Whadop pics 2017 outdoors

Hey OG this is where I will being posting some of my flower and plants photos. This first batch is of a purple Thai from World of Seeds. Some info about my grow and what not. I grew them outside this year in 5 gallon black plastic pots. Harvested all of my plants between October 4th-9th was trying to line it up with the full moon. My soil is a mix I made a few years ago it was basically a super soil recipe type thats been ageing for 2 years now. For fertilizer I used Dragonfly earth medicine tea products. Any ways ask questions.

Purple Thai mentioned above or Thai 3





I like that Purple Thai, great colors man and I bet it smokes like it looks

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thanks, I haven’t actually gotten around to trying it yet lol

So, this what I am calling Thai 2 different pheno type.


Thai 2


picture of the whole group


Nice work.

I am making the move from the “tin foil forest” to a green house and the yard.

Looks like I might follow your posts.


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Nice, I might have to try that Thai…

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The little short plant in the 2nd group photo was Farision Duck clone mainly wanted to see the webbed leaves for myself. I pollinated it pretty heavy so end up just making a a really rough dry rub hash, i forget the term for it.


ya that purple Thai really stood out I should have cloned it as it was a keeper but I have 5 seeds left might find it again. grown the same way as the other 2 Thais but had 50% more wieght, more trichomes, and smelled of grape kol-aid powder.

So these are Goji OG’s F2’s 2 of them had purple stems and slightly puple flowers and two soild green ones. The purple ones where shorter fatter buds. The greens ones where like totem poles probably would have filled out a bit more but I took them at about 5% brown trichomes.

not sure why this photo ended up with a red tinge but this is one of the green phenos.

one of favorite pics from this year


Thought this one was a cool shot

so this is a little backwards but here they are at the begging.


So a different grow but didnt remember I had pictures of it. These plants went through some stress btw.

this is what looks like when I am pollen chunking. I should have got a video of when I put the box fan up to those males.

so this is white widow after it got hit by the pollen very little to smoke but plenty of seeds.

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