Welcome to Meesh's Garden

Is that a sage behind & above Ms. Flamingo’s head? (red flowers)


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No. That is Calibracoa aka million bells. Like miniature petunias. I have 2 sage well salvia plants though. Not the eating type. Just pretty flowers.


I got 3 rows of garlic planted today! Really hope it comes up! No sunflowers though as once I checked I realized I have no more seeds. I only have mammoths and I’m done planting those now. One season to try them was plenty. Gonna stick with the shorter varieties from here on out. Plus the shorter ones block out less sunshine. lol It’s coming close to 6pm. It’s a good time for me to go tackle more grass from my planters while it’s cool and the blazing sun has retired to the other side of my garage.


:sweat_smile: I’ll be sending you heirloom ‘Skyscraper’ from my mom’s. 10-14’ tall & 18" heads. Will need staking. :joy:



Looking great Meesh! Beautiful colors… Simply Gorgeous!! Your a natural!!! :sunglasses:


Thanks! It’s all about my cannabis and container plants right now as the garden is winding down here in Southern Cali. Middle of Summer is Fall here according to plants. I can honestly admit, I am not a natural. Wasn’t born with a green thumb, I’ve had to learn and am still learning. But I do absolutely love it!


Crazy! I thought you were sending bulbs. lol I have to fight wild parrots for jumbo sunflowers, but I’ll do it for your Moms!


Spied 2 Sweet William sprouts. This one is a perennial, I’ll see how I like it before I decide if I want it permanently in one of the flower beds. However, I don’t expect it will grow out quick. Perennials grow like snails. sigh


Whatever the case, you have a strong desire to do things right, and as we all can see, IT WORKS! Its always nice to stop by, and check out your awesome gardening skills. Eye Candy… Thank you. Hugs :slight_smile:


Aww! Hugs Back!!! :grin::sunflower:

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Besides the caterpillars I’m dealing with on my cannabis (but that mess is chronicled on my grow thread), I’m thinking a lot about my shade garden. As most of you know, that part of the garden has been the least planted and many that were died. Shade is probably one of the trickiest… I love the challenge. Anyway, the shade plants I ordered will be coming in a month. In the meantime, I’ve been thinking about Cilantro back there. It grew like gangbusters shaded out by my tomatoes this year. It may be kind of cool to interplant some of it in the shade. Anyone know how invasive it is? I mean if you let it form coriander seed it will reseed itself, I just don’t know how prolifically. I’ve let my chamomile reseed itself and it isn’t as invasive as I’d like actually. Bugs absolutely hated the cilantro, maybe if I planted it near my hostas it would keep the critters at bay. Anyone know about herbs?

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I don’t think it wold be invasive. It’s sort of hard to grow good, anyway.

I found a citronella plant at the farmers market a few weeks ago. If the bugs come out, I go to it and rub the leaves and then myself. Works great!


It grows like wildfire here, given some shade.


I always had a problem… shade may be the trick. Thx!

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I killed my bells of ireland. Not sure if I overwatered it or underwatered it. Too much sun or what. Damn! Gonna try again as soon as I re-up on soilless mix. Coleus sprouts are all gone as well. Sweet williams have sprouted though and the alyssum keeps going. Yay! Sure hope it spills nicely, I put a whole pack of seeds in there. lol

@Calyxander Hey buddy, got any tips for me on pruning the Angelonia? The flowers are dying off. Should I cut it down half way maybe or to the ground? Hoping for another round of flowering. Such a gorgeous plant!

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Yea, I really enjoy Angelonias …yes, cut 'em back to about 1/2 of their height …they should give you another nice round of flowers.


So I believe this is a garlic shoot coming up

Finally looks like I got the Shasta daisies to establish

My first Echinacea started from seed


Awesome. The growing season isn’t over yet! Well, for you, it’s almost never over is it? heh

I need to plant garlic


When the Farmers almanac emails and tells me to plant garlic, I plant garlic. lol


Hey, that’s cool! I used to get their newsletter…must be going to the promotions box. I can dig a site like that… tell me when… perfect! peace

Oh, hey, like my new avatar? I listened to you… its from looking up old hippy art from the 70’s. This one is called Slow Motion Rider. It was a black light poster for sale back then. The text got cut off.