Welcome to NoBoDyland

After much dissatisfaction with my adventures as a consumer, I am very pleased to have the garden growing again!


Fall 2023 Cultivars:

Sour Goat :construction: :building_construction: :construction:

Nap Time


Pearly Baker :construction: :building_construction: :construction:


Amnesia Zkittles :construction: :building_construction: :construction:

Sour D ( Coming Soon! )


Watcha got going on?


Yeah, you’re not the only one… :+1: :sweat_smile:

And Welcome to Overgrow!!



Head Dog #9 x Ghost Rider x London Pound Cake
Traditional photo period 5 seed pack
Coco Coir, LED, Indoor

So far this cultivar has been problematic. Poor sprout survival rate, and easily upset. I usually would cull such plants but for some reason I’m compelled to see these plants through to maturity.

I have not been able to find out much about it. I’m not even sure where they come from. I’ve narrowed it down to either OBSoul33t or Best Coast. Either way they don’t seem to be available anywhere. I’ve found two related strains but not much info on them either.

Apparition #1
The first of five was sprouted early October, I’m not sure the exact date. It had a rough start. Unbuffered coir, wrong pH, standing water, etc. It was somewhat neglected until mid month and has been doing pretty good lately now that it has better root development.

Nov6 Apparition #1

Apparition #4
(Mid Oct) After deciding to switch to overgrow mode, I popped seeds 2-5. Soaked in 1% peroxide :droplet:. They showed root in 2 or 3 days and was planted in solo cups. Oct 24 after noticing lack of growth #s 2 and 3 were confirmed dead for reasons unknown. #5 was tap root upside down and I flipped it over, from which it also never recovered. Leaving a scrawny #4 as the only survivor out of #s 2-5.

I have no idea why it’s been so stunted and twisted and gnarly, but I’ve seen plants start all kinds of screwed up like this before and turn out just fine (often amazing)

Nov6 Apparition #4

Nov 14 It finally has a set of non deformed leaves growing! I’m sure the plant is happy to have normal growth and probably won’t take long at all to get a good structure formed and start to fill in.

Nov14 Apparition #4


Still trying to organize it in my mind before on the forum lol. Right now Nap Time, Sour Goat, Apparition, and Pearly Baker are getting most of my attention.

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Cool man I’ve got an Ak48 an NL5 and an 88g13hp going on.

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Only had NL5 a few times, always enjoyable. AK is one of my all time favorites

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And I bet you’ll get better germ rates and healthier seedlings.

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I wanted to start with the few having a rough start first. Out of about 50 beans I popped recently, the apparition is the only type that needed attention for all of them. Oh and one sacrificial cave canary that’s recovering lol.

Been getting pretty good germ rates lately though. All the beans are between 2-3 years old I think, I’ll have to check. One or two here and there that wouldn’t act right, but definitely over 90%.

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Nice, welcome my friend. Looking forward to the adventures

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Nice to see another Nobody around here. Can’t wait to see your grow.

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Taking a seat for the show. :call_me_hand:

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¿ x (GMO Cookies x Legend OG)
Atlas Seeds
Feminized Day Neutral
Coco Coir, LED, Indoor

I’ve become pretty fond of this variety since I got introduced to it a couple years ago. I’m thinking about getting in touch with Cannarado and getting the traditional seeds to add to the archives. Very pleasant. I could use these plants as aromatherapy if I didn’t know they could be consumed.

I’ve only done a few autos before. I figured, what better time to get some going then when starting a new personal garden. As space gets occupied, I’m giving priority to my photos and will likely end up treating the autos more like houseplants. I’m looking forward to seeing what resins I can harvest with semi neglected autos. I’ll have to check out more from Atlas and see what else they have in their lineup.

Fatso #2
This plant is one of the first three seeds I popped this go round. Plants that I would use as test subjects as I get accustomed to a new location. The first 5 weeks or so of its life was very stunted. Who knows how it would have developed it things were dialed in, but I’m happy with its size and structure. It’s growing on it’s own how I used to force plants to grow.

Nov12 Fatso #2

Fatso #3
I did not properly document germination or sprouting date, but this one is about a month behind 2. Or maybe not… I’m stoned. This journal will help fix some of that lol.

Nov12 Fatso #3

Fatso #5
I planted 4 and 5 maybe a week or so after 3, or possibly at the same time. I can’t quite remember but I started off wanted them spread out so that they should harvest one after another. But at some point I popped all the beans in arm reach lol. 4 has found a home in another garden.

Nov12 Fatso #5


I’ve seen some great plants come out of the Fatso line!

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