Spring love! A bunch of firsts for your viewing pleasure
Love your flowers!
Why thank you, sir! Garden is getting more established as the years roll on. It gives me a lot of joy. Especially right now, when everything starts back up for spring. Every morning there is something new!
Wheelbarrow turned out nice. I planted seeds for tomatoes this am …don’t need many but we will see if I can start them instead of buying them. And a few canteloupe.
I grew some mini cantaloupe a few years ago. They were super sweet and delicious
Nice to see those grape hyacinth mine shouldn’t be to far behind , Iv had some Siberian iris flower for awhile now. Tulips aren’t close yet … and maybe start looking for the tips of hops popping up!
This was my first year with the grape hyacinth! I was stoked! I have 1 new tulip so far and the rest just have leaves still. I had a grip of daffodils at different times already and probably 100 freesia. My sweet peas have their first flower buds on them. Any day now! It smells wonderful out there! Especially right at dusk.
Ya everything faired well when we got our 16 inches of snow stuff was up a good 5-6” when we got dumped on awhile back .
Some new, some old. My plants in spring!
Blue Daisy, this one is right by my back door at the moment as I’m obsessed with it
New scented Geranium called Orange fizz smells exactly like the name
Keep trying in the shade…
Mother fern… ready for planting
White Hydrangea ready for planting
Can’t remember the name
First Rhododendron. Can’t tell if it’s a water whore or I’m drowning it. lol
Had to order this bad boy. I think it likes me too. Brunera Jack Frost
Some pretty one, strange name I can’t remember
Back from last year, primrose and cyclamen
New hosta, they never come back though. I’ll enjoy it while it lasts
Back in the sun, the bicycle planter starting to fill out a bit
First carnation blooms
Bells of Ireland all volunteers
My prized lilac bush! Year 3 from a twig. No blooms but about 3 feet tall now
Ranunculus again cuz they are bitchen with some salvia behind
Penstamon new this year
I left the water on in the front after watering the other night. The bibb and the hose aren’t very water tight, so I had like a mist over my front porch all the night the other day. I’ve been so good about leaving those damn succulents alone and waited probably 2 months before I watered them thoroughly and they were loving life. Seriously, I had just watered them last week. Now they look like they may burst if another drop hits them. UGH!
The epiphylliums aka orchid cactus that @Herbie sent me have rooted. Even new shoots on a few, but they are yellowing pretty bad. I moved them to the back and hung them under the avocado tree with the other succulents. I’m not sure if they have been overwatered or had too much sun. I guess I will find out soon enough as they are getting even more filtered light now. I’ll give them 2 weeks without water and see what happens.
Succulents Fucculents! They are supposed to be kill proof in Cali.
Just LITFA with the water for a while; I’ve seen massive jade-plants in SF & it’s foggy there almost every night.
Yea, I would suspect either but too much water most likely.
Hey! I don’t see any chives?!!
This is what a LITTLE too much light does to at least this one…seen in the others iirc Yellowing usually means they got too wet. They DO NOT like standing water
Okay yeah, I overwatered them. Stepping back from the watering can
Damn chives! I can try sprouting them under the new lights, but anyone have any suggestions on making them some gritty soil? Maybe potting soil mixed with succulent soil?
Yea, we needs some help here this is an SOS anyone?
I’ve also never been able to grow snapdragons until this year. They hate the cheap organic potting mix and hate my garden beds, but they seem to love the super expensive organic soil I grow my container cannabis in. Put the fancy stuff in the wheelbarrow and they flower like nobody’s business
Any luck on your tomato seeds? I found them pretty easy to sprout.
I put 5 types down…4 sprouted. My Hillbilly seeds are too old it seems. One of the canteloupes is up this am too