Red vine in bag?

We took the idea from a friend, back in the day when you had to call dude. Dude would hook it up,… so much so that he would pop in a red vine… we were skaters and roamed the concrete for days, couch surfing,… we asked him why he does this? …we at the time would get Uber baked and then proceed to munch these sticks after smoking…he said what do you do after you smoke a bowl or j or more… we told him we eat the red vines. Bammmmmmm. He said.

There’s the answer.

Anyone here of this kind of thing?

And no it wasn’t to mask bunkness. This stuff was freaking awesome :ok_hand:

I swear us stoneheads have the best ideas. :rofl:


Definitely knew of people who broke things down into to half tracks, tracks, quads, and halfs in school doing stuff like that. One dude did a nice chocolate truffle and another did baked goods, but they weren’t infused. They’d do whatever they needed to get $400 per ounce breaking it down into smaller bags. Haha


Lmao right? :rofl: it was so much fun back when. Now everything is fucked. Monitored. And controlled. To an extent. Smh


I once double bagged a sack of weed. Was considered a narc from that point on. Drug dealers don’t do extra shit.

Different parts of the country I guess. Would explain why legal weed sucks but comes from a smiling face with a lanyard and stickers.


Exactly right

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i hope you were opening a big bag…

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Fuck hot sauce on my weed. I was talking about the extra little shits dude would do back in the day. He went that extra thought, instead of a sack it was a well planned out meal kit. :rofl:


Hahaha Sounds like some of you people didn’t live in California and places where there was actual competition selling good flower. People double or triple bagged weed, so it didn’t smell as much to hide from authorities and stuff. If someone thought a dealer was a narc over that, they’re morons that don’t/didn’t understand selling flower.


Hot sauce worked like Vaseline for wrapping up units and transporting them?? That seems kind of smart. Probably throws the scent dogs off. Nice!!


There was stiff competition back in the day. That was until you found the head of the snake. :rofl:.


Not derailed lol

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Lots of people grew their own and sold it in the Los Angeles area back in the early 2000s and a bunch of people would go up north to Humboldt or the Bay Area and get units to bring back down and move. Most kids breaking things down to half ounces and less we’re only grabbing a q or hp at a time. There was plenty of good flower around. UCSB and UCLA kids weren’t struggling to get nice bags of flower.


I knew a chick that rolled around with something like 40 strains. Ozs of hash. Oil, rso. Everything edibles. They bought a storage lot. And converted it into a full sized op. Epic to say the most!


She had some good stuff. None could beat the hashplant we were getting straight from the u dub.


I put extra cat hair in my bags to confuse the dogs.


That reminds me of something funny, we were all super baked. We picked all the fuzzy cat hair buds off the floor, and rolled them up. Some dude smoked it watching and we’ll aware of what he was doing. Gzz louise


Man we had everything from brick come through to cheese to hazes. And all sorts of hybrids. Some of the best bud I’ve had, which I’m glad to have a pack of seeds of was dutch treat…we also got hashplant. Sensi star. Way to many to name. Bud was and still probably is super abundant in that area.

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