixing my concentrate pieces with flower it gives it a funny taste in comparison in my opinion vs just used for one or the other I like small pieces like recyclers for concentrate and slightly larger bongs for my flower @NorthNorthNugs also depending on where you are might be worth going and checking a local headshop I tend to prefer to be in person when choosing a new piece


After seeing what you can get for under $100, I don’t think I would spend more than that. Not looking for anything super custom or from any artist or anything like that. I ordered one online and it showed up and was TINY! Lol… it’s basically a hand bubbler. So I’ve learned my lesson with online shopping and bongs. I’m going to return it as I was looking for something a little larger.

Already, you’ve provided some great advice! I book marked a few options and am planning to visit the head shop to see some in person.


Forgot about this thread. The little pipe that I carved gets daily use but I put a length of silicon tubing on it to cool down the smoke. I decided to make a longer version and do away with the tubing. Used the same piece of Cherry to carve it out of. I bake it afterwards to darken up the wood, went a little longer than I wanted to and a lot of the detail is too dark to see. Not that it matters, as long as it functions. Not happy how it turned out, with the small hole diameter in the length it gets a strait shot into the mouth and not a lot of cooling happening. It still is a cool pipe, not bad for one hit.


@bunny the long pipe looks really good :+1:


It’s for long arms.


Not what I normally smoke with, but to my eye definitely the most beautiful smoking implement I own. The lighter color material is elephant ivory. The burned looking part is, in fact, burned, but the ashy looking part is firmly attached to its ivory. The two darker bands are mammoth ivory.

A friend gave this to me in 2015 before he died. FWIW, he and his long term partner, Jerry, were charter members of the Oregon Country Fair. They had a booth since 1969, the Fair’s first year. Thank you, Patrick.


Very nice pipe. Oregon Country fair is a hoot. I suggest everybody make it there at least once. It got much tamer after the local folks complained about people camping on lawns, pot smoke etc threats to shut it down. Now pot is legal there, might be better.

Here’s my best go to, a 1st edition Firefly. Bulky, have to wait an hour to charge, but it fits the hand, is warm and improves flavor by a huge amount. Also very efficient. Important if one is buying 8ths. But if it’s later in the day and i forgot to charge it, I just roll a joint.

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I have been an avid smoker almost 40 years
Love to live and breathe the great green air

My wife says I could have been an Indian……all I know how to do is send smoke signals all over the place.
Cannabis has been my friend and colleague most of my life.
I am now in a great part of my life where I can grow,and smoke my own harvest .
My thought was this

I have many glass pipes

Have had many glass bongs
And at the present day

Smoking blunts and rolling again ,just like back in the day

…love to share and love to be social when smoking … and to be honest

Anyone wanna come smoke

Let me know

What are you guys all smoking on ?

Photo is of Zach’s Cake
I was honored to finish this plant for a friend
Received it just as it went to flower
Happy smoking

This batch seems to be knocking people the fuck out

Steady smoke
Straight In the couch feeling and Happy high
Been a great smoke
And smells up the entire house every time I open the jar

So back to the rant



Bongs all day for my daily driver joints a close 2nd occasional blunts


Perfect day


rosin covered joints for the win …


Win win

And covered with a tasty treat


I prefer my pipe 90% of the time but I hit the bong a couple times a week. If Im smoking with someone I’ll roll a joint but I think it taste like shit.


I smoke cones, or have been for a while. If I’m parked for the night I’m on the volcano.
Other than that I’m hitting a quartz banger with some concentrate.