Wear your fucking SEATBELTS!

just found out my cousin was killed in a car crash after being ejected from the vehicle. he was 57. he knew better. but it was a head on with a semi, so it may have worked out for the best this way. just know that for that one crash that NOT having a seatbelt on may save your life there are hundreds or thousands of them that will kill you for not wearing it. but you’ll be dead, it’s the rest of us left to pick up the pieces. stay safe out there folks.


Sorry for your loss


That’s terrible news man. I’m so sorry for the tragic loss of your cousin.


My niece died a Month ago hit by a dodge van no seat belt Her Body was so broken Up it was horrible.No seat belt she flew around inside that car like a ping pong ball.If you seen what she looked like you wouldn’t get in a car without one.25 years old just getting her life together.Please people make sure you buckle up.


thanx. he was a good man, helped everyone. he was raised on a dairy farm til his dad lost it in the '90s when he got hurt. yeah, the care was pretty bad but i think he would have lived, probably not paralyzed but that’s still better than dead.


Condolences for your loss :pray:


Am sad & sorry for you guys… words fail me these days in these events but have to try

I was 5 when my mom got a ticket for no seatbelt with me & sis & it kinda stuck with me, Of course additional wisdom dripped in over time.

People are afraid to live on a volcano but crashes & DUIs take way more lives. Weird.

Aloha friends



I still wear my seatbelt, but I witnessed a friend get clipped by a camero, in her bronco. It rolled 5 times, and ended up smashing into the car I was in. When it stopped, the front seats were through the front windshield. Moments later she crawls out of the back of the vehicle, and walks away. Only time I’ve seen that no seatbelt was better.

Sorry of the sad news @sfzombie13 . :heart::heart::heart:


yeah, that’s the one in a million that everyone remembers. they all suck. condolences to everyone else as well. and like my wife just said, everything else turns into a missile when the vehicle rolls.


I’m sorry to hear this, and grateful for the reminder. My condolences to you and your family.


Man that sucks sorry for your loss. Good reminder to us all though, the most dangerous thing we all do everyday is drive.

Aside from seatbelts, slow down, keep a solid 8-10 car lengths distance on the highway. Can’t tell you how many times an extended “following distance” saved my life.


I’m so sorry for your lose. So important.


Sorry, not gonna like that post. My condolences. Lot of that death shit around lately.


Sorry for your loss man. My girl just had to swerve off the road a few days ago because someone hauling ass swerved right into her lane. Scary stuff


Sorry to hear.

I’m a motorcycle guy and not having seatbelts makes me really appreciate them when they are available.


that is sad to hear ! Condolences for your loss .

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My humble condolences :bouquet: for your loss may their soul rest in peace :peace_symbol: :latin_cross:

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Condolences to you and yours. I was just tboned, on 4/20 of all days. I was doing 55, the other guy 60mph and he failed to stop at the stop sign. The seatbelt left its marks on me, and the airbags knocked me out…but I’m here. Cops asked me if I was wearing my seatbelt, I asked em if they had ever met my mother (Small town). Momma taught me to drive. You dont put a key in the ignition without a seatbelt put on. I want every OG to put that belt on, it might be uncomfortable at times, but damnit…the technology works. Btw, Airbags are no joke. I went 3 rounds with evander hollyfield and mike tyson in 1.5 seconds.


They are an explosion pointed at your face. But a good one.


@sfzombie13 it’s fucked up, because we think it will never happen to us.