Weapon of choice ( no actual weapons. pipes, vapes, bongs, pinch hitters, etc lol.)

Bong all day. Got a handy vaporizer for on the go or shows

Just finished up my batch of Bog Bubble. Onto some goji raz x k45 now


I have a bong, used it a few times. While I like it, I don’t like having to carry all the accoutrement around that is necessary to be reloading the bowl (one bowl is not enough for a good night). I have a pipe as well, but same thing as the bong.

So, I prefer joints. I can make them ahead of time, only need a pocketful of items (lighter and doob tube(s)), and I’m set. Right now I prefer king size slim or king size cones. They just seem to be the perfect size for getting me to that special place.

Occasionally I’ll use my flower vape. It’s a nice little handy thing to have in the nightstand for those nights where you just can’t seem to get to sleep.


Happens to us all

Happy Wednesday OG


This is Night king x Lurch (Thug pug/secret society seed co. Collab #5)

My 5th time harvesting her. She’s been a favorite.


Very nice

Would love to try it one day

Sounds pretty tasty


:thought_balloon::thought_balloon: :thought_balloon::thought_balloon::thought_balloon::thought_balloon: :thought_balloon: :thought_balloon::thought_balloon::thought_balloon::thought_balloon::thought_balloon: :thought_balloon::thought_balloon:.


Sorry key board was stuck on smoke signals. Smoking on some of my mystery cookies topped with mystery cookie rosin. Im mostly a glass guy. Pipes and bongs.I have now fallen in love with my silicone bong with a glass perc in the middle. Everything comes apart for easy cleaning even the base. Really dig it!


It’s nice to have all the variety of life is it not? I like them all joints blunts bongs vapes edibles. Haven’t had the pleasure of dabbing yet but it looks like fun.

I too have smoked weed since youth some 40 odd years ago probably 73 or 74 wearing Levi bell bottoms paisley shirts and leather vest with fringe.


dabs are fun, but my lungs pay dearly…i am still chugging like a train at my ripe old age, smoking all forms…keeps the mind and body sane, and always looking for fun new smoking toys


That’s me I pick up spoons and bongs all the time then proceed to drop most and break ‘em, vicious cycle

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My daily drivers: 35mm enail on a 9" Recycler and modded DRAG with a Linx Blaze full quartz head. Dab, dab, dab, dab, dab and we’re dabbin…it’s dabba do time!


Smoking :smoking: on some auto Super Skunk :skunk: from ILGM bongs, bowls and joints. Peace :peace_symbol: and good vibes :sunglasses: to all! :partying_face:


I smoked a joint out on the disc golf course this afternoon. When I got home I had a couple puffs from a vape of solvent-free Slurricane concentrate before diving in the shower. Sat down in front of the computer and fired up a bowl of Lemon Wookie V2 (Bodhi Seeds: Lemon G x Wookie). Smoked that out of my favorite piece, a glass 10" Hammer Bubbler. Probably going to watch a baseball game later where I keep some Pure Blueberry (Blueberry Muffin Edition, from Jordan Of The Islands) and a dry herb vape (Arizer Solo 2, which I love). It’s good to have options!!!


Daily driver is volcano, what a beast. Got a puffco proxy and enjoy it - doesn’t really “hit” hard but tastes great and the modern ice water hash rosin stuff is real strong.

Don’t really get to smoke joints often so when the location allows I smoke way too many and feel terrible. Favorite way to smoke all time was “hot tops” as I used to call them. Cig with the top pinched out and replaced with bud. Have a few great hits of green with a deliciois cig afterwards. Quit them, cigs, altogether but still miss them dearly. Partially the smoke but also the old feelings of freedom. Locked down depressed married dunce now 🫠


Daba daba doo I want one that’s too cool man I dig that. I feel a little better after just looking at it. Is that affordable for an old man?

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Damm man, looks like I have a blunt brother here

19 boxes for 5 months supply


yes you do, i generally buy one of those case sleeves at a time…looks like you got a few…lemme know which way to blow smoke signals so you can come smoke with me

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I use about 4 to 5 boxes a month, so about 500. I also like to split them half, like a paper. That gives me 4 per pack. Oh you send those signals to North Va lol, but they don’t like “smoke” around here, fast way to get dirty looks :face_with_monocle::smirk::rofl:

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Vapin GG4 and PHK. Gummie strong daily. :alien:

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They are just uptight, maybe if they smoked it would loosen them up a bit and they would not be a buzz kill. Got my wife stoned a few times and she could finally see the appreciation for what I was doing and not just enjoying the smell of the swag or the smoke! :rofl::joy::rofl::joy: