Wear your fucking SEATBELTS!

no shit. mom still can’t believe it happened.

@Gonzo mentioned following a following distance of 8-10 car lengths. that was wrong, well old and inaccurate would be the proper term, as most of my schooling is now. it should be 3 seconds. start counting when the vehicle in front passes something until your car passes it. that way it automatically increases with your speed. it’s based on reaction time and most folks don’t leave 1 let alone 3. i leave 2 most of the time but have great reaction time still and drive defensively and usually pay attention at least 3 vehicles in front of me and anticipate things. half a million miles in a tractor trailer, combat driving courses, and over 500 hours on a simulator tend to reinforce your habits. make sure they are good ones though.

it had nothing to do with this one but i would rather inform folks of a safe driving tip than rehash this one. i’m not trying to dig on anyone when correcting @Gonzo on the following distance since 8-10 car lengths is perfectly safe and a great idea. just updating with a different method that covers more situations accurately. you need to follow farther back at 70mph than you do at 25mph.

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I only got the side curtains thank the goddesses, not the full on face bukkake.