What are y'all up to in california?!?

Look mind control isn’t an exact science so you’re going to just have to accept some discomfort.

It’s a small price to pay in service to whichever.


Well, if it’s not an exact science that’s not what I signed up for at all. I’m gonna need to speak to the manager about this… I was promised mind control, and mind control is what I want, dammit! If it’s bro science I already have a very reliable source of that, and it doesn’t need to be Thursday or anything. Curing isn’t really curing unless it’s at 60/60, and we need more boron and less calcium, and flushing, and LEDs are a conspiracy, and you’re not a real grower unless you’re defoliating, and something about biochar… :roll_eyes:


See? It’s working already! You are becoming @westcoastcroppers which was the plan all along!


Excellent. If nothing else, at least I can be certain I’m always right and everyone else is an idiot. :stuck_out_tongue: Maybe mind control isn’t so bad after all.


I got that free from a public education.

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“I don’t know why I’m reading this” I was thinking as I read and was entertained by the whole thing…I’m new to this forum, but I’m lovin overgrow.


If it was anyone else, sure. But the Chinese have a track record…

The REAL zombie apocalypse! :rofl:

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hey now, easy. kidding. yeah maybe should’ve put the /s on that other comment for some of you.

I used to have a clearance and since leaving that “company” I’m getting friended on a popular social media site by Chinese spies presumably trying to recruit me because they think I know something (I don’t). They claim to be from Australia or the UAE and are really impressed with my abilities while obviously not really knowing anything about what I do.

you’d be surprised what you actually know sometimes. little bits here, little bits there, enough of them paint a pretty detailed picture. and there sure are a lot of 'em.

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Americans ARE paying for a lot of the research (illegally), so there’s that.

Yeah, in the military it was called “Essential elements of friendly information” and paying attention to it is very fruitful for our enemies.

i learned a lot in the sf. i wish i had gone to sere school. got out due to them not liking the fact i smoked pot.

100% the Chinese on that one. They have been progessively trying to take over the market for a looong time now. and they dont care about anything. they use every nasty pesticide, human trafficked labor, and always steal power. then people all want $400 lbs, and then everyones calling cyanide poisoning from myclo tainted buds “CHS”. if people stopped buying all this literal poison, then the market would regulate to something reasonable again. but brokers dont give a shit about slave labor, they just care about a couple extra points on their nasty boof packs.


Funny that the ENTIRE WORLD gripes about China exploiting the earth and human labor

Yet, at every turn, we’re like “cool, let us get some of those cheap widgets” :man_shrugging:t2:


If you take a look around your room it’s a virtual guarantee that every item you see has some form of slave labour built into the cost.

Haaa so true. It makes me wander.

It is insane. I wonder about some that we don’t even know about because I didn’t know about that one. I would like to know who they were working for. Who are the people that on the business? Have they been leaking anything? These are the questions I have. They probably get blamed for everything.

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The sad truth is that if you dig too deep you probably don’t want to know.

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