Welcome To My Jungle - organic

These are about 8 feet by 8 feet.
One of my four Autos - Banana Spears:

Anyone know what these problems are?

I do not know what caused it.

These balls with white hairs are growing in several places and contain seeds. I have pollenated some flowers but these appeared before I pollenated. Is this a sign of a hermie?

How is your jungle growiing. A problem I am having is my Ketema is in full bloom but my Power Plants, Strawberry Snow Cone and Durban Poison are only in pre-flowers.


Not necessarily, I’ve seen people report that even though no pollen were present, and no nanners were seen anywhere, they have found the occasional seed. It’s life, ensuring survival of the species.

Could also be from pollen drift, someone far away having a male outdoors, or even indoors and a few pollen particles made it to your garden.


Could be TMV (Tobacco Mosaic Virus) icon_e_confused|nullxnull, wait for other opinions… beer3|nullxnull


thank you. I had considered those possibilities but did not know how feasible thery were. There were definitely no naners present. a preflower would start and sound a ball would form with hairs, then a seed would start to develop.


do you know any non-toxic ways to combat it. I have found it only with an indica.

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I doubt it as well. Any outdoor plants I’ve grown always end up with some seed because there’s a lot of outdoor growers still learning and fucking up with letting pollen out on the loose.

What’s your latitude? I’m at 43 and some plants of mine are hardcore in early flower because of the forest fire smoke earlier in June/July while others are just in preflower and I hope finish up before the end of Deathtober.

I’m afraid there’s none, and chomping bugs or even your tools can spread it to the rest :sweat:. Here you can find morel info… beer3|nullxnull

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I am abover 45 but no problems here yet with smoke. I do not think it is going further then Quebec.
How late in the year do you successfully ripen buds? My Ketema is well into bloom but my other variants are only in pre-flower.

thank you for the information. I will read it.

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I missed the date for keepiing plant late, that you gave me. Do most of your plants make it into October?

October is late for me. I was just wondering if people have success here with growing Sativas that late. I have some that are only starting to bloom which to me is getting very late

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Love your trees
:green_heart: :seedling:

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Found this, could be so have a look … beer3|nullxnull

  • Genetic mosaicism occurs when a plant has groups of cells with different sets of genes, resulting from mutations in one or more of the three layers of apical meristem tissue. Sansevieria trifasciata laurentii is exemplary of this condition. While the stripes across the leaves are caused by differential gene expression (as previously noted), the yellow margins are caused by a pigment mutation of the layer of meristematic cells that form the leaf margins. Such plants, with cells of two or more genotypes, are considered chimeras, named after the Chimera of Greek mythology, described by Homer to be a fire-breathing creature with a lion’s head, a goat’s body and a serpent’s tail. Chimeras may be vegetatively propagated (cloned), but can have varying levels of genetic stability. As seen in the photo of S. trifasciata laurentii , some shoots may revert to their original, non-variegated condition; cloning such reverted shoots will not produce chimeric plants.*



so if I make seeds from it, that will not be passed on to the offspring?


It is strange, because I have two plants from the same seed batch and the other plant to not express the yellow streaks.


Also, if it was tabacco masaic, it has not passed on to my other plants. It just stays with the one plant and not in all leaves.


Then it looks like it might be just a pigment mutation, nothing to worry about … beer3|nullxnull

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thank you for the knowledge and advice.



after reading your replies and the articles you supplied, I am inclinded to believe the leave abnomality is genetics.


Those are good news … beer3|nullxnull