Weed podcasts are silly

Everyone always talking about old-school strains and how they would be willing to pay $1000 for a joint of some back in the day shit :joy: quit lying no tf you wouldn’t lmao.(not knocking old school genetics at all but shits silly af)


I would love some east coast 90s kind bud terps. I don’t even know how to label it, which makes it hard to pursue. I think about it more than I probably should xD the best I’ve come up with is kind of a minty, piney (maybe), fresh smell… :rofl:


I know exactly what you’re talking about, I miss the taste sure, but wouldn’t even pay early 00s prices for it today.


Oh, for sure. I just want the beans :rofl:


I’d pay more money than I should for a sack / handful of Christmas tree bud / seeds. That shit was everywhere back in the day in Jersey. Haven’t seen it in ~16 years.


Podcast? There has not been a ipod in years


They probably would pay for a cut though

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I bought some 2000 era white widow because I had to recreate high school weed.

I got shitty germ rates which I took as a good sign because I assume the seeds were old stock.

I didn’t pay 1000 a joint though.

By the time I was finished with it I ended up with a pound for a $50 seed investment. But really the big win was the nostalgia.


I feel like that’s what people miss with the big price tags. Of course if you grow 2 plants you wont be shelling out $500 for some seeds or a clone. But if you’re growing for years or a breeder you will if you really want it.

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If someone offered me a clone for $500 IRL I would politely say no thank you but I would be thinking “go fuck yourself.”

Maybe it’s just me.


I’m saying it’s just you and people who aren’t looking for super specific stuff.

I’d pay 500 for a cut of Rezdog Sour D.

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Conveniently I have one for sale.

My Instagram is ig_scammer


Not sure what your beef is? People do sell legit clones especially if they know each other.

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No beef.

Just crazy to me.


Cannabis is a trillion dollar market. Clones are reliable genetic copies that have proven performance. Is that really that hard to understand?

This thread begins with “people who pay $1000 for a joint of old school are crazy.”


I love how people talk about the weed they used to enjoy, forgetting that most of the stuff they like now is not the same as they liked then.

Example: when I was a kid, I used to love funnel cake. The smell, the oiliness, the beautiful appearance and shape. I used to marvel at how crazy good plain powdered sugar was on hot fried dough.

Now, 26 years later, you COULD NOT PAY ME to eat funnel cake. I drink black coffee, eat dark chocolate, and refuse to eat powdered sugar in any form and unless it’s whipped into frosting.

I’m just saying, I think most of these podcasts are mostly talking about how good weed was the first time when you’re a kid with your friends. I agree that I don’t get as high as I used to when I was 13 anymore, but I attribute that more to my mortgage and my job than blame the cannabis…


I agree to a certain extent. The WW I mention was very much as I remembered but underwhelming because it didn’t live up to the hype I had created. Still good though, but I did it to myself.

There are many things that are not as good as they used to be. Many commercial products cutting corners trying to increase profitability. Does this seem smaller because I used to be little but now I’m big? Nope, just smaller.

I get way more high these days because I rarely smoke.


Yeah I wish I could get high like back then, 14yo me would get annihilated off an aluminum foil bowl of mids, 35 yo me smokes half a lb a month and stays comfortably medicated.


Seriously, if I showed kid me how much weed I smoke in three hours he’d lose his freaking mind…